
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · 漫画同人
80 Chs

Chapter 67: Deadly Meal

Izumi and Kyouko were woken up by a knock on the door of their room.

Yesterday, the couple decided to let Hajime and his party the night to decide if they wanted to accept Izumi's proposal. Therefore, the couple decided to stay for the night in Erisen. They booked a room in the only Inn and stayed there.

"Who... is it? Who was it that woke me up?" Kyouko asked groggily and a little irritated from the interruption of her sleep.

Izumi used his Haki and felt it was Hajime behind the door.

"It's Hajime. You should probably get ready because we are going to be busy today." Izumi gently told her.

"Hmm. Sleep."

Izumi smiled,

"No," he said and kissed her forehead, "Let's wake up, Kyouko."

The girl groaned, but Izumi saw that she had a tiny smile on her face.

"Fine." the girl finally said and got off the bed before going to the bathroom.

Izumi watched her go before himself getting off the bed and going up to the door. He opened it with a yawn and saw Hajime behind the door.

"Yo, Hajime! What's up?"

The latter had a serious explanation,

"Come to Miyu's house when you're ready. It's about the deal." Hajime simply said before leaving.

Izumi watched him go and sighed with a shake of his head.

"What an impatient guy," he muttered before going back inside the room.

Half an hour later, Kyouko and Izumi left the inn and walked in the direction of Miyu's house. They soon arrived in front of the door which Izumi knocked.

The door opened and behind was a beautiful and mature woman with light blue hair and ears distinct from the Dagon race. It was Miyu's mom, Remia. The latter smiled,

"Ara Ara. You've arrived! Come in. Come in." she said.

"Thank you Remia." both Kyouko and Izumi replied.

"Everyone is in the dining room having breakfast. Have you eaten?"

Izumi shook his head,

"No, we were thinking of eating after."

Remia put her hand over her mouth,

"Ara. Then why don't you eat here? We have enough food for everyone." she said.

Izumi and Kyouko looked at each other before nodding to the woman,

"Sure, we'll eat." the boy replied.

Remia clasped her hands,

Wonderful. Come!" she said and the couple followed her to the dining room.

There Izumi and Kyouko saw everyone at the table eating.

"Good morning everyone!" Izumi said.

They all turned to the couple and greeted him and Kyouko. The couple grabbed a seat and sat down. It seems like Myu was still asleep.

"Thank you for the food." the couple said when they got their food.

Soon, they finished and they now found themselves in the living room just like yesterday. Izumi once more placed a soundproof barrier and went straight into the subject.

"So, have you come to a decision, Hajime?" Izumi asked.

The boy in question looked at the girls for confirmation. Yue squeezed her beloved's hand and the teen looked back at Izumi with his singular eye,

"We accept your deal. We'll help you fight the invasion and kill Ehit in exchange for your help returning us home. I will provide you with two vials of Ambrosia and a piece of divinity stone."

Hajime said and took out two small vials as well as a piece of divinity stone the size of a tennis ball.

Izumi smiled and held out his hand,

"Then let's shake on it."

Hajime looked at the hand and held out his own before shaking Izumi's.

"Now that the deal is done, I and Kyouko will return to prepare and craft the item. I will call you when everything is ready."

He then got off his seat along with Kyouko,

"Well then. I better get going on. I will call you guys when I have finished crafting the artifact."

Suddenly, an unexpected voice stopped him and Kyouko,


Everyone turned to Kaori who had called out at the last second.

"Hm?" let out Izumi.

Kaori looked down and asked,

"M-May I speak with Hori-san, please? Privately?"

Izumi looked at Kyouko whose eyes were transfixed on the girl.

"Kyouko?" he asked.

The Fallen Angel nodded,

"Okay." the girl said and followed Kaori into another room.

"I wonder what's that about?" asked Shea.

"Izumi." someone called Izumi.

The latter turned to Yue who was looking at him,

"Yes, Yue?"

"Thank you."

"What for?"

The girl brought out the cube he had given her yesterday,

"Thank you for bringing the truth about my uncle."

"Oh." Izumi smiled, "Your welcome. I figured you needed to hear the truth about your uncle instead of staying in the unknown. Although..." Izumi trailed off.

"What's wrong?" asked Hajime sensing something amiss.

The esper-mage was about to tell them about the Demon Lord being Yue's uncle, but he decided against it.

'It's better if I don't tell them before checking the facts. I don't want them to be distracted by him and derail the plan. I could also deal with him before everything goes down. I'll let her know if he really is Yue's uncle or simply Alva impersonating him,' the boy thought.

"Nothing." Izumi shook his head when an idea came to his mind.

"Actually, I need you to do something."

Meanwhile, in the other room, Kaori and Kyouko we're facing each other. Kyouko had an indifferent expression while Kaori was fidgeting in place as she stared at the floor.

"What do you want?" the fallen angel asked.

Kaori continue to fidget as she didn't know how to start.

Kyouko crossed her arms and waited for her.

"I... I know this won't be much and I don't expect any forgiveness..." the girl paused and took a deep breath, "But I wanted to apologize."

kyouko raised an eyebrow,


Kaori nodded,

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't help you back when we were at the castle. I didn't help defend you from being chained. I-I didn't know you were being brainwashed by the Church."

At this point, the girl had tears streaming down her cheeks as her heart clenched from the guilt. She wanted to apologize to Kyouko when she saw her back in the Orcus Labyrinth, but the fallen Angel had already left with Izumi.

Kyouko remained motionless as she simply stared at the crying girl in front of her.


Hori sighed and spoke,

"At first, I wanted to hate you."

Kaori flinched, but Kyouko continued to speak,

"I really wanted to hate you. Not just you, but also the whole class for allowing this to happen." Kyouko stared at Kaori in the eyes,

"Did you know, I barely have any memories of the four months that passed after I wore those cuffs? It was gradually changing me and, if Izumi hadn't saved me, I would have almost lost my identity and become a loyal doll to Ehit."

She unconsciously rubbed her wrists.

"After that, I was angry. Not just angry, I had this rage for the Church and that fucking God for brainwashing me and the class for letting them do it."

Kyouko sighed again as she calmed down.

"But I had time to think about it. I looked back at the memories before my brainwashing and realized that getting angry would lead me nowhere. I also realized that my anger should not be directed at the whole class when I remember someone trying to defend me."

And for the first time since Izumi and Kyouko arrived in Erisen, Kaori saw the girl let a soft smile,

"I also realized that you were just naive children in the hands of someone manipulating you guys. There is also the fact that I haven't known you guys as much as you, classmates, have known each other. Even then, I clearly remember you, Yaegashi-san, and Aiko-sensei trying to defend me. Which is why I forgive you."

This time Kaori was surprised,


Kyouko looked at her and placed her hands on Kaori's shoulder.

"I... forgive you. You were simply helpless in that situation. Besides, Yaegashi-san has already apologized and I've already decided to forgive her. And I've already talked to Aiko-sensei." she replied.

Kaori looked at the girl dumbfounded before her tears began to spill out even more and hugged her kouhai.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I-I was so afraid and I didn't know what to think when Miyamura-san told us about the cuffs." Kaori sobbed into Kyouko while the latter simply let her.

A few minutes later, Kaori stopped sobbing and let the girl go. She saw the stain she left on Kyouko's shirt.

"Sorry." the girl apologized.

Kyouko looked at her shirt and shook,

"It's okay."

She passed a hand over the spot as a white glow was emitted from it and over the stain. The water disappeared as if time had reversed,

"Restoration Magic?" Kaori asked in wonder.

Kyouko nodded,

"Yeah, Izumi and I got it when we went to Melusine's Labyrinth."

"But that was so fast. And there was no chant? Are you like Hajime-kun?" Kaori asked in wonder.

"If you are asking if I can manipulate mana without a magic circle then yes," Kyouko said.

Kaori looked at the girl,

"D... Does it have to do with your wings?" Kaori hesitatingly asked.

Kyouko nodded,

"Then can I ask what you are, Hori-san? You said you were born on Earth and have nothing to do with Ehit, so how do you have wings?"

Kyouko remained silent as she looked hesitant,

"Y-You don't have to answer if you don't want to tell me!" Kaori quickly said, but Kyouko shook her head.

"It's not that. It's just a complicated story. I'm sure you will all learn later, but let's just say the Earth is bigger than you imagine." Kyouko replied.


"Besides, I think it's time to go back. Izumi and I have to prepare for the invasion as well as the fight against that bastard!" Kyouko gnashed her teeth as a fiery aura surrounded her in rage.

Kaori looked at her in concern,

"Will you be okay?" Kaori asked,

Kyouko looked at her with a grin,

"Don't worry. Izumi and I have grown really strong. Now let's go!" the girl took Kaori's hand and headed out of the room.

Kaori looked at her with a sad smile. She saw the girl's expression when she talked about Izumi and she wanted that. She wants to have what she and Izumi have. She wants what Yue and Hajime have.

She wanted Hajime to love her just like how he loves Yue, but the girl didn't know what to do.


After leaving Hajime and his "harem", Izumi and Kyouko were now back in the Orcus mansion. However, right now, they were both in the kitchen ready to prepare food. However, the girl looked confused and asked her boyfriend

"Izumi, didn't we just eat breakfast? Why are we in the kitchen?" she asked.

Izumi looked at her before holding out his hand. A magic circle appeared and, from it, a large piece of flesh fell. It was the flesh of the hydra on the hundredth floor of the True Labyrinth of Orcus.

"I'm going to cook this and I need your help," Izumi said in all seriousness.

Kyouko's confused expression remained as she tilted her head

"Eh? You're going to cook this monster meat? For what?"

Izumi raised an eyebrow,

"To eat it of course."

It was then Kyouko's confused expression morphed into one of horror,

"Eat... it?" she asked slowly.

Izumi nodded,

"I'm going to be eating it."

"You're joking, right? T-This has to be a joke."

Izumi shook his head.

"Have you lost your mind!? Monster meat is poisonous to humans! A single bite could instantly kill us! Why the hell would you want to do that!" Kyouko shouted in horror at what Izumi told her.

Izumi tried to calm her down,

"Wait, Kyouko. Please calm down-"

"No! I can't calm down, Izumi! What you're suggesting is literal suicide! How am supposed to calm down!? Why would you even want to eat monster meat! " the girl backed away and was about to walk out of the kitchen when the boy exclaimed.

"Because I need to become stronger!" the boy quickly said.

Kyouko stopped and turned around,

"Stronger? How can eating meat make you stronger? It's poison. I read about some cases where people tried to eat them and you know what I read? They're body literally broke as every piece of their body melted inside." Kyouko said angrily.

"But I found a solution!"

"Hoh? And what's that so-called solution?" Kyouko crossed her arms.

Izumi once more opened his subspace and the two vials of ambrosia appeared in his hands.

"Those vials that Hajime-san gave?"

Izumi nodded,

"Inside these vials contain a liquid called ambrosia. It is literally mana in a liquid form."

Kyouko nodded,

"I read about it back in the kingdom. It is said that this liquid can cure all sorts of injuries and illnesses."

"That's right. Right after, eating the monster meat, I'm going to be drinking these vials. This will constantly heal me while the monster meat makes me stronger. I will literally rebuild my body."

Kyouko's frown grew more intense,

"How do you know all this? How do you know that the monster meat will not kill you?" she asked.

Izumi sighed,

"Because we have living proof of that fact."

"Yeah? Where is it? Where's the proof?"

"You just saw him a moment ago."

It took a moment for Kyouko to realize it and her eyes widened.


"That's right."

"I remember now... Back in Reisen Gorge, you told me Hajime ate monster meat to survive the Labyrinth. It's why he changed so much." she said as she finally realized what Izumi was trying to say.

"Yup. I'm going to do just that."

Kyouko was worried for him,

"But what if something goes wrong?" she asked.

Izumi grinned,

"That's why you're here. With your restoration magic, if something goes wrong, you can heal me."


Izumi walked up to her and hugged her,

"You can do it, Kyouko. You've grown strong and you've improved a lot. I know you can do it." he whispered to her,

"Besides, we will need the strength for when we confront Ehit," he added.

"Kyouko stayed quiet for a moment and Izumi could feel her heart thumping in her chest as they hugged.

A minute later, Kyouko finally spoke,



"Fine! Let's cook that monster meat before I change my mind!" Kyouko pushed herself off and walked into the kitchen. Izumi smiled and followed her.

Half an hour later, they now found themselves in an empty room with a plate of cooked Hydra meat. No way was Izumi going to eat it raw! The boy had padded the floor with Dark Matter that absorbed impact shock and had a texture of a mattress just like those asylum rooms in the movies. He then removed his shirt and pants and found himself in his boxers. Kyouko's eyes were transfixed on the teen's almost naked body. Izumi smirked when he saw her and decided to tease her. It's been a while since he had teased her,

" Like what you see?"

The girl unconsciously nodded,


She realized what she said and started stuttering as her cheeks turned rosy from the blush.

"Wait w-what? Bu... I..."

She then saw the boy laugh at her expense,

"Dammit, Izumi. Stop teasing me!" she exclaimed.

"Hahahaha! It's been a while since I saw your blushing face, Kyouko. It's cute." the boy replied.

"Idiot Izumi! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! You big Idiot!" the girl turned around as she continued to repeat the insult.

However, she couldn't help but look back at what was hiding inside the boy's boxers. Although she never had anything to compare it to, she blushed furiously at the size.

"... Kyouko?"

Her mind couldn't help but imagine lewd scenarios which made her blush.


She felt herself heat up in her core as she imagined her scenarios. She imagined Izumi grabbing her legs as he was about to ram his large-


"Hah! What!" The girl turned around in surprise when she heard her boyfriend shout her name.

"You okay? I'm sorry I shouldn't have teased." the boy apologized.

The problem?

He was right in front of her. She could almost feel his body by the sheer proximity.

"Sh-Shut up! Get down!" the girl pushed the boy onto the padded floor.

"Alright! Alright!"

'Damn it! Am I a pervert? Izumi is going to do something dangerous and I'm thinking of lewd scenarios! Get it together, Kyouko!' the girl scolded herself.

She went to grab the plate of monster meat and gave it to Izumi. Izumi took it and started to give instructions,

"Alright. I'm gonna start eating this. When I start reacting, you immediately give me Ambrosia. Force me to drink it if I can't do it myself. Do you understand, Kyouko?"

The girl nodded,

"Got it."

"Immediately after the reaction started, alright?"


The boy stared into her eyes,

"Are you sure you want to stay? I guarantee you that it's not going to be pretty," he said with a cringe.

But the girl remained firm,

"No. If you are going to do this, then I will stay by your side and watch. I can't, in good conscience, let you do this alone. I will be ready in case anything happens

Izumi nodded and looked at the plate. In his opinion, it looked quite appetizing. He took a deep breath while Kyouko had an expression of worry.

"Here I go," he said and picked up the first slice of Hydra meat and ate it. It was firm and chewy with a slight taste of chicken and spices.

"This is quite good, you know," Izumi said.

"R-Really?" Kyouko asked worriedly.


Izumi took another bite,

"I wonder if- URK!"


Before Izumi could drop the plate, Kyouko immediately caught it and set it aside as Izumi grabbed his chest.




Right off the bat, The girl snapped the cork of the vials off and gave it to the boy who gulped it down.

Izumi collapsed on the ground as he began to feel as if his body was ripping itself apart.


"Izumi!" Kyouko exclaimed.

Izumi wanted to reassure her, but the pain wouldn't let him talk.


It was the only thing he could think of as the monster flesh destroyed his body while the ambrosia healed it. It felt like his body was being repeatedly stabbed and drowned in lava at the same time. He couldn't even breathe properly. He could feel his consciousness slip.

Kyouko on the other hand could do nothing but continue to look at her boyfriend being tortured. She wanted to look away, she wanted it to stop. But Izumi did this to get stronger. To help her. Therefore, she would also help him. She bound his wrists and legs on the ground so that he wouldn't thrash around too much and possibly hurt himself even if the floor was padded. She could hear the cracks of bones being broken as well as the tears of muscles being ripped. She wanted to vomit at the sight, but she remained steadfast. She could feel tears streaming down her cheeks, but she didn't stop looking.

Suddenly, she saw it.

Izumi's hair was turning white as red glowing veins appeared all over his body. His body all started to grow. Suddenly, blue mana began to spill out of him. It then slowly changed to crimson red. Kyouko started to feel her chest tighten and had difficulty breathing as pressure began to increase in the room. It was like the very mana was getting denser. Even the padded floor that was made to absorb shock couldn't handle the pressure and was ripped. The floor beneath cracked because of the pressure.


There goes the walls as cracks appeared on them. Kyouko tried to stave off the pressure by expelling her own mana, but it did almost nothing. She saw the boy snap the bindings as if they were nothing.

"I-Izumi." she struggled to say.

After what seemed like an eternity the pressure was finally let off.


Kyouko took some time to take huge gulps of air as she controlled her breathing. Once she finally calmed down, she looked around. The whole room was a wreck as cracks appeared all over the place.


She quickly turned around and saw her boyfriend lying on the ground. He had completely changed. His long black hair had turned white while. She saw faint glowing red veins all over his body. Speaking of his body, it had grown bulkier. If before Izumi had a swimmer's body, now it looked like an Olympian. He had also grown taller. If Kyouko could make a guess, he was now around 190 cm in height compared to his previous 180 cm.

"Thank goodness." The girl let out.

She checked on him and felt his heart beating strong and properly. She then tried to cast (Structural Grasp) using the necklace Izumi had gifted her, but, to her surprise, it got blocked before even passing the boy's skin.

"What?" she asked herself.

She tried to cast the spell again, but it was blocked once again.

"Did his magical resistance increase?" she asked herself.

"No matter, let's get him to bed."

Kyouko closed her eyes and concentrated. It was then a purple rectangle construct formed beneath the boy and lifted him in the air. As of now, she learned how to create constructs using her Holy Power as well as control them at a distance. Although, her control was still shaky. She concentrated as she lifted the unconscious boy in the air and transported him to one of the bedrooms before placing Izumi in a bed.

She dropped the boy with a blanket. She couldn't help but recall the suffering the boy had gone through just a few moments ago. The expression of pure agony will haunt her, but it wouldn't discourage her. She decided to stay with him because she wanted to help. It was her own choice and she would not let Izumi do anything like that alone. The boy risked his life for her! She vowed to never let him go through something like that again and she would risk her life for him too. She cursed her own weakness for letting the boy go through that.

"Please don't ever do something like that."

She leaned forward and kissed him,

"I love you," she whispered before leaving the room leaving the boy to sleep peacefully.

As she closed the door, she let herself slide down and sit on the floor.

'Now what? Is Izumi going to be okay? Is he still human or is he a monster? Is he now some sort of hybrid? Hajime-san has changed, but was it the result of his monster meat or simply his survival in the Labyrinth? Will Izumi change? What about when we return, how will anyone recognize him?" Kyouko thought.

She shook her head,

"Let's go train," she said to herself and left for the training ground.

She would train while waiting for Izumi to wake up. She was going to train to catch up to the boy and not become a burden to him. She would train to support the boy she loved.