
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · 漫画同人
80 Chs

Chapter 58: Class Reunion


A sigh escaped from a teenager's mouth as he lowered himself into the bath. Izumi Miyamura had woken up feeling refreshed after yesterday's raid of the Sunken Ruins of Melusine. Right now, they were at Horaud. Back to the town where the Orcus Labyrinth is located. Kyouko was still asleep. Going to a dungeon at night had tired her.

As he was relaxing in the bath, he opened the chat system.

[Izumi]: Hey guys, I saw that you have left for your mission. Anything interesting happened?

A few seconds later someone replied.

[Kzuma]: Yo!

[Kuroneko]: Hey, Izumi.

[Miki]: Izumichi!

[Erza]: Hello Izumi. As soon as we arrived we had to fight.

This made Izumi raise his eyebrow in surprise.

[Izumi]: Really? What happened?

[Erza]: Yes. 2 Arrancars had invaded Karakura Town and Saiki fought them.

[Izumi]: Saiki? His powers worked on them?

[Saiki]: Not everything.

[Izumi]: What do you mean?

[Saiki]: My psychokinesis did not work on them nor did my telepathy.

[Izumi]: I see. It must be because, just like souls, they are made of reiryoku instead of normal matter. And some of your powers work only on matter instead of energy. And since they are made of energy, they may not emit brainwaves like normal humans for you to perceive.

[Saiki]: I see.

[Izumi]: So what happened after?

[Kazuma]: Well Saiki beat the shit out of Yammy using his super-strength and they had to retreat.

[Izumi]: So you've already exposed yourselves?

[Izumi]: Why?

[Kazuma]: Well yeah. Since we just arrived in this world, we have no place to stay and no money. There is also the fact that Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi are wary of newcomers. So to gain their trust, we went to defeat the Arrancars.

[Izumi]: But in doing so, you've also exposed yourselves to Aizen who is a master strategist.

[Kuroneko]: Let's not forget the fact that as soon as we arrived, Yoruichi tracked us down.

[Izumi]: Well she wouldn't where she is today if she couldn't do that.

[Kazuma]: Aizen indeed knows about our existence, but he doesn't exactly know about us.

[Izumi]: I see.

[Erza]: After the fight, we went to Urahara's shop to talk with Kisuke and co. We told them that we were here to fight Aizen. Although they tried to ask about our origins, we simply said that we are part of an organization that protects the balance of the world.

[Izumi]: And he believed you? Bleach is not like Marvel where there is multiple organization that deals with the supernatural and we can disguise ourselves as one.

[Kazuma]: Either he believed it or he simply chose not to ask. He even offered a place to stay for us when we said we had no place to stay.

[Izumi]: And the price?

[Kuroneko]: To help them fight Aizen.

[Izumi]: That's it?

[Miki]: Yeah. Why are you asking all these questions, Izumichi? Isn't Kisuke one of the good guys?

[Izumi]: Just because he is one of the good guys does not mean that he would not try to use any means to achieve what he wants. A perfect example is the Hogyoku being inside Rukia's gigai without her knowing which resulted in the whole mess Soul Society Rescue arc.

[Erza]: I see. Then why do you think he offered us shelter?

[Izumi]: To get to know you of course. There is a saying on Earth. A devil you know is better than the devil you don't know.

[Kuroneko]: What does that mean?

[Kazuma]: It means an enemy with which you know their strengths and weakness is better than one you don't know since you are unable to deal with them without enough information.

[Miki]: Then what should we do? Should we change our minds

[Izumi]: I don't think so. You just need to be careful not to expose all your abilities since I'm sure there are bugs everywhere. Whether it is from hats n clogs or Aizen.

[Erza]: I see. Then we shall be careful.

[Izumi]: Alright.

[Izumi]: By the way, what magic did Miki get?

[Miki]: I didn't take the pill yet since I haven't found the opportunity yet.

[Izumi]: Alright, take your time.

The teen looked at the time and saw that it was time to get out.

[Izumi]: Alright guys. I have to go.

[Izumi]: Good luck on the mission.

[Erza]: Thank you, Izumi.

[Izumi]: Alright. Bye guys!

[Kuroneko]: Bye, Izumi!

[Kazuma]: Bye, man!

[Saiki]: Bye

[Erza]: Bye Izumi.

[Miki]: Bye-bye Izumichi!

The black-haired teen smiled and dismissed the system before getting out of the bath. After drying himself, he put on his clothes and went to his and Hori's room. He smiled once more when he saw Kyouko still sleeping. However, it seems like her wings sprouted involuntarily once more when he was taking a bath.

'Ah! I forgot to ask her about the symbols.' Izumi thought as he recalled the strange symbols found on her wings.

For now, it was time to wake her up. Izumi approached the bed and leaned down to leave a gentle kiss on her lips.

'Kyouko, it's time to wake up.'

A few seconds later, the girl stirred as drowsy eyes opened revealing her gold pupils to the boy.


Izumi raised an eyebrow,


Kyouko focused her eyes as her vision cleared showing the head of Izumi in her field of view,


The latter grinned,

"Rise and shine, Kyouko! It's already morning. And you might want to close your wings if you don't want to knock things over," he said while motioning to the girl's pinions.

Looking back, Kyouko finally noticed her wings and retracted them back into her back.

"Sorry Izumi-kun, I try not to do it on purpose." the fallen angel said as she stretched herself.

"It's okay. You've unlocked your powers less than five months ago. You still need to master them."

The girl slowly nodded as she was still sleepy. She then turned her half-lidded gaze to the boy and smiled,

"Good morning, Izumi-kun."

"Good morning to you too, Kyouko-chan."

The girl then sat up before placing her feet on the floor. Seeing the boy right in front of her, she placed her head on his stomach feeling the abs underneath the shirt. Izumi simply chuckled before placing his hands on her shoulders and pushing her back as little,

"Come on Kyouko. It's time to wake up." he gently said. The girl slowly nodded and got off the bed before walking to the bathroom.

Half an hour later, She came back to the room feeling refreshed after washing up. As she opened the door to the room, she saw her boyfriend had packed all their stuff and put them in his subspace. She saw him turn his head towards her and spoke,

"Hey, Kyouko. Finally awake?" he said with a slightly teasing tone.

A blush crept up on the girl's cheeks as she replied,

"I'm just not a morning person."

'Even if I have to wake up early morning almost every day back home.' Hori thought.

"I know. And it's cute when you act like that."

The blush intensified.

Kyouko cleared her throat and changed the subject.

"So what are we doing today?

"We... are going to rest," Izumi said.

Kyouko raised an eyebrow,

"What do you mean?" she asked a little confused.

Izumi smirked,

"You heard me. We are going to take a rest today since we've been raiding Labyrinths constantly."

"Okay! Then what are we going to do?" Kyouko smiled at the prospect of a day of rest.

"Let's go eat first, shall we? We can decide while eating since I'm getting kinda hungry," Izumi said.

Kyouko nodded and they went downstairs to the restaurant of the inn. After another thirty minutes, they finally left the inn. Outside, they could see the town of Horaud bustling with activity. All kinds of people were there. From merchants to adventurers. At the edge of the town, the couple could see the entrance of the Orcus Labyrinth.

Seeing the Labyrinth, Izumi's thoughts wandered to the house at the bottom of the dungeon.

'Should I take it? It's a big house and no one is using it. I'm sure that Orcus is not going to be using it either any time soon. I wouldn't have to buy a house when I go back to Japan. Simply a land for it. I could also renovate it to make it more modern.'

Seeing Izumi's thoughtful expression as he gazed at the entrance of the Labyrinth, the girl asked him,

"What's wrong Izumi-kun?"

"There is nothing wrong, Kyouko. I was just thinking about the house at the bottom of the dungeon," the boy replied.

"What about it?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean, should I take it back home?"

"Take it home!? What the hell are you talking about? How would you even do it?" she asked stupefied

"Well, we learned Space Magic. I could probably create a subspace large enough to fit the house. I would only need to separate it from its foundation and renovate it to accommodate our world's technology and life."

Kyouko sighed and giggled in amusement.

"You can think about it later," Kyouko said.

She then looked back in front of her,

"So where are we going?"

Izumi put the thoughts about the house in the back of his mind and answered his girlfriend,

"Well, I figured we could buy clothes and stuff. You know? Just a day of relaxation."

Kyouko smiled and grabbed his hand,

"Great! Let's go! I asked the owner of the inn for good shops to visit," the fallen angel said before pulling him.

Izumi smiled and simply let himself drag by the girl.

And so, time passed as the couple visited the many shops of the town. Kyouko had bought a lot of clothes for her to wear. She had also picked some for Izumi since his sense of fashion was simply to wear a black t-shirt and jeans.

It was now 2:00 PM. The couple had a fantastic date as they walked back to the inn. Izumi then spoke up,

"Hey, Kyouko."

"Yes, Izumi?" Hori replied as they continued to make their way to the inn.

"Do you want to learn Gravity Magic?"

Kyouko gave him a surprised look,

"You can teach me Ancient Magic?"

Izumi shrugged,

"Well, yeah. It's simply a matter of transferring knowledge into your head just like the magic circles in the dungeons. I already memories them so I can just recreate it, but it would transfer Gravity Magic to you"


Kyouko stayed quiet as she thought about it before shaking her head.


"No?" Izumi asked.

"No. I already have all this power and I didn't have a chance to master it yet. I haven't even uncovered all of my Fallen Angel's powers." she said looking down.

The Japanese boy's eyebrow quirked,

"What do you mean you haven't uncovered all of your Fallen Angel's powers?"

"It's like I said. Even with everything I have. I feel incomplete. Like there is something inside of me that I haven't awakened yet. And, honestly, it's kinda frustrating." she said with a frown.

Kyouko then turned her head back to Izumi,

"So that's why I don't want to acquire new powers right now. I at least want to have a semblance of mastery over my current abilities."

Izumi nodded and smiled,

"Alright then. Let me know when you are ready."

Kyouko gave him a grateful smile,

"Thanks, Izumi-kun,"

They walked in silence for a few minutes simply enjoying each other's company.

"I might have an idea of what you are talking about," Izumi suddenly said.


"When you said that you think there is still something hidden inside you, I might have an idea of what you are talking about."

Kyouko raised an eyebrow as she shot him a quizzical look,

"Really? Then, what is it?"

"I think it might be your innate ability."

"Innate ability?"

"Do you remember I told you about another hybrid like you?"

Kyouko put a finger on her chin as she tried to remember,

"I think so. I think her name was Akina... or something."

"Akeno. Himejima Akeno."


The brown-haired girl snapped her fingers,

"That's right! Is Himejima her surname?"

"Yeah. Anyways, have I told you who her father is?"

Kyouko shook her head.

"I don't remember."

Izumi simply shook his hand,

"It's okay. Her father is a cadre-level fallen angel and his name is Baraquiel. He is also known as the Lightning of God when he was still an angel. As his alias implies, he has the ability to wild Holy Lighting. His daughter also inherited this ability. I believe you have also inherited an ability from your mother, whatever it is, and you simply need a chance to awaken it."

Kyouko stayed silent as she absorbed the information. After a minute, she turned to the boy once more and deadpanned,

"Izumi-kun, are you a stalker?"

An invisible arrow pieced Izumi's heart. He then blushed in embarrassment,

"Pwhaaa? Of all the things I said, that's what you asked?" he asked her disbelieving.

"I mean. With all this information, you would think that she is your girlfriend instead of me. It makes you look like a creepy stalker."

Izumi groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"No. This is not what it is. I simply collected information on special individuals in our surroundings. It is so that I don't get caught off guard if someone enters our vicinity or does something malicious without me knowing using these." he explained and created an insect-drone to show her.

"What's that?"

"This is a surveillance drone that I use for my information network it will alert me of anything out of the ordinary."

"Do you use them to peek?"

"What!? No!"

Kyouko giggled. It's been a while since she had been able to tease the boy. Usually, it's the other way around.

"Anyway, I expanded my network to the next city."

"Kuoh?" the girl asked.


Izumi was going to continue his explanation when they walked past the Adventurers Guild. At that moment, Izumi stopped in his tracks right in front of the building. Seeing this, Kyouko also stopped and looked at her boyfriend,

"Izumi? What's wrong?" she asked, however, the boy simply raised a hand.

All of a sudden, something whooshed past them and into the guild. Izumi heard the sound of heavy breathing as well as rapid footsteps, but he didn't see anything. The boy activated his Observation Haki and felt the person pass in front of them. Although the latter had an invisibility skill activated thereby making other people Imperceptible to his presence. As his Haki passed over the person, he finally recognized who it was making him grin.


"What's the matter, Izumi?" Kyouko asked again.

"Did you not feel something pass in front of you?" Izumi asked her.

Kyouko tilted her head,

"Was it not the wind?"

Her boyfriend shook his head,

"Nope. It was a person. I'm pretty sure you would recognize him?"

Kyouko quirked her eyebrow,

"The only person I know who can do something like that is... wait. Endou-san!?" she asked in surprise.

Izumi nodded,

"Yeah. It seems like he was in distress and ran to the guild. Most likely meeting the Guild Master."

His girlfriend adopted a poker face,

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't concern us anymore. Let's go, Izumi."

Izumi smiled and asked,

"Even if I tell you that they are in danger?"

Kyouko froze in her steps,

"What are you talking about? The Hero party is strong. They can beat the monsters in the Labyrinth."

"Then why would Endou-san be running to the guild like that?"

"What are you getting at, Izumi?"

"I want to see the monster that troubles the Hero party and also see their progress. Since they are being used by that bastard."

Kyouko simply stared at Izumi's face searching for something before sighing.

"So you want to help them?" she asked.

At that, Izumi shook his head,

"Oh nooo. I'm not helping them," he quickly denied.

Now, Kyouko looked confused,

"Then what?"

"We are going to crash a class reunion," he said as his Observation Haki covered the Guild Master's office and recognized some of its occupants.