
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · 漫画同人
80 Chs

Chapter 49: Getting out

Izumi stirred from his sleep and opened his eyes to stare at a familiar ceiling. He had slept like a baby which was normal considering how many times he had emptied and refilled his mana reserves even with the mana rotation technique. The good thing is that this essentially trained him and increased his mana reserves and the efficiency of his life-force conversion.

Izumi suddenly felt something move on his side and looked at the source. Hori was nuzzling to his side as she kept sleeping. Seeing her, Izumi thought back at what happened yesterday. How she had been so forward in her confession, the kisses they had after, the burning emotions he felt. It was unlike anything he had experienced.

He put his head back on the pillow and gazed at the ceiling,

'It was so simple, yet I made so complicated,' he thought when he was overthinking about his feelings for Kyouko.

He never knew that he would date her. He didn't think it was a possibility since he was not the Izumi Miyamura from the manga or is he? He was born in this body. It's not like he transmigrated into the guy's body.

Izumi has had years to acknowledge the fact that he was Izumi Miyamura and he was not some ink on a paper.

'This is my life now. Not some story that I read before.' he thought.

At that moment, Hori let out a moan and opened her eyes to look up at Izumi.

"Good morning Hori. Did you sleep well?" the latter asked smiling.

Hori also smiled sleepily and answered,

"Good morning Miyamura-kun. Yeah, it was the best sleep I had."

"Me too, but we have to get up."

"Why?" she whined as she hugged her boyfriend tighter.

Izumi could feel the heat creep up his face as the girl's body pressed on him.

"You know we have to train since you just recently awakened. We don't even know if you have inherited something from your mother or father except for your race."

Hori's eyebrow rose.

"What do you mean?"

"I know another hybrid Fallen Angel/human like you. She is the daughter of the Fallen Angel Baraquiel who is dubbed as the Lightning of God. She had inherited from him his Holy lightning." Izumi informed her.

"Really? How did you know?" she asked with an edge in her voice.

"I have a surveillance system around the city and the next one," Izumi opened his palm to produce one of his drones.

Hori looked at the drone before asking,

"The next one? Are you talking about Kuoh?"

Izumi nodded.

"That city is going to be attracting a lot of attention shortly and I fear that we may be involved in it."

"But, why would we be involved? We are in another city?"

Izumi looked at her,

"Just because we are in another city does not mean it will not affect us."

Hori nodded before getting up. She then stretched herself.

"Then what are we waiting for?" she said as she got off the bed.

Izumi smiled and followed her actions.

"Why don't we go clean ourselves and I'll make breakfast," Izumi said.

"But I want to make breakfast today," Hori said.

Izumi's lips quirked with amusement,

"With what? We don't have the ingredients."

Hori looked down with a pout.

"Besides, I still have food that we can eat today."

"Okay, but, next time, I'm cooking," she said as she stomped her way to the bathroom.

Izumi simply let out a chuckle at her cute expression. He then went to clean himself after she was done.

Once they finished, they went to the kitchen to eat. Izumi once more spent points to get food for themselves and at the end of his purchases, he had a balance of eighty points.

"Itadakimasu!" they both said before they dug into the food.

"So what are we doing today?" Hori asked.

"We are going to train you," Izumi said as he pointed his chopstick at her.

"How? There are no monsters for me to fight."

Izumi shook his head.

"We are not just training to fight monsters. We are training to fight almost any dangers. Remember what I told you about our world?"

"Where almost all the myths and legends are real?"


"Then how am I going to train?"

"We will train you in your magic and also martial arts."

"Martial arts?"

"Yes, even if you are part-Fallen and have superhuman strength, you need to know how to use it since you can't always rely on your magic," Izumi added.

"You also know martial arts?" Hori asked.

Izumi nodded,

"I trained in Bajiquan, Karate and Taekwondo. I will be teaching you the basics."

Hori nodded,

"Alright! I am ready!" she said while pumping her fist.

Soon they finished eating and they went into the house's large courtyard.

"So how are we doing this?" Hori said as she deployed her wings.

"You are going to going to manipulate your power to form different constructs like spheres, pyramids, swords, shields, etc. And you are going to try to do it fast. At one point, you are supposed to form different constructs in the blink of an eye." Izumi said as he form different weapon constructs with his mana alone."

From what Izumi remembered in Highschool DxD, the Fallen Angels would simply mould their Holy Power into constructs and throw them. Of course, that's only what he saw and read. He doesn't know if that changed once he was reborn into this world.

Hori nodded and went to work. For this training, Izumi will call out an object and Hori would form it. At first simple stuff like lances, balls, shields would take her three to four seconds to form. Hori had to make sure that her constructs were perfect from their form down to their durability.

Soon, Izumi could see that her constructs were getting formed faster and faster. After one hour, once her reserves were depleted, she stopped. She panted and smiled at Izumi.

"Miyamura-kun! I shaved one second from when I started!" she proudly said.

Izumi smiled. Unfortunately, he didn't know how that stacked against other fallen like her since she was the only one that the boy interacted with. Was it fast? Was it slow? Izumi didn't know. If he compared her to him though, it was a little slow since it took less than a second for him to create his constructs. Nonetheless, it was still fast for someone without much experience. Of course, her being a Sage helped her a lot.

"Good job! Now take a break. Then we will move on to spells. After we will eat lunch then we will finish the day with martial arts."

Hori gave an exhausted smile and sat down. While she was taking a break, Izumi was practicing his magic. When he got the Ancient Magics, he was also given the knowledge of some spells. one such spell was (Spatial Severance). It was a defensive spell where Izumi would create a black hole for defensive purposes. He could use it to absorb attacks or redirect them using its gravitational field.

He first formed a boulder using earth magic before cutting it up into smaller pieces with wind magic. He then launched them into the air using gravity magic. Once the pieces were at the required height, he let go of his hold on them and let them fall. The piece's velocity increased and Izumi activated the spell. the space on top of Izumi is distorted due to the increase of gravity on top of him. As the gravity increased, a black ball was formed as the very space twisted due to the spell. The ball had a diameter of one meter once Izumi completed the spell. Soon the falling rocks got closer to Izumi. Once they reached the gravitational field, they shifted towards the black hole. In the next moment, they were absorbed in the black hole and were crushed into nothing due to the massive gravity inside it. The teen then cancelled the spell making the black hole vanish leaving nothing behind. Izumi was honestly impressed by Miledi for creating such a spell.

"What was that?" asked Hori with an excited expression.

"That's a gravity spell called (Spatial Severance)."

He then explained its effect to her.

"That's amazing. Is it possible to learn the spell?"

Izumi shook his head,

"You have to have the gravity magic to learn it," he answered.

Hori nodded before stretching herself and going back to work before pausing.

"Oh yeah, you told me that you were an esper-magician. What did you mean by esper?" she asked.

"An esper is a person who uses scientifically based supernatural power. We don't use magic to use it, but our minds instead. Our brains are wired differently. This gives us a Personal Reality which is the ability to substitute reality with our own. There is a whole complicated explanation using quantum theory and Schrodinger's cat theory. Basically, my esper ability is to create a matter that doesn't exist in the universe and defies the laws of science." Izumi said before summoning a ball of Dark Matter.

Hori looked at the ball that floated above Izumi's palm with amazement,

"When you say matter that defies the laws of science, does that mean you can create stuff that is impossible to exist?"

Izumi grinned before the ball disappeared before being replaced by a ball of fire and it wasn't any fire. This one was blue and it didn't emit any heat.

"Why don't you touch it," Izumi asked as he gestured towards the fire.

Hori looked at Izumi incredibly before looking back at the fireball.

"Ooookaaaayy," she agreed hesitantly.

She brought her index finger close to the fire. Once she got close, her expression suddenly changed.

"It's... not hot? Why is it cold?" she asked confused and surprised once she got close enough.

"As I said, I can create a matter that shatters the laws of science. Here is an example," he replied showing the cold fireball.

And so the day passed by as they both trained in their powers. When they would take breaks they would either talk about anything or they would cuddle. It has only been a day since they got together and both of them had zero experience dating.

Two days had passed, Hori and Izumi were now ready as they stood in the room where they got the Ancient Magic. It was now time to go out of the Labyrinth and towards another one.

"Are you ready?" asked Izumi.

Hori nodded,

"Yeah, I wonder what kind of dungeon the next will be like?"

"It's going to be a hot one since we are going to the Grand Gruen Volcano."

"Then don't we need something to keep ourselves cool? I can use some ice magic while we are there, but I don't know how long we will take and there might be some monsters or traps set up inside." Hori observed.

"You don't need to worry about that, Just stay still," Izumi said before producing a large amount of Dark Matter.

He then fused the Dark Matter with her necklace before applying Creation Magic with Mind Magic.


"That was cool, but what did you do?" Kyouko said as she looked at her necklace.

"I simply added Dark Matter into your necklace so that it gives you a body armour that you can call upon whenever you want and it can regulate your temperature wherever you go."

"Thank you Miyamura-kun!"

"You can call me Izumi you know."

The girl blushed a little,

"I-Izumi. T-Then you can call me Kyouko."

"Alright, Kyouko! Shall we?" Izumi replied while extending his hand.

The girl smiled and took it.

The couple stepped into the magic circle and injected their mana into it. It glowed with a crimson red and they both vanished from the room.

They appeared in a cavern-like room. Kyouko was a little confused, but Izumi didn't show any reaction.

"What? I thought we would go outside," she said as she looked around before stopping at a familiar imprint in the rock.

"Isn't that the same symbol as the one on the ring you have?" she asked.

"Yeah," Izumi projected the ring and held it at the imprint.

Suddenly, it shone and the rocks parted revealing a path with light at the end. The couple looked at each other and grinned before deploying their wings and flying towards the exit. After a few seconds, they finally reached outside.

"We're finally outside!" exclaimed Hori.

Izumi nodded.

"So where are we supposed to go?"

Izumi formed a table with Dark Matter and brought out the map he had brought from the adventurer guild and spread it on the table.

As Izumi was about the open his mouth, there was a loud roar. Both teens looked up towards the source and saw multiple two-headed dinosaur-like monsters dumping their way towards the couple. The boy sighed and was about to deal with them when Hori placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Can I deal with them?" she asked.

Izumi shook his head,

"This place doesn't let us use magic here so it will be almost impossible to kill them with magic."

"Really?" Hori tried to project her Holy Power but failed. "Huh?"

"Yeah, I'll do it here and you can kill the others when we get out."

Hori pouted a little before relenting. She wanted to try to fight them after the hard training she had in the dungeon.

Izumi simply materialized disks in the monster's heads effectively decapitating them. All the monsters were dead before they even one what happened.

"That was (Dark Matter) right?"


They then turned their eyes towards the map and Izumi was about to speak once more when he received an alert from his drone interrupting once more.

"Godammit!" he cursed.

"What is it?" his girlfriend asked confused at his sudden outburst.

"I just received an alert from one of my drones. Let me check."

He produced a Dark Matter screen that he floated in front of them. The screen turned on and it showed an edgy-looking guy on a motorcycle creating large walls of earth on a large terrain.

"Who's the chunni?" Hori asked making Izumi burst out in laughter.



Izumi continued to laugh before finally calming down enough to answer although he would still giggle.

"That Hajime."

"What!? That's Nagumo Hajime!? What the hell happened to him?"

"That's the consequence of eating monsters."

"But you can't eat monsters. It kills you," she said bewildered.

"Not unless you find the divinity stone and drink its ambrosia." he nonchalantly replied.

"Eh! But that stone is so rare. It takes a few hundred years to form!"

Izumi shrugged,

"It's not my story to tell. You're going to ask him if you want to know more."

Hori sighed and looked back at the screen.

"What are they doing?"

"Let's see."

Izumi controlled the drone and the screen zoomed out. At that moment, he detected a large amount of mana.

"They are preparing for a monster horde," Izumi said as he showed the monsters advancing towards the town of Ur.

"Monsters don't move in groups like that. There was never a horde of so many monsters. Is it possible to detect how many monsters there are?"

The monsters on the screen started to light up as a counter started going up.

"100... 600... 2000... What?... 7000... 20000... 270000... 30000... 45000... 57000... 66745 MONSTERS! WHAT THE HELL!? That's too much!" she shouted in shock.

"Hm." Izumi nodded.

Hori turned towards Izumi.

"We have to help them." she declared.

"What? Why?"

"What do you mean why? Did you see how many monsters there are? They won't be able to defeat them. Also, I know Aiko-sensei is there. I don't want anything to happen to her." she said seriously.

"But Hajime and his group are enough for that horde." Izumi countered.

"How? How can less than ten people be able to go up against more than sixty thousand monsters!? And it's more likely that the monsters are being mind-controlled by someone."

Izumi sighed. He didn't want to do anything with that group and he couldn't tell her that he had read the story about them.

"Why do you want to go there?" he asked.

"Aiko-sensei was the only one that tried to stand up against the Church when they put those cuffs on me when almost everyone stayed silent as they bought the Church's story about me being an angel of that son of a bitch. That's why I want to at least pay her back," she said as tears brimmed in her eyes and her fist balled in anger.

Izumi stayed silent before sighing,

"Fine, let's go. I'm sure it's not because you want to kill some monsters." he sarcastically said.

Hori chuckled as she whipped her tears,

"That's just a bonus. Killing monsters will be cathartic," she replied before hugging her boyfriend.

"Thank you for letting me do this Izumi."

"No problem Kyouko. It's never wrong to want to help someone," he replied.

'Besides, it's not like we can't teleport to the Grand Gruen Volcano Labyrinth. I just need to sense a drone to scan the area, the images in my brain then open the portal. A small detour won't affect us much.' he thought.

Izumi controlled the drone to scan the area where Hajime and his group would defend the town. After a few seconds, he nodded.

"Alright, I'm ready. Let's go up there first since we can't perform magic here," he said and they flew on top of the Raisen Gorge and outside of the magic nullification area. He then opened a portal.

"Let's go. This will also serve you as training against an army of monsters," he said.

Kyouko nodded entered the portal with Izumi following after her.