
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · 漫画同人
80 Chs

Chapter 70: The War Part 1

Hey guys,

I'm not sure if I asked my question right in the last chapter, but when I meant to write lemons, I meant if I should write it in the future, not in this arc.

I hope this clears up some confusion.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy today's chapter and don't forget to leave comments and stones.



Izumi was standing right outside an inn with a direct view of the divine mountain. He looked at the sky and saw the sun had already set leaving the moon and the stars shining through the skies. He frowned. The day after the meeting with Hajime's party, he received a message from Aiko-sensei's ring.

She had been kidnapped.

After killing Noint in the Orcus Labyrinth, Izumi thought he had changed the storyline of the invasion. However, it seemed that was a moot point.

Ehit had sent another Apostle to the Kingdom.

The teen even checked the castle using his drone, but there was only one Apostle and that's it. It seems like she had already made contact with Eri, and the girl had already begun her plans. Through the ring, he saw Aiko had tried to stop the Apostle from imprisoning her, but the latter was too strong for her, and she couldn't fire the Sealstone projectile. As of now, she was inside a prison room at the highest level of the Church's Headquarters. He had already sent Hajime to retrieve her since Izumi was needed elsewhere.

He suddenly felt a hug from behind.

"Nervous?" asked Kyouko.

Izumi nodded,

"Yeah. Once the invasion starts, we're gonna have to do a lot in very little time," he replied.

"I know."

"Do you remember what you have to do?"

Kyouko nodded,

"I will have to go inform our fellow students of the invasion and fight the demons."

Izumi nodded,

"Hajime will rescue Aiko-sensei while the other girls will fight against the invasion. There is also going to be an Apostle, but I'm sure it won't be a problem for you. Although, you must be careful of their feathers and their disintegration magic." Izumi said as he turned around.

Kyouko nodded with a determined expression,

"Yeah. You're going to the Demon Country, right?"

Izumi nodded,

"Since most of their army will be invading the Capital, the country will be vulnerable. I can also search for answers. Also, if you can, try to keep the Apostle alive. She may have information about the Sanctuary. If Ehit doesn't come out, we will bring the fight to him."

It was his gut instinct, but the Demon Lord was giving him weird vibes about this whole thing.

"Do you have the resistance artifacts?"

Kyouko nodded and showed off the bracelet. It was simple. bracelet with intricate carvings meant to resist mental and soul attacks. He hadn't had the time to test it, but he was pretty sure they would be effective. He has given copies to Hajime's party in case they are met with the (Divine Edict) skill.

"Alright then."

He then took out a red soft marble which he placed to his ear. The marble morphed before fitting snugly into his ear. Kyouko did the same.

'Does anyone hear me?'

Not a second, he heard multiple voices.

'I hear you,' Hajime said.

'Me too!' Shea said.

'I can hear you as well.' Tio said.

'Hm.' Yue replied.

'I can hear you Miyamura-san,' Kaori's voice could be heard.

Kyouko nodded. Her bud works too.

'Looks like the Telepathy bud works.'

With Hajime's help, Izumi has created a communication bud using the Telepathy Stone. It was a small bud made with soft material containing a piece of Telepathy stone. Using Creation Magic, they essentially created communication devices using telepathy instead of radio waves.

Quite useful.

'Alright then, you guys know the plan, right?'

Everybody said yes.

'Hajime, when I tell you, fire your satellite at the entrance of the capital.'

'You didn't tell me you want me to do that,' the older teen replied.

'You'll see.'

'You know you're pissing me off, right?'

Izumi chuckled.

'Hehehehe. Jokes aside, how goes Aiko-sensei's rescue?'

'We reached the Divine Mountain. Yue, Tio, and Shea, you guys help against the demons while Kaori will warn and help our classmates alongside Kyouko. I will rescue Sensei alone.'

Voices of agreement could be heard from his harem.

At that moment, Izumi snapped his head toward the walls of the Capital. A massive amount of magic could be felt and presences began to pop inside his Haki's range.

'The invasion has begun! I repeat! The invasion has begun! Hajime, rescue Sensei fast!'


Izumi turned toward Kyouko.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, I'll be going then."

Izumi nodded. The girl then captured his lips with her own before releasing him,

"Stay safe."

Izumi smiled,

"You too."

Kyouko then took a deep breath and spoke,


A purple magic circle expanded beneath her before she disappeared in a flash. Kyouko had developed her own way of teleportation with the help of her boyfriend. Unlike the spell obtained at the Gruen Volcano, this was much faster since it used Earth's magic system where, according to Izumi, teleportation is common.

Izumi was now alone in the room. He deployed his wings and flew to the skies. There, he could see the incoming monsters attacking the barrier. That's when he saw Freid riding on a white dragon in the sky. He also had multiple other dragons behind him. At that moment, Freid's dragon opened its maw and magical energy started to concentrate in front of it.

Izumi had to narrow his eyes as a large beam magenta collided with the Capital's barrier.


In one shot, the barrier disintegrated into nothing.

The roars and cries of the monsters could be heard as they started to make their way to the Capital. The humans only had a few seconds before the demons reach the city.

'Sensei has been secured! Was the barrier breached?' Hajime's voice could be heard.

'Yeah! It was Freid's dragon who destroyed the barrier.'

'Freid!?' shouted Shea.

'Yeah. He launched some sort of magical beam shattering the barrier.'

'He's the one who hurt Hajime. I'm going to kill him.' Yue replied.

'What about the rest of the demons, you can't just let them alone.'

Izumi then replied,

'Don't worry. I have just the thing. Hajime, fire the cannon.'


At that moment, Izumi looked up at the sky. At first, there was nothing in the sky. However, he spotted a glowing red glowing dot that rapidly grew bigger. The boy widened his eyes in surprise at the sheer magical intensity. It was more than the demon's teleportation circle had emitted when they invaded.

It was just what he needed.

"Holy Shit," Izumi let out at the huge magical laser impacting the ground


The monsters right beneath the attack didn't stand a chance as they disintegrated without even leaving ashes. The others are killed or badly injured.

However, it was not over, the beam continued to attack for a few seconds when, suddenly, a magic circle appeared on the floor of the Capital.

It was so huge, it covered the whole city!

Suddenly, the beam warped and got absorbed by the circle. The demon was confused.

What the hell was that?

'Oi, Izumi! What the hell was that? Why did that magic circle absorb my attack?' Hajime's voice sounded furious.

'Don't worry. Any second now."

Izumi saw Freid laugh at it off and was about to continue the invasion when suddenly the ground moved.

No, something was coming out of the ground. At that moment, multiple midnight black bodies crawled out of the earth like zombies all over the capital.

'What the hell is even that!?' Miledi shouted telepathically as she smashed a chimera-looking monster to the ground along with its rider.

Izumi grinned as he saw more and more bodies crawl out.


As the bodies got out of the ground, they began to emit a crimson colour similar to Izumi's mana. It was then these humanoid bodies started to attack the demons preying on the innocents of the Capital.

"ATTACK!" shouted Freid when he saw these black creatures.

As the demons attack the newly arrived humanoids, the latter morphed their arms into large cannons before firing shots of magical energy.


A hail of magic bullets made their way into the ranks of the demons. Izumi observed with a satisfied expression as his project bore fruits.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what the hell are those?" asked Shea

'These are golems. For the last two weeks, I created seeds out of Spirit Magic and my Dark Matter before scattering it throughout the Capital using my drones.' Izumi replied.

Each golem was about 184 centimetres tall and all black without any visible features. It was simply a black humanoid construct with two arms and limbs and no facial details. However, while the physical details were underwhelming, their performance said otherwise. Each golem was equipped with an artificial primitive soul whose sole instruction was to follow Izumi's instruction until he dismisses them. These souls were so primitive they could be compared to machines instead of sentient beings.

They also have a minor shapeshifting ability as they could morph their limbs into different weapons. Magic weapons were powered by the huge quantity of mana provided by Hajime which had been absorbed by a magic circle using the principle of the Halfa devil's bloodline ability: Absorption. They could also attack using physical weapons such as swords and axes.

Their bodies were also as hard as steel, but they were not indestructible. As such, Izumi saw one of the demons, destroy a golem's hand cannon using a fire attack. However, to the demon's surprise, the destroyed limb morphed and regenerated into another magic cannon before blowing a hole into the demon's chest.

That's right, these golems were capable of regeneration. In the creation of their bodies, Izumi had compressed over a ton of Dark Matter into the size of a basketball which would be their cores using Space Magic and Creation. The excess matter would be stored in a pocket dimension similar to Hajime's Treasure Trove in their cores.

Izumi had thought back to the time he started this project.


Izumi was back at the mansion after he and Kyouko's recent invasion of the Haltina Labyrinth. He remembered that the invasion of the Capital would be imminent. Unfortunately, there was one problem, he couldn't stop the invasion by himself.

Therefore, when Kyouko was resting, he went into Orcus's workshop and brainstormed ideas.

"What I need is ideas to stop the invasion all the while accomplishing my goals. If we go according to the story, it would take too long. There is also the fact that, since I'm here, the world-line might have changed. What to do? What to do?"

Izumi tapped his finger absently on the desk,

"I could go all out and simply wipe the demons and the Church out, but then I would have no justification to do that and everyone would turn on me. I could ask for help, but for the same reason, I don't have proof except for maybe Kyouko's cuffs."

"The problem is that I don't have the manpower to do all that. And there is not a lot of time. I don't know the date of the invasion, but I'm sure it's a week after Hajime's party completes the Ruins of Melusine."

It was at that moment when he thought back to the Labyrinths when he remembered Meredi. More specifically, her golems.

"That's right!" Izumi exclaimed as he stood up from his seat.

"If I can't find manpower, I can just create my own!"

Izumi quickly went to the workshop and began to work. Acquiring materials was not an issue due to his Dark Matter.

Truly, (Dark Matter) was a life saviour.

After hours of planning and building, he had his first golem. It was over 180 centimetres which a midnight black exterior. It had no other features except for its two arms and legs. During the creation of his golem, he had been inspired by a manwha he had read in his past life: The Gamer. The MC had the ability to create golems using a sort of liquid metal. The difference between his golems and Izumi was that Izumi had no facial features. The downside of the golem was that it would use a lot of magical energy. His full reservoir was only enough for barely two golems.

'I'm gonna need a lot of magical energy to create an army though.'

(Flashback end)

He had tried to find a way to solve the magical energy problem when one of his drones caught something flying in the sky a week after Izumi first made his golem. He soon found out it was Hajime's satellite. It was then Izumi remembered Hajime created a combat satellite which he used during the invasion.

'Holy shit! Those golems are awesome! You have to tell me how you made them!' shouted Miledi.

'Thanks, Miledi and I'll tell you later.' replied Izumi.


Izumi snapped his head toward the tower of the Church's headquarters as it disintegrated.

'Guys, I think I found the Apostle. I can't fight her with Sensei in my arms! Tio! Get your ass here!'

'Yes, Master!'

'Wait! I'll come too!' Kyouko then said.

'Alright!' Hajime replied.

Seeing his group and his golem defending the Capital, Izumi nodded.

'Looks like I can leave it to them.' thought Izumi.

He was about to open a portal to the Demon Country when his Haki flared in a warning. He twisted his body and narrowly avoided a dangerous attack.


He turned around and to his surprise, saw a group of silver-winged women. 10 in total.

"What the fuck? How did they get here? Hold on, how the fuck are they here? How did I not notice them?"

'Anomaly. Our lord has ordered your elimination.' the Apostle in front of the group.

Soon, all of their wings began to glow in power in preparation for an attack.

Izumi internally groaned,

'Looks like Demon Country is gonna have to wait for a bit.' Izumi thought as his mana began to thrum within him.