
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · 漫画同人
80 Chs

Chapter 50: Monster Army

"Please help them!" Aiko had asked him.

Nagumo sighed and looked back at the approaching monsters using his demon eyes. To be honest, he wanted to go back to Fuhren to finish his mission and go towards the Grand Gruen Labyrinth. Unfortunately, because of his bleeding heart, the remaining parts of humanity he has left and his sensei, he and his companions have agreed to hold off the invasion of monsters. Right now, the group is helping with the evacuation of the town while he transmuted large walls around the town as a defence system against the army of monsters. Aiko-sensei, who was dubbed the Fertility Goddess by the citizens of the town of Ur, was directing every woman and child to evacuate first.

The monsters were soon approaching as they marched at an impressive speed for an army with over sixty thousand beasts. Overall it took almost the whole day to prepare for the invasion.

"You should take a break, Aiko. You have been running around the whole day," advised David the Knight assigned to the so-called Goddess of Fertility.

"It's okay!"

She then turned towards Nagumo,

"Nagumo-kun, I have finished evacuating the women and children from the town."

The boy nodded,

"Alright. We also finished our preparations. But now we have to prepare for an army consisting of more than 60000 monsters."

"Hajime-dono, since we have a little bit of time, may I discuss with..." To approached Hajime and was about to ask him something with him when the air in front of her started to distort and twist.

With lightning-quick reflexes, the boy raised Donner towards the phenomena, Yue had mana spark through her fingers and Shea gripped her hammer. Tio had jumped back in surprise when the twisted air appeared right in front of her. Finally, Aiko had hidden behind Hajime and was looking at the portal warily.

Soon the air twisted until it formed a circle before the inside cleared itself to show the familiar view of Raisen Gorge.

"Wait isn't that the Raisen Gorge?" asked Shea.

Before anyone could answer her, someone suddenly appeared on the other side of the portal.

"You wouldn't mind if we joined in the party right?" a black-haired boy said when he stepped into their view.

"Oh, Miyamura. Did you make this portal?" asked Hajime as he lowered the gun.

Izumi shrugged,

"Yeah, just a pell I picked up before coming here."

Hajime was about to ask something else when Aiko came from behind Hajime and walked toward the portal.

"I have seen you before, haven't I?" she asked as she frowned her brows.

Izumi grinned and gave a slight bow,

"Hello sensei. My name is Miyamura Izumi and I'm a first-year."

Then, as if something clicked inside her head, Aiko pointed at him.

"You're that boy who was running toward us when we got summoned!"

"Oh? I'm surprised that you remembered me."

"But I never saw you when we were summoned."

Izumi glanced at Hajime who shook his head.

"I was never summoned. I came to this world on my own to get someone. And now I'm here we are here because she wanted to help you after we saw the army of monsters approaching." the esper-mage said to the teacher.


Suddenly, another figure appeared in view.

"Hello, Aiko-sensei!" Hori greeted.

Hajime and Aiko were surprised. Hajime because he saw wings sprouting from her back and Aiko because Kyouko was here.

"Kyouko-chan! What are you doing here!?" Aiko exclaimed.

"Why don't we come through first," she said before stepping through the portal with Izumi right behind.

The portal then closed behind them.

"So what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with the other students clearing the labyrinth?" Aiko asked.

Kyouko frowned a little,

"Izumi and I already completed it like two days ago," she replied.

"WHAT!?" everyone shouted.

"What do you mean?" Hajime asked.

He knew that there were not only a hundred floors but there were another hundred floors after completing the "tutorial". It took him two months to complete the second part of the dungeon so the fact that they completed the whole dungeon was very shocking.

"Ah! Hajime-kun! I'm glad that you are alive! Kaori would be overjoyed" Kyouko said in relief seeing the boy in person.

She remembered when Kaori was in grief for days with Shizuku beside her and trying to console her.

"Kaori? It sounds like a girl's name. Who is that Hajime." suddenly asked Yue.

Her woman's intuition told her that Kaori was a person to watch out for.

"She's just a classmate." Hajime quickly replied with sweatdrops.

"Hm." Yue nodded with narrowed eyes.

"Ah! Is it another girl Hajime! No way, he's mine only!" shouted Shea.

The rest of the group sweatdropped at their interaction.

"So is this a task from Ehit?" Aiko asked slowly.

Since she now knew who Ehit really was, she was a little hesitant to ask Hori who was supposed to be the mad god's "apostle".

Kyouko's expression changed,

"No, and please don't ever talk about him again." the girls said with barely concealed anger. Hajime and his group saw her expression and figured that there is more to the story than just want was told by Oscar and chose not to ask anything

David, Aiko's guard and worshipper of Ehit, was about to open his mouth when he suddenly had a dazed look and stood down. On the side, Izumi had a finger pointed at him. He uses his mind magic to change his memory about what Hori said. He didn't want to start any drama right now when monsters are approaching.

"Right," Aiko said warily.

"Anyway, We came here to help you push back the army," Kyouko said.

"Actually, you are going to help them push back the army," Izumi interjected.

"Eh?" Kyouko turned toward Izumi with a bewildered expression.

"Don't look at me like that. I helped, all 66745 monsters would be instantly destroyed. Didn't you want to use this occasion to see how strong you have become?" he replied.

"WHAT!?" shouted everyone once more.

"Stop shouting," said Izumi as he scratched his ear.

"How dare you speak arrogantly!" David said, but before he could move, he was instantly slammed to the floor.

The group looked back at Izumi who hadn't moved a single muscle.

"What?" he asked innocently.

Kyouko looked at Izumi and the latter looked back at her and it seemed like they were having a telepathic conversation. She then sighed,

"Alright, I'll do it," she said.

Izumi grinned,

"That's my girl. Besides, I will help if you are in a pinch."

"Wait! Wait! Wait! What do you mean that you would instantly destroy all the monsters? You were never summoned by Ehit into this world, therefore you didn't receive any powers?" Aiko sputtered after hearing the outrageous claim.

Izumi rose an eyebrow,

"I told you before that I came here on my own. What does that mean sensei?"

"That means you already could cross dimensions which also means that you already had powers in your old world," Tio interjected.

"Bingo! The dragon lady is our winner, unfortunately, this contest doesn't have a prize." Izumi exclaimed.

"But, why don't you go back to your world?" she asked.

"Because I hijacked Ehit's magic circle from when he summoned the class and reversed-engineered it to come here. Unfortunately, it was a one-way spell with no means to come back."

"Our earth has magic?" asked Aiko.

"You have no idea, but it's a story for another time because the monsters are now coming," Izumi said and everyone turned towards the horizon. They could see the figures of the monsters approaching.

"Oh god," whispered Aiko,

"Why don't you start Hajime. Didn't you have a speech prepared?" Izumi said with a smirk.

"How did you know that?" the boy said to him with narrowed eyes.

"I have my ways."

Hajime kept his gaze on the boy before turning away and towards the crowd. At that moment, he suddenly began using the art of Bullshit-no-Jutsu to convince the citizens of Ur that they were the swords and shields of the Goddess of Fertility, Aiko-sama. When he finished his speech, he turned toward Yue who acknowledged the signal and activated her spell, (Draconic Thunder). Izumi observed the spells as dark clouds gathered in the sky. They rumbled with lights flashing in them.


After five seconds, a thundering noise and the crackles of lightning were heard before a large yellow dragon made of pure lightning appeared from the clouds. Using gravity magic, she directed the lightning dragon towards the incoming monsters.


As the lightning dragon met the monsters, a huge explosion appeared. Once the cloud of dust and remanents of lightning disappeared. There was now a large scorched area where the monsters were annihilated.

The crowd was speechless before suddenly cheering.


"Eh? Eh? Eh!" stuttered the teacher as they lifted her in the air.

"Go, Kyouko. You can do it," said Izumi.

As Hajime took out a rocket launcher, Kyouko leaped into the air before sending magic into her wings and beating them in the air. Over the days of their training, Izumi noticed that she only needed to send her mana into her wings to hover. Of course, if she wanted to move, she would have to flap them, but if she simply wanted to hover in the air, she didn't need to continuously flap her wings. Once she was high enough, she started launching attacks with pure Holy energy. Since she was so high in the air, no monster reached her and as far as she can see, there were no flying ones. As her attacks landed on the monsters, they were instantly destroyed. She heard an explosion and saw Shea hammering her way into the crowd of monsters.

'She's super strong' Hori thought as she observed the strength of the rabbitwoman's blows.

Suddenly, her instant flared up and quickly tried to conjure a shield. A small circular shield was formed and a large club slammed into it. Unfortunately for her, the blow was strong and she was knocked out of the sky and to the ground due to her carelessness. Izumi cringed when he saw that, but he wasn't worried. The necklace would have reacted and alerted him if something had happened to her. Plus, she was wearing her Dark Matter armour.

"Argh! Shit" she let out when pain flared as she slammed into the ground.

"I shouldn't have become distracted." she scolded herself as she checked herself for any injuries. Luckily, the armour had absorbed most of the damage. She looked around and so orcs and wolf-like monsters ran towards her. She noticed, that one of the orcs was missing a weapon.

"So it's you," she growled.

She quickly stood up and quickly cast an original spell she had created in her training. Since she now had (Mana Manipulation) and (Image composition), she didn't need to chant the spells nor have a physical copy of the magic circle of the spell to cast. She calculated that the monsters would arrive in five seconds and she needed seven to cast the spell. Therefore she deployed a Holy energy barrier to stall them. She waited for them to arrive closer. Just when they reached five meters from her, she instantly deployed the some she had prepared. The monsters collided into the shield at full speed. I do so, Hori had caused a commotion because the monsters behind wouldn't expect the shield to appear out of nowhere resulting in them also colliding with the monsters in front of them and creating a domino effect.

This gave her enough time to finish casting her spell. She smirked and shouted,

"That's for knocking me out of the sky! Scythe Tornado!"

A chunk of mana was used in her spell. The wind started to pick up with Hori being the eye of the storm. As the wind speed grew, it started circling her just outside of the dome barrier. Monsters began to try to grip the ground to avoid being picked up. Soon a veritable tornado was formed. All the monsters in her area were sucked into the disaster and we're headed to its eye. But, this was not just a simple tornado. The monsters, that were sucked up headed to its center, they were starting to get cut up into pieces just like a grinder. The spell Hori had used had two steps, suck enemies into the tornado and cut them up once they reached the center. The disadvantage of the spell was that it had a low range with only fifteen meters in radius and it was a stationary spell. But it made up for its destructiveness. Enable to maintain the spell anymore, Hori let go of it lest she drains all her mana. Monsters pieces and blood fell from the sky. In the mix, there are also some that we're alive, but not for long as they fell to their death. Kyouko had a satisfied smile as she looked at the city sight before her.

"This spell worked quite well for the first time," she said to herself.

From the top of the wall, Izumi whistled at the sheer firepower Kyouko's spell had created.

"That is an impressive spell, but I can see that it consumes a lot of mana," Tio said as she admired the circle of destruction around Hori.

"But what is she?" she asked.

Izumi turned towards her,

"What are you talking about?"

"There are no beastmen with wings in this world. The only beings with wings are the so-called Apostle of Ehit." the dragonwoman said.

Izumi shook his head,

"She is a Fallen Angel. It is a species from our world."

"I see."

That's when Hajime shouted,

"Tio! Use your dragon breath!"

The woman shuddered in ecstasy,

"I love it when he orders me like that," she said panting.

Izumi scooted back a little.

She raised her arms as dark violet mana gathered at the center of her palm before releasing it. A huge beam exploded from her towards a group of monsters. They didn't have a chance to react before a beam of destruction engulfed them. Once the spell dissipated, not even their ashes remained.

Izumi looked at the different weapons Hajime pulled out from his Treasure Trove and wreaked havoc in the monster army with Yue supporting him. He looked back towards Hori. She had decimated a large number of monsters on her own, but she was getting tired. Seeing that she was exhausted, he opened a portal in front of her. Seeing the portal, Hori walked into it and appeared on the wall beside him.

"You okay? Did you have fun?" Izumi cheekily asked.

His girlfriend grinned back,

"Yeah, I wanted to do more, but I'm exhausted now."

Izumi grinned, He stood up and walked to her before kissing her. Surprised by the sudden action. Hori meeped before kissing back. He then pulled back leaving a slightly blushing Kyouko.

"Good work Kyouko. Now, let me finish it," he said before turning back to the invasion.

He walked towards the edge of the wall before casting (Telepathy) using mind magic. He connected his mind with Hajime, Yue, and Shea.

'Alright, everyone. Get away from the battlefield when I give the signal.' he said.

'Eh? Miyamura-san?'



'Yeah, it's me? I've changed my mind. So get away from the battlefield when I say so. I will kill them all. Also, it will reinforce the citizen's belief in Aiko-sensei.'

'Are you sure?' asked Hajime.

'Yeah, don't worry.'

'Alright,' he replied.

Izumi stopped his telepathy and closed his eyes.

"What are you doing?" asked Tio.

"You'll see."

He activated the rotation technique to save as much mana as possible. After a few seconds of calculating his position and the necessary components needed for his spell. After 15 seconds, he raised his hand towards the sky.

'NOW!' he shouted telepathically.

Hajime grabbed Yue and sped towards the wall with Shea right behind. They then climbed onto the wall, arrived right beside the group and waited.

Izumi then cast the spell. Even with the mana rotation technique, three fourth of his mana was depleted.

"Fall," he said

At first, there was nothing, the monster then began making its way towards the wall.

"Oi. When is it going to happen?" asked Hajime seeing the monsters running towards them.

Izumi didn't say anything and looked up. The others followed his actions. A few seconds later, multiple cries were heard from the citizens as the other's jaws dropped from shock. The clouds parted revealing a huge boulder falling down with high velocity. Izumi had summoned a meteorite. The monsters seeing that froze and without a second thought began to run in the other direction for their lives.

"A meteorite!" Aiko shouted in shock.

"No way," muttered Shea muttered.

"Did you just pull a Fujitora?" Nagumo asked

The asteroid continued to descend from the sky and finally met the ground.


As soon as the rock touched the ground, it generated a shockwave that instantly decimated to monsters running away not including those that were crushed by the meteorite. The shockwave had instantly annihilated the army f monsters.

What Izumi did was create a Gravity field in space outside of Tortus's atmosphere. This gravity field would then pick up a random meteorite from space. Since it was a localized field, the moon wouldn't be affected. In fact, the whole spell was based on luck as it also depended on the type of meteorite it would grab. If it was too big, it wouldn't be affected. If it was too small, it would disintegrate from the atmosphere and wouldn't have any effect on the army of monsters. The part that consumed the most mana was how far he had to create the gravitational field and maintain it. Once the meteorite gained momentum towards his desired location, he would stop the spell. Of course, this spell was an experimental one and he wouldn't spam it. In fact, he couldn't spam it.

The shockwave was so intense it reached the humans, but Izumi had already taken precautions and already erected a barrier and reinforced the wall using (Dark Matter).

*BANG!* it slammed into the barrier, but the latter didn't budge. It did shake the ground a lot making the others fall on the ground.

"Wha...Wha...What?" babbled Aiko seeing the massacre and a literal on the battlefield.

Izumi was tired, having used three fourth of his mana can do that, but didn't show it and turned around.

"And voila," he said to the others while spreading his arms.

He looked at everyone's expression and saw that they were all speechless. It was kinda fun seeing them like that.

"W-What was that?" asked Yue

"That's my spell, (Fall). I simply summoned a meteorite."

"So you weren't lying?" asked Tio wide-eyed.

"Why would I lie about that? Now let's get rid of it since we still need to get the perpetrator."

"He's not dead?" asked Hajime.

"No, I figured you would want to see who it is," Izumi said.

He raised his arm towards the Meteorite and materialized Dark Matter. He then infused it into the giant boulder before turning it into sand. The boulder disintegrated until there was nothing left. When the sand disappeared, the group saw someone running away in fear.

"Shea." Hajime simply said.

"Yes." the rabbitwoman replied and leaped towards the runaway. The group then followed her after jumping down the wall. Half a minute later, Shea arrived with the figure in her arms and threw him at the group's feet. Hajime took his hood and threw it back revealing a familiar face to everyone, Yukitoshi Shimizu.

Aiko gasped when she saw the face of her student.

"Shimizu-kun? What's going on?"

Aiko then started berating him for what would had happen. if he succeeded in his attack. Izumi looked at the boy with apathy seeing how he would kill so many people just to become some sort of hero.

Suddenly, the teen shot toward Aiko before going behind her. He then grabbed her and placed a needle on her neck.

"DON'T MOVE! If you move, she dies! One stab will inject the poison that will kill her!" he ordered.

Izumi could see him trembling as he held the needle. Everyone froze when the teen held his teacher hostage.

"Shi-Shimizu-kun? W-Why a-are you doing this?" she asked trembling in fright at her student.

Shimizu went on a monologue about how he had made a pact with the demons and the latter would make him into a hero, unlike Kouki. How his plan was perfect and he would kill the Goddess of Fertility.

"But my plan failed when you fuckers came into play! The demons even gave some of the strongest monsters they had, but they were reduced to nothing!" he pointed at the people who stopped the army of monsters.

"Hey, you chunni fucker!"

Hajime looked around before pointing at himself in confusion.

"Yeah, you little shit! I'm talking to you! Give me all your weapons so I can escape from here! Don't forget I have your teacher here!" he tries to order.

An invisible arrow struck Hajime's heart when he was described as chunni.

"And you!" he pointed at Izumi.

Izumi raised an eyebrow.


"What are you? There is no way that you are a human. You're a monster!"

"Now, that's just rude. I'm simply your friendly neighbourhood esper-mage." Izumi cheekily said.

"Don't fuck with me! There is no way a human can summon a meteorite! What the fuck are you!?"

"You don't look so hot for a hero. You look more like those cannon fodder that the hero best in their first quest." Izumi said.

A silence permeated before Shimizu began to laugh like a madman. Hajime raised Schlag at his fellow classmate, but Izumi burst into action. He covered Aiko's figure in a fine layer of Dark Matter before pulling Shimizu forward. At that moment, Aiko stumbled forward and a mana bullet penetrated his chest killing him instantly giving a fitting end for a traitor, by betrayal.

Hajime shot towards the demon that killed Shimizu, but he was too far away and only took out a limb.

Hori quickly jumped towards Aiko, pulled her away from the dead and checked for any injuries.

Seeing none, she stepped away as the teacher ran towards her student,

"No, no, no, no! Can someone heal him!? Please!?" she asked around desperately.

"You can't heal the dead more so a traitor." Izumi sharply replied.

"W-What? Please tell me that's not true?" Wiki turned back to her student and pressed on the fatal wound.

"Shimizu-kun! Shimizu-kun! Please, you're not dead! You can't die since I'm your teacher!" Aiko cried as she watched the light leave the eyes of her student.

The others looked down as she grieved for her student even if he was the one that wanted to kill her. Kyouko leaned into her boyfriend as the latter wrapped an arm around her and held her close.

Izumi simply looked at the dead without any emotions. Even if it was the first time he had killed someone like that, he didn't feel anything. No remorse, no guilt, no nausea, no nothing. He sighed and looked at the sky.

'I guess that's one more thing that's broken.'