
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · 漫画同人
80 Chs

Chapter 56: Mission

"Do I have everything?" a redheaded girl asked herself when she finally closed a suitcase.

She then tossed it onto an unusual large chariot where multiple other suitcases of a variety of sizes were there.

"Hm! Hm! Now I'm ready!" Erza said when the case finally landed on the top of the mountain of luggage in her room.

It was the middle of the night so all of the residents of Fairy Hills were asleep.

'Unless if Cana was also drinking at night.' she thought with a deadpan.

Wearing her Heart Kreuz armour over a shirt and a blue skirt, she lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling. Ever since she got invited to the system, her life changed. She had gained new powers and friends. However, the most important one is the knowledge of the future.

'Phantom Lords, Jellal, Edolas, Zeref. Not to mention Acnologia. What should I do?' Erza thought?


A noise was heard and Erza opened the chat system.

Miki: Are you guys, ready! Cuz I'm pumped! It's going to be my first mission ever. Like should I bring anything or do something before travelling to the other world.

Miki: Oh My God! We really are going to travel to another world. And in the Bleach universe!

Kazuma: Oi. Calm thy tits, woman! Just bring some clothes and money.

Miki: Leave my tits alone! I can't help it! It's my first mission. I don't have any powers!

Kazuma: What about your clairvoyance or something.

Miki: That's just something that comes with the flow.

Miki: Saiki. You'll protect me, right?

Saiki: ...

Miki: Saiki?

Saiki: ...

Miki: Oi! Saiki. Answer! You're starting to make me nervous!

Kazuma: Hahaha!

Saiki: ... ok

Miki: YESSS.

Kuroneko: I'm also excited. We will be fighting ghosts! I wonder if mana will work on them?

Kazuma: I'm pretty sure it will. I mean Mana is just another name for spiritual power. I mean we are more like Quincies.

Kuroneko: What do you mean?

Kazuma: I mean, unlike Izumi, we absorb mana from the atmosphere to fill our containers right just like how Quincies absorb the reiryoku from the air to use their abilities? I know for Erza it's like that.

Erza: That's true. Mages of Earthland absorb the Ethernano to fill our spiritual containers passively.

Kuroneko: Does that mean we could use quincy techniques?

Kazuma: I'm not sure.

Miki: Hold up! Saiki and I don't even have mana or spiritual power. Only those energy can interact with ghosts!

Erza: Miki. Did you not receive pills when you first entered the chat?

Miki: Eh?

Kuroneko: Did you not check?

Miki: ...

Miki: I'll be right back.

[Miki has left the chat]

Kuroneko: Saiki? Did you check?

Saiki: Yes

Kazuma: And?

Saiki: Did not use it.




Kazuma: To be fair. He's already overpowered. It would be useless to add more powers.

Erza: But do they work on a ghost?

Saiki: I don't know. Never tried.

Kazuma: Wait. I remember does that mean you never saw Nendou's dad?

Saiki: Nendou's... dad?

In his room, the psychic had a horrified expression.

'Did that thing have a dad? I thought he was spawned from somewhere.'

Kuroneko: I remember a scene where he couldn't get rid of his dad who followed Saiki since his powers didn't work on him.

Kazuma: Really?

Kuroneko: Yeah.

'Nendou's dad is going to follow me?' Saiki thought as he shivered.

'Yare Yare. Who knows what kind of mess that would create.'

Saiki then stilled.

'Wait. Did she just say that my powers don't work on ghosts?'

Saiki: What do you mean my powers don't work on ghosts?"

Kuroneko: Have you not watched the anime about you?

Saiki: No.

Kuroneko: Maybe your astral projection works on them, but that's it.

Kuroneko: Actually, now that I think about it. Do you keep your powers in astral mode or not?

Saiki: I don't know.

Erza: We'll have to figure it out together when we meet up.

[Miki has joined the chat]

Miki: Guys I'm back and you're right! There are rewards for joining the chat.

Kazuma: It's those pills, right?

Miki: Yeah, I have two magic awakening pills and two body purification pills.

Erza: Are you home alone, right now?

Miki: Huh, yeah.

Miki: School just ended and I'm back home. My parents are at work and they won't be home for another two hours. What's wrong?

Erza: Then I suggest you go to the bathroom and take the pill when you are in your bathtub.

Miki: Why?

Erza: You'll see.

Miki: Erza? Why do I have to take it in the bathtub?

Kazuma: Just do as she says. You'll thank her later.

Kuroneko: He's right.

Miki: Saiki?

Saiki: Don't ask me. I didn't use it.

Miki: Okay then.

Erza: Then after you finish everything. You take the mana awakening pill. Apparently, it gives you mana and a magic affinity.

Kazuma: I got earth magic.

Kuroneko: I got darkness magic.

Miki: All right then.

Kazuma: Hurry up though. We have an hour before leaving.

Miki: That's still a long time.

Kuroneko: Not if you take the body purification pill.

Miki: Guys, you're scaring me. What's going to happen?

Kazuma: Nothing much. It will just purify your body. Making your body better.

Miki: Alright, then I'll be off.

[Miki has left the chat]

Erza: Then I will be seeing you guys in an hour.

Kazuma: Yeah. I still need to finish the preparations.

Kuroneko: Same

Saiki: +1

Erza closed the chat and simply rested on the bed. She held out her hands and activated her magic.


Yellow lights flashed in front of her hands in front of her hand before coalescing into two swords. She closed her hand on their grips and examined them. On her left hand was another sword with a black blade with a red hexagonal-shaped pattern. On her right was a beautiful sword with a shining white blade that glinted under the moonlight piercing through her window. They both had a large and heavy grip with a yin-yang symbol at the guard of the swords. These were the black Yang blade and the white Yin blade respectively also known as Kanshou and Bakuya.

'What beautiful blades.' she thought.

She wasn't even thinking about how powerful they were. Just the craftmanship of these swords is incredible. She felt the swords trying to get closer to each other as if they were magnets.

'I wonder if they would work against ghosts.' the scarlet-haired woman thought.

She stored the swords back in rested.

An hour later, she heard another notification. Erza opened it and saw a message.

[The mission will start in five minutes. Please prepare yourself]

Kazuma: Alright, it's been some time I haven't been to the modern world.

Kuroneko: Yeah.



Kazuma: We did warn you.


Kuroneko: Have you looked at yourself?"

Miki: No. I told you I didn't have time. I literally just got off the bathtub.

Miki: Now, I need to put on some clothes or I'll get teleported in my birthday suit.

Miki: Wait, why do I feel so strong?

Kuroneko: Put your clothes on first. We'll explain it when we meet.

Miki: Alright!

[The mission will start in two minutes]

Miki: Oh my god! BRB!

Erza: Saiki. Are you there?

Saiki: Present.

Erza: Are you ready?

Saiki: Are there going to be monsters like Izumi and I fought?

Erza: No. The system has not detected any so there is no need to worry.

Kuroneko: Do we have a plan?

Kazuma: Go with the flow?

Saiki: Really?

Erza: Unfortunately, that's the only plan right now. Since we must help defeat Aizen Sosuke, we must interact with Soul Society where the head captain is full of paranoia therefore it will not be easy for them to trust us.

Kazuma: This mission is going to be a long one.

Kuroneko: It's going to be a maximum until December of their timeline.

Saiki: At what time will we be transported?

Kazuma: I think it will be after Aizen defected from Soul Society. The mission says a rogue soul which means that the soul has already betrayed them. Therefore after the whole Ruikia rescue fiasco.

[The mission will start in 10 seconds]

Kazuma: Alright! Let's go!



Miki: I'm ready!



Miki: Although I haven't eaten the magic pill yet.


Erza: That's okay. You can eat it when we meet up.



Kuroneko: I can't wait to meet you guys in person! Miki and Saiki!


Miki: Me too!


Kazuma: See you on the other side!

[You will now be transported to your mission's world. Good luck and may your mission be successful!]

A flash of light engulfed the mission undertakers as they disappeared from their world.

In another world, on top of a hospital, a large flash of light appeared before disappearing, leaving five people. They all fell to the ground as they groaned because of vertigo caused by the teleportation.

"Oh my god! I want to hurl! And I haven't eaten anything." AIura said as she dry heaved.

"Same! I can never get used to teleportation." Kazuma replied as he held a hand to his mouth.

"Ugh!" Kuroneko didn't say anything as she tried to get her dizziness in control.

Saiki held his head, but he quickly recovered.

Erza summoned a sword and planted it to the ground to hold herself steady.

Five minutes later, they recovered enough to function properly.

Erza looked at the new faces.

"It's good to meet you, Miki and Saiki."

'You too' replied Saiki.

"Me too Erzachi!" Miki told her.

The duo then introduced themselves to the rest of the group.

"So where are we?" asked Kazuma as he looked at his surrounding.

"I think we are on the roof of a hospital," Kuroneko replied.

"How do you figure?" asked Miki.

"It's written over there," Kuroneko replied as she pointed somewhere.

The group followed her finger and saw a sign above a door.

[Roof of Karakura Hospital]

"Let's leave and find out our next move," Erza said.

"Ok, but where?"

They all turned to Saiki.


"Can you teleport us to somewhere private? We don't want to be spotted by the others of this world just yet," asked Erza.

Saiki nodded and closed his eyes. a second later, he opened them.

'Okay. Hold on to me.'

Miki bounced on his back with a sly grin eliciting a tick mark on the psychic's temple. The others snickered and grabbed his arms and shoulders. They soon disappeared from the roof.

Far away, in a lovely shop, a man wearing a striped dark green and white bucket hat and a black haori over a green shihakusho along with Japanese wooden sandals turned his head in a direction. Beside him, on the floor, a black cat copied his action.

"Did you feel that Kisuke?" asked the black cat with a male voice.

"Yeah. Well isn't this unexpected. I wonder who they are?" Kisuke Urahara said with a grin as he held his fan to his face.