
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · 漫画同人
80 Chs

Chapter 66: Deal Or No Deal

Izumi and Kyoko stood in front of the mansion. They both have showered and changed clothes and we're now ready to go.

"Do you know where he is, right now?"

"I'll search for him right now."

However, just as he was about to bring up his network of drones, he suddenly remembered something.

"Before that, I want to head somewhere first," he said.



"Eh? Why?"

Izumi shrugged,

"I just want to see how they were doing after we helped bring the cure."

Kyouko looked at Izumi and smiled,

"Alright. Let's go!" she replied.

Izumi grinned before opening a portal. On the other side, one guard was taken aback by the sudden spell and raised their weapon.

"Who goes there!?" he shouted.

However, the other older guard quickly raised his hand to stop his comrade.


Izumi and Kyouko stepped through the portal before it closed itself.

"Yo!" the black-haired teen said.

The guard who stopped his comrades looked at them before raising their eyebrows in shock when he recognized them.

"It's the Saviors! I see you've returned!" the guard exclaimed.

Izumi looked around and saw a line of merchants waiting in line to enter the city. Since their source of water was polluted, Ankaji needed to restock in non-perishable goods. The tank Izumi had built was simply a temporary solution. And the merchants couldn't wait to take advantage of the opportunity.

The merchants began to talk amongst each other when they saw the unusual sight.

Izumi smiled,

"Yeah. I came to check up on the situation." the boy replied.

The guard smiled,

"Well, the citizens have been recovering quickly due to the Stillstones gathered, but-" the guard's smile dropped a little, " the oasis is still polluted along with the crops and lands. We are trying to get rid of the poison by replacing the water with the one in the tank you have created, but it is still slow progress."

Izumi nodded.

'Damn. I should've come sooner. At least, they weren't helpless.'

"What if I told you we could purify it for you? Make it as if it has never been polluted." Izumi said.

Both guards couldn't help, but express their shock,

"What! Can you really do it?" the senior guard asked.

Izumi looked at Kyouko who smiled,

"Yeah," he said.

"Great! This is great! Let me inform this the duke! I'm sure he'll be overjoyed!" the guard said and quickly entered the city.

Soon the guard returned with Lanzwi and Bize running. It seems they were really excited

"Mr. Izumi! Ms. Kyouko! You are back and I hear you have some excellent news" the Duke and his son exclaimed when they saw the duo.

"Hey there Lanzwi and Bize." Izumi and Kyouko greeted them.

The Duke grabbed their shoulders,

"It is great to see our saviours. How are you doing? Are you doing well?"

"We are doing well, Duke. Thank you for your concern." Kyouko replied.

Lanzwi laughed,

"Good! Good! We were getting worried you wouldn't return since we haven't heard any news from you. I'm glad the saviours of this city are doing well!"

"How is the situation, right now?"

Bize's smile strained as he explained,

"We are getting by. Thanks to the Stillstones and the reservoirs as well as the goods brought from the merchants. We won't starve for some time."

Izumi nodded,

"I heard from the guard you guys tried to clear away the oasis?"

Lanzwi sighed,

"The oasis remains unchanged. We tried to clear it away with the water from the tank, but it didn't work."

Izumi nodded,

"Well, Kyouko and I acquired a new Magic that could help purify the oasis as well as the land and crops. We would like to apply it here."

Lanzwi and Bize were shocked into silence at the statement,

"Y-You can purify the oasis?" asked Bize.

Izumi and Kyouko nodded.

"L-Like right now?" asked the Duke.

"Yep!" repeated Izumi.

"Then this is great news! Come! Come!"

The duo was soon guided by the duke and his son to the oasis. The royalties' attendants also accompanied them once they heard the news that the once saviours of Ankaji had a way to purify the oasis. Izumi's nose twitched when he saw the still sorry state of the oasis.

"You might want to step back." the teen told the royalties of Ankaji.

Both didn't argue and stepped back. Izumi turned to Kyouko,

"Do you want to try?" he asked.

Kyouko looked at the oasis before turning to Izumi,

"Yeah. I want to try the Restoration Magic spells we got from Melusine."

Izumi nodded,

"Then the stage is yours."

Kyouko looked back at the oasis before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes and beginning to chant. Usually, she could directly manipulate the mana to cast the spell without chanting, but it would then take too much mana. Chanting helps reduce mana usage as it helps in the manipulation of said energy. However, What would be a chant that would take at least seven minutes was reduced to a mere minute and a half.

"Tetragrammaton!" Hori finished the spell as she held a ball of light in between her hands. She then let it drop into the oasis. As soon as the ball touched the water, it cast ripples of mana and the group could see the pollution rapidly disappearing. they could also see the damage it caused reverse as if time had been rewound.

Kyouko smiled as she wobbled a little. She felt weak as the spell used quite a lot of mana. Izumi, quickly noticing it, caught the girl and supported her.

"Here. This will help," he said as he handed her a bottle of mana-replenishing potion which she quickly gulped down.

"Dear god," Lanzwi whispered as he witnessed the miracle.

He quickly ordered his attendants to test the waters and when the results came back positive, they all began to cheer,

"The poison is gone! The oasis is finally clean!"

Everyone began to cheer and hug each other at the miracle.

Lanzwi felt tears brim his eyes, but he held back.

"Now, all that's left is the soil and crops," he said.

"Let me do it this time," Izumi said and let Kyouko go once she had recovered enough strength to walk on her own.

They quickly went to the land that had been poisoned as well as the polluted produce. Izumi reduced the spell casting time to a mere forty-five seconds thanks to his Reality Marble's passive skill and made quick work of the soil and land. The crowd cheered even louder now that they had a way to farm and grow vegetables and fruits on their own. They wouldn't need to buy as many expensive goods from the merchants.

"Thank you, Mr. Izumi and Ms. Kyouko! Thank you very much! Without you and that other party, our city would've barely survived. I" Lanzwi said as everyone bowed to the couple.

Izumi scratched the back of his head,

"Well, it didn't sit right with me to leave things halfway."

It was then he realized what Lanzwi said,

"Wait. Hold on. The other party?"

Lanzwi nodded,

"Some days after you had left, another party had arrived. They wanted to challenge the Gran Gruen Volcano. However, two of them stayed behind to help cure the patients. It was an Apostle of Ehit! in fact when I told them about you, they told me you were acquaintances!"

Izumi nodded,

"Ah. Is the one who helps heal the patients a girl named Kaori? The party consisted of a man with four women and a child, is that right?"

Lanzwi expression perked up at Izumi's words,

"Yes! Yes! It's them."

Izumi nodded,

"Then yeah, they are indeed acquaintances. In fact, we are going to meet them right now."

" I see. Since you have done us this massive service. We can't let you go unrewarded." Lanzwi said before turning to Bize.

The latter stepped forward and handed Izumi a bag the size of a football.

"Here. It may not be much due to the crisis, but we would like you to take this as our thanks," he said.

Izumi looked inside and grinned. It was a bag full of money.

"Then, I will gladly receive it," he said as he put the bag in his inventory.

Izumi looked at Kyouko before turning to the Duke,

"We will now take our leave. Although, it may be the last time we will see each other."

"What? Why?" Lanzwi asked worried something might've happened.

Izumi smiled,

"I can't tell you much, but all I can say is that we will be returning home."

Bize wanted to ask more, but Lanzwi stopped him. It seemed like he knew something. The latter sighed,

"If this is the last time we will see each other then I shall gratefully let you go."

He then bowed followed by the other,

"Thank you for everything and I hope you stay in good health. If you ever stop by you will be treated as our top guest since you are our saviours."

Izumi and Kyouko nodded,

"Thank you, guys. Then we shall take our leave. Goodbye, everyone!"


Izumi opened a portal to the desert and stepped through it along with Kyouko before closing it. They were now standing alone in the desert.

"So where are Hajime and his party, Izumi?" asked Kyouko.

"When you were purifying the oasis, I already checked their location and they are in Erisen having the time of their life."

Kyouko grinned,

"Well let's crash their party."

Izumi nodded before frowning,

"Will you be okay around Kaori?" he asked.

He knew trauma can't be overcome easily and being near one of the triggers is not always a good idea.

Kyouko frowned,

"I will be okay. I can't run away forever. Besides, it's not I have anything to do with her anymore." she replied.

Izumi observed her for a second,

"Just tell me anything if something happens."

Kyouko sighed before grinning,

"Yes, daddy."

Those words sent shivers up the boy's spine. He didn't know if it was fright or pleasure. He decided to not say anything and open a portal. Izumi playfully bowed and offered his hand,

"My lady?"

Kyouko giggled,

"Why, thank you, good sir," she replied and took his hand.


Hajime, Tio, Yue, Shea, Kaori and Miyu along with her mother, Remia, were enjoying their day at the beach of Erisen when suddenly they sensed a spike of familiar mana. Everyone except for Miyu and Kaori turned towards the entrance of Erisen.

"Is that who I think it is?" asked Shea.

"Hm," Yue replied.

"I wonder what he's doing here. What do you think Master?" asked Tio.

Hajime frowned,

'Did he not find the Sunken Ruins of Melusine? That can't be right.' he thought.

Myu seeing their expression asked,

"What's wrong Papa? Did something happen nano?" she asked.

Hajime looked down and patted her head,

"Nothing much. It's just an acquaintance. "

"Aqwaintance nano?"

Hajime gave a smile,

"It means someone we know."

The little girl widened her eyes,

"Someone Papa knows? Is he as strong as you, Papa?"

Hajime had to think about it before shrugging,

"I don't know. Though, I can safely say he is strong."

"Of course, no one is stronger than your Papa," he said with a grin.

"That same person brought down a meteor, Master. Although he has less mana than you and is probably physically weaker than you, he is still very strong. If you are a physical fighter then that person can be said to be a technical fighter."

Hajime nodded,

"Yeah, that esper ability of his is a pain in the ass. I still don't know how he is an esper," he grumbled.

"I want to see that person nano!" Myu declared.

"Eh? Why?" asked Shea asked.

"Because Papa said he is his friend and he is strong nano!"

"Hold on, I never said we were friends."

It was then Kaori interjected,

"Wait, who are you talking about?"

"Right, I forgot you can't sense mana that far yet. You've already met him in the Orcus Labyrinth. He's the one who pressured everyone. Miyamura Izumi."

He then turned back to the source of mana,

"And it seems he's not alone. Hori-san is with him."

It was then Kaori's expression shifted as she realized who they were talking about.

"Oh. Right," she replied with a cringe.

Seeing her expression, Hajime raised an eyebrow,

"What's wrong?"

"I still haven't got the chance to apologize to Hori-san," she replied.

"Hmm. Baka Kaori." Yue helpfully supplied.


Hajime frowned before shrugging,

"Doesn't matter. Let's see what they want. I don't think it's for the Labyrinth since they were here long before us." Hajime said as he got up.

They all got out of the water and made their way to Izumi and Kyouko in their bathing suit. It attracted the attention of males and females alike. It was not every day, you see beautiful girls in sexy bathing suits following an equally handsome man in the street. As they approached they could male dagons brandishing their spears at Izumi and Kyouko.

"Who are you and how did you arrive here!" one of them shouted.

Hajime saw Kyouko roll her eyes while Izumi sighed,

"For the last time, I came through the portal I created myself. Here is my adventurer card to prove my identity. I'm also not a slave trader. Why would I come here if I wanted to kidnap someone!?" Izumi explained as he showed the adventurer card.

The dagon looked at the card before looking at Izumi and Kyouko with a half-lidded glare,

"So what is your business here?"

"I told you I need to meet with the one called Hajime and his party."

It was then Izumi spotted Hajime.

"Oh! There you are. Can you please tell these morons I'm here to see you? They don't seem to get the hint."

Hajime raised an eyebrow,

"If you needed to see me, you would have opened a portal directly to me. Why didn't you do that?"

"Because, first of all, I didn't want to catch you in the middle of you sleeping with one of the girls in your harem."

Izumi said making all the girl's in the chunni-wannabe's party blush including Remia who wasn't even in the party.

"Ara Ara."

"Oh my. Me and master as he punishes me." Tio said as she panted a little.

Kaori simply blushed,

"Me and Hajime-kun..."

"That's going to happen sooner or later! He's going to take my virginity!" exclaimed Shea.

"Hmm. I want to do more," added Yue.

Hajime had already grabbed Myu and covered her ears,

"Oi! What the hell are guys saying in front of the kid!" he exclaimed at the girl.

He then snapped at Izumi,

"And you! They are not my harem!"

Izumi shrugged,

"Sure sure. Whatever you say. The second reason is that it's rude to enter a city without announcing ourselves."

The dagons seeing Hajime quickly handed the status plate back to Izumi,

"W-Welcome Mr. Izumi and Miss. Kyouko. I hope you enjoy your stay in Erisen!" they said in unison all the while perspiration rolled down their forehead.

"Finally!" Izumi said as he snatched the status plate back.

Kyouko shook her head and went beside Izumi.

"So what do you want?" Hajime said in annoyance.

Every time, Izumi was around him, something was bound to happen.

"What? No hello or anything?"

Hajime groaned.

Izumi suddenly felt his pants being tugged and looked down. He saw a young dagon girl looking up at him.

"Who are you nano? Papa says you are a friend, but he never told me about you."

Izumi grinned and turned to Myu.


"We're not friends and I never said you were my friend."

Izumi mocked being hurt,

"Hajime! You wound me with those hurtful words!"

Hajime groaned once again.

Izumi looked down,

"I'm Izumi Miyamura and I'm Hajime's friend!" he said with a grin.

"I'm Myu! Papa and Mama's daughter!"

Izumi looked up to Hajime,

"Not even an adult yet and you already have a kid. What would your parents say?"

Izumi's face never looked more punchable than now.

As Izumi and Hajime bantered, Kaori and Kyouko had their eyes locked on each other. One pair of eyes emitted apathy while the other emitted guilt. However, neither of them said anything to each other.

Shea, Yue and Tio were huddled together,

"What's going with those two and who's that girl who came with Izumi?" asked Shea.

"Did you forget already? she's Izumi's girlfriend and the one who helped us during the invasion of Ur," Yue said.

"Ah! I remember now! She's the one with wings! It doesn't seem like she has them out now."

"But why are they glaring at each other?" Shea asked.

"I don't know. But remember Kaori said she owed her an apology? It must have something to do with that."

"It doesn't matter. We shouldn't butt in between them since it concerns only them. Let them settle it together."

Back to Hajime and Izumi, the latter then told the older teen,

"Anyways, the reason I came is that I have some unfortunate news and I need your help."

"Then tell me," Hajime replied.

"Yeah, that's the thing. I can't say it here. Too many ears everywhere." Izumi retorted.

Hajime sighed.

"Then let's go to Myu's house."

Izumi nodded before turning to Kyouko who also turned her gaze away from Kaori. Izumi looked at the latter and saw guilt written all over her face. The group then went to Remia and Myu's house where Izumi quickly set up a soundproof bounded field using Dark Matter.

As soon as everyone found a place to sit, Hajime asked Izumi,

"So what do you want?" he asked.

Izumi sighed and spoke,

"In a week from now on, the Capital will be attacked by an army of demons and monsters."

"WHAT!?" everyone shouted with Kaori being the loudest.

Hajime narrowed his eyes and sat up,

"What do you mean?"

"It's just as I said. An army of demons will invade the Capital along with an army of demons. This invasion will be led by the demon called Freid Bagwa."

"Freid," Yue uttered that name with venom.

Izumi nodded,

"I see you've met him already."

Hajime nodded. He still remembered that fucking blast the demon's dragon shot at him. It hurt like a bitch!

"So what? You need our help to stop that invasion? Why should we?"

Izumi chuckled,

"Oh no! I need your help with something much bigger."

Hajime raised an eyebrow,

"And what's that?"

"Killing Ehit and destroying his influence." Izumi let out the bombshell.

A pin-drop silence settled into the room,

"Killing Ehit and his influence. Why?" Yue asked.

"Because he's literally the source of most of the problems in this world. I assume you've completed the Ruins of Melusine?"

They all nodded,

"Then you saw how the war between the races of Tortus seem to be instigated by someone, right?"

They all nodded once more.

"That was Ehit. He's the one who was instigating those wars all for his petty entertainment."

Izumi turned to Tio,

"He's also the one who caused the destruction of the dragonmen. The Dragonmen had achieved peace between the races and Ehit didn't want that so he turned everyone against the Dragonmen."

Tio was silent as she already knew all that.

Izumi turned to Yue,

"Do you remember what I told you at the inn the day after the invasion of Ur?"

Yue tilted her head before she remembered,

"You said I should go back to my prison to learn the truth of my so-called betrayal," Yue said with a frown.

Hajime looked at her, it seems like he hadn't heard anything about that."

Izumi nodded,

"Seems like you haven't been there yet so I brought this for you. You'll understand what I want to say." Izumi said as he retrieved a cube from his inventory and gave it to Yue.

Yue took it and observed it,

"I suggest you listen to it later after we finished this meeting. It was left by your uncle."

Yue widened her eyes in shock before looking back at the box and saying nothing.

Hajime looked at Yue before looking at Izumi,

"You say you need our help to kill Ehit. Can't you do it by yourself? You're plenty of strong yourself."

Izumi sighed,

"What we're facing is not a human being Hajime. It's a god. Gods are being of immense power with authorities over their domain. That's the definition of a god in our world. That's what we're up against."

Hajime narrowed his eyes,

"You keep saying how strong he is and how you need my help, but you're not saying how you plan to kill him."

Izumi nodded,

"I plan on using magic I have just acquired last week, Concept magic."

"Concept magic?"

Izumi nodded,

"It's a magic only acquired once you've conquered all the Labyrinths of Tortus."

"Are you saying you've passed all the Labyrinths?" Tio asked in shock.

Izumi nodded.

"EEEHHHHH!?" shouted all the girls in Hajime's party.

Even the man himself was surprised,

"You've already conquered all the Labyrinths?"


"Damn. So what does Concept magic do."

Izumi explained it to them and their jaws dropped at the sheer ridiculousness of the magic.

"I see. So what's in it for us." Hajime said once he heard the explanation.

Izumi grinned,

"You help me and I'll take you home."

It was Hajime's turn to freeze in shock,

"H-Home. As in Earth?"

Izumi nodded,

Hajime stayed silent as Yue stroked his arm in an attempt to comfort him. She knew how much her lover wanted to go home.

"Where's your proof? Where's your proof that you have a way back home."

Izumi looked at Kyouko and the latter nodded.

Izumi summoned a compass in his hand and showed it to Hajime.

"A compass?" he asked.

"Not just any compass. Have you seen the Pirates of the Caribbean?"

Hajime and Kaori nodded when they widened their eyes,

"No way," Hajime said.

"Yes, way. This compass works exactly the same as the compass in the movies. It finds whatever the user wishes for."

"It could be used to go home," Hajime whispered.

"That's right. With the help of this artifact, I plan to create another one that allows us to travel through dimensions. That's also where your help also comes in."

Hajime raised an eyebrow,

"I have no clue where to start if I want to build that thing."

Izumi shook his head,

"Nononono. I don't want you to build it. I'll do that. I just need the resources you have."

"My resources?"

"I hear you still have some pieces of the divinity stone, right?"

Hajime narrowed his eyes,

"How do you know that?"

the esper-mage shrugged,

"I have my ways."

Hajime glared at him before answering,

"Yes, I have some."

"Good because that's going to be a crucial part of the concept artifact since only a divinity stone could handle the power of a transdimensional artifact."

Izumi then clapped his hands once and leaned forward. Unconsciously, Hajime also leaned forward,

"So I'm going to propose a deal here."

Hajime nodded,

"You help me kill Ehit as well as provide me with a piece of divinity stone and I'll provide you with a way back to earth."

Hajime stood silent at the deal he was presented with,

"Throw in three vials of that Ambrosia too."

"You never said anything about Ambrosia." Hajime quickly retorted.

"I know, but they'll be crucial in Ehit's defeat."

Hajime pursed his lips as he thought about what to do.

"So deal or no deal?"