
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · 漫画同人
80 Chs

Chapter 57: Getting Caught!

Hi There!

I'm sorry for the late update. Writer's block has been a bitch lately. Although, I'm gradually picking up the pace since I'm getting new ideas for this story as well as Mutant Sorcerer in Marvel.

Thanks and enjoy today's chapter.



Ezra, Kazuma, Miki, Kuroneko and Saiki appeared underneath a bridge.

"Where are we, Saiki?" asked Kuroneko.

'We are under a bridge.'

Kuroneko deadpanned,

"We can see that. I meant which bridge."

'The one where Ichigo Kurosaki beat up everyone.'

Everyone was then suddenly struck by a realization.

"Ahh! That one" said Kazuma. "But what are we doing here?"

'You said to find an isolated place. I did just that.'

He then turned to Aiura and raised an eyebrow,

'You look different.'

The girl in question perked up and smiled,

"Really? How? I haven't checked myself yet. Do I look beautiful and sexy? I also feel really strong and energized." the girl replied while doing some poses.

'Yare Yare. I shouldn't have said anything.'

"What should we do, now?" asked Kuroneko.

"Well, first we should find a shelter," said Erza.

"Maybe we can go to a hotel?" asked Aiura.

"But do we even have enough money for that? Let's not talk about the fact that we may have to stay somewhere here for about three months," replied Kuroneko.


Suddenly, they all turned towards the source of the noise surprised by the sudden sound of a cat with Saiki being the most.

"What? How did a cat get here?" asked Kazuma.

They all looked at a black cat with yellow eyes slowly walking up to them.

"Awe. It looks so cute!" said Aiura.

Saiki looked at the cat with a horrified expression and Erza noticed it.

"What's wrong Saiki?"

'I-I can't read its mind," the boy replied in horror.

Before Erza could ask what he meant, Kazuma spoke.

"Why does this cat feel so familiar?" he asked.

"Huh, Miki? You might want to step away from the cat."

"Huh, why?" she asked.

'Because it's not a cat!' Saiki suddenly said.

"What!?" they all said.

'Have you not read Bleach?'

Kazuma snapped his fingers,

"Ah! That's right! The only character who's a black cat is YmMhrg!" Kazuma was about to say when Erza quickly placed her hand on his mouth.

"Kazuma! You can't just blurt that out!" she said

Kazuma"s eyes opened wide in realization,

"Oh shit! I'm sorry!"

"Huh, guys?" Miki suddenly asked.

They all turned to her,

"Where did the cat go?"

Alarmed, they all turned to where the cat was, but it was not there.

"Hi, there!" a sudden male voice said.

"KYA!" shouted Aiura and Kuroneko.

"Holy shit!" also shouted Kazuma.

"Erza's hand twitched as she was about to retrieve a sword from her subspace while Saiki literally jumped a few meters back. At the center of the group was the black cat innocently licking its paw. it looked up and saw the group staring at him.

" What? Never seen a talking cat before?"


"Is... no one going to answer?"

"I'd be concerned if I saw one before," Kazuma replied.

"Hehehe. You're right. Now, who are you?"

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself first?" asked Kuroneko.

"I would, but I find five unidentified people with a lot of reiryoku entering this town. It's bound to attract people. So who are you?"

"We're just five humans entering a human town and doing human business," Kazuma replied.

They all turned to him and deadpanned.

"What?" he asked.

Erza sighed and used (Search) on the cat. In her vision, the cat started to glow as star-like points appeared over some areas of her body. She then released her quirk.

"You all feel unusual," the animal said.

Raising an eyebrow, Erza asked,

"What do you mean?"

"You all have a lot of reiryoku, but it's unlike a shinigami. You don't feel like Orihime-chan or Chad-kun. You feel more like that boy Ishida, but he's the last Quincy along with him with his father. So who are you?" the cat said seriously as a sudden pressure appeared on the newly arrived group.

Erza stood firm at the pressure as well as Saiki. However, the other three's breath quickened as their eyes widened from the pressure as they felt a weight on their body.

"Oh. You can stand that? You're very unusual." the cat said with interest.

"We didn't come here to cause any problems," said Erza.

"Well, you guys look awfully suspicious, no?"


At that moment, they heard a loud explosion, as well as a sudden pressure, was felt from afar.

"What the hell!" shouted Aiura.

"Tch! I don't know who you are, but let me ask you this. Are you with Aizen or not?" the feline asked the group.

They answered in negative. The cat observed them for a moment then said.

"Then we should get going seeing that that explosion brings only bad news. Try to keep up. We'll talk later," the cat said before suddenly disappearing leaving an afterimage which soon disappeared.

"What should we do?" asked Miki.

"Have you guys read Bleach?" asked Kazuma.

"I didn't have much time. I could only read until the day they start school again,' said Kuroneko.

"Well, this is the part where the Arrancar invade Karakura Town and incapacitates Chad and Orihime while Ichigo would fight them. We can use this opportunity to help them and get close to them. Maybe they can even shelter us." the boy said.

Erza nodded,

"You're right. We don't have much time. People are dying this instant! Saiki, can you teleport us there?" she said before turning to Saiki.

The pink-haired boy nodded.

'Come on!'

But Kuroneko suddenly stopped them,

"But what if Aizen's watching us?"

"I'm pretty sure he will already be watching us. Also, we don't have to show everything. Just the bare minimum." Kazuma said.


They all grabbed Saiki and disappeared from their location.

At the site of the explosion, there was a crater and, in it, stood two figures. One was a large and bulky man and another one was lanky. The larger man had brown colour skin with red marks right below his eyes. He also words a white hollow mask on his jaw. The thinner one had white pasty skin with green tear-like lines below his eyes. He also wore a hollow mask on the left side of his face. Both wore a white jacket and a white hakama. They also had a sword attached to the side of their waist. However, the main feature was the fact that they had a large hole where their hearts are supposed to be. The larger man was Yammy while the shorter one was Ulquiorra Cifer also known as the 4th Espada of Aizen's army.

Suddenly the duo saw a group of civilians approaching them.

"What happened?"

"Was it a meteorite?"

"I can't see anything because of the smoke!"

Multiple people were talking amongst themselves because of the sudden explosion.

Yammy then walked out of the crater and saw them,

"Huh? What are looking at?" he said before suddenly inhaling.

Cries and shouts were heard as their souls were sucked out of their bodies. However, before Yammy could eat them, Saiki and his group suddenly appeared. Erza suddenly materialized a sword and tree it at Yammy interrupting his meal. The sword slammed into the hollow's body without any damage, but it was enough to stop him. The souls then returned to their bodies and the people were left unconscious.

"Huh! Who the fuck just stop me from my meal!?"

"That would be me," replied Erza.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Someone who's going to stop you!"

Yammy then turned to Ulquiorra who was starting at the newly arrived.

"Oi, Ulquiorra! Is it them?"

"They are not the one we were expecting. In fact, I have never heard of them. But it's not them."

"So what should I do?"

"Don't you already know? They're trash." the 4th Espada said with a cold voice.

Yammy suddenly had a wicked grin,

"Are they now?"

"Guys! Watch out!" Kazuma shouted.

Yammy suddenly appeared in front of Erza. In shock, she didn't have time to change into armour before the Arrancar brought his massive fist back and shot it forward.


A large cloud of dust was formed from the collision.

"HAHAHAHA! One trash destroyed! Four more to go."

However, he suddenly felt different. Something... something was gripping his fist.


The dust cloud then cleared.

"Saiki!" the group shouted in relief.

Standing in front of Erza was Saiki holding Yammy's fist.


Saiki didn't say anything before punching the enemy. The latter folded under the boy's first and shot back flying past Ulquiorra, who widened his eyes, and a few meters behind the crater.

"AARRRGGH!" Yammy shouted at the sudden much in the gut.

Saiki on the other hand looked at his fist,

'I thought my powers wouldn't work on a soul.'

He turned to Erza,

'Are you alright?'

The girl looked at him and smiled,

"I should be asking you that. I thought your powers wouldn't work on him."

The boy shrugged,

'Maybe it works differently here.'

"Saiki! Are you alright?" asked Mikoto, "I couldn't even see anything. It was too fast!"

The boy nodded.

"Well, I'm glad your strength works-" Erza was about to say when Yammy jumped unto his feet with a furious expression,

"What the hell! I thought they were trash, Ulquiorra! Even you said it! That trash even bypassed (Hierro),"

Although the thin Arrancar's face didn't change, he felt a little disturbed,

"I do not know. I used (Pesquisa) on them and they were not the ones we were looking for. The boy who punched you didn't use Reiryoku and doesn't have much reiatsu. We must inform Aizen I this development," Ulquiorra replied.

"Alright. I'm killing them-" Yammy growled and cracked his fingers, "starting with you!" he finished and dashed towards Mikoto.

"Santen Kesshun!"

A feminine voice was heard along with the appearance of an orange energy shield that blocked the punch.

The group turned around to see the source of the voice and saw Orihime with her hands towards them and Chad kneeling beside Tatsuki who was watching them.

"Another trash, Ulquiorra?"


"Are you sure?"

However, before he could ask again, Saiki appeared in front of him, once more, and punched him harder towards the ground.


Yammy couldn't even utter a sound before his head was smashed towards the ground.

"YOU SON OF A FUCKING BITCH! DIE!" Yammy shouted as red energy started forming in his mouth.

Orihime cried out.


Saiki simply looked at Yammy who was forming his (Cero) before lifting his hand in an attempt to use (Telekinesis) on the Arrancar. Unfortunately, it didn't work.


Instead, he lifted both of his hands towards the incoming attack and created a ball of psionic energy and shot it towards the Cero. The attack collided with the cero and released a shockwave of energy and force decimating the area in between them.

A few moments later, the dust cloud cleared revealing a crater created by a shockwave as well as a razed ground

"What the actual fuck! Who the hell is this shit! That's not even reiryoku!" Yammy shouted in rage and confusion."

"What's happening here!?"

They all saw Ichigo Kurosaki arrive in his usual Shinigami shihakusho as well as a large cleaver-like sword on his back.

"Arrancars!" the orange-haired boy shouted in surprise before taking his sword and unravelling the cloth on the blade revealing a wickedly sharp blade.

"It's him," Ulquiorra said.

Yammy looking roughed whipped his head towards his superior,


"Yes, if you use your (Pesquisa) you would notice that that boy has the largest reiatsu of them all. Unfortunately, there are a lot of unknown variables."

"Wait. What the hell are you saying? I need to kill them! They-"

"Enough, Yammy," Ulquiorra said as he released his reiatsu for a moment.

Everyone could feel the massive pressure upon them.

"We will retreat for now and inform Aizen of these new variables."

"What about our mission!?"

"You couldn't deal with that boy and also there are others who came. Isn't that right?" the 4th Espada rebuked before turning towards a direction.

"Hyaa! We were spotted so easily. You must be getting rusty, Yoruichi-san." a male voice said.

"Oi! I'm not the one galivanting in a shop selling weird stuff." Yoruichi replied this time with a female voice.

"Don't call me products weird. They're amazing!" the man replied.

Everyone turned towards the voice and saw two people walking out of the forest. The man was Kisuke Urahara who wore his usual green Shihakusho with clogs. He had a fan on one hand and had his zanpakuto on his other hand. The woman beside him was Yoruichi in her human form.

"Yoruichi-san! Hats and Clogs! What's going on and who are they!?" shouted Ichigo.

"I don't know about the newly arrived, but I think those two are the invaders of this town."

Ichigo deadpanned,

"Thank you, Captain Obvious."

"So you're running away?" asked Yoruichi to the Arrancars.

"Do not misunderstand. We are simply going to report to Aizen about these new variables on the board. Although we wanted to kill that fake shinigami, it wouldn't be worth it right now." Ulquiorra replied.

He turned to an empty space and tapped the air.


The space in front of him opened revealing a black void.

"Besides, it doesn't seem like he can control his power which makes him worthless." he finished before taking Yammy and entering the portal. Once the portal closed, only the residents of Karakura town and the Multiverse Chat Group team were left.

"Well, that was something," said Kazuma once the enemies left.

"I agree. But first, who are you?" asked Kisuke with an edge to his voice.

The group who arrived in this world looked at each other,

"I believe it's better if we go somewhere where no one can hear us." Erza said.

Kisuke lowered his bucket hat,

"Very well. Let's go to my shop!"