
Drawing cards at Hogwarts

"One more time! This time I must get the animagus spell from Professor McGonagall!" Draw! Cash draw! Who is it? "I am the great astrologer, Trelawney!" [Divination +1] Tears welled up in Tom's eyes. Confronted with the magnificent magical world, Tom felt deeply that Muggle power has a limit, so he decided to shout that phrase: I will not be a Muggle! *I do not own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel or the Harry Potter book. If you want to support me, this is my Patreon, where you can find advance chapters: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303

inferno303 · 作品衍生
703 Chs

Chapter 62: The message sent by the Especto Patronum (Edited)

Hermione looked at the portraits in her office and then her attention returned to the Phoenix, Fawkes, and the strange silverware.

"Look, this is Fawkes, a Phoenix."

"That's a Pensive, it can store memories..."

"Ha, isn't this hat that looks dead the Sorting Hat? This guy tried to assign me to Azkaban at the beginning of the school year" Tom said, presenting the things from Dumbledore's office to Hermione.

Hearing this, many of the Headmasters covered their mouths and let out a chuckle, even Hermione was amused at Tom: "How is this possible? how can there be students assigned to Azkaban?"

"Ask me if you don't believe me!" Tom walked over and said to the Sorting Hat, "Are you there? come out and try it for me?"

The Sorting Hat simply played dead, like a normal hat. If Tom hadn't attended the opening ceremony, he would have thought it was just a hat.

"Looks like you're having a good time!" Dumbledore's voice came from the doorway. Professor Dumbledore was always on the prowl, and if he could see his panel, I'm afraid the skill points for this stealth skill are full.

Hermione was startled and immediately stood up, "Professor!".

"Alright, alright, sit down, what would you like to eat?" said Dumbledore.

"Professor, have you found the murderer?" Tom didn't want to eat sweets in the middle of the night, he wanted to know if Dumbledore had found anything new.

Dumbledore shook his head, then chatted with Tom for a few more minutes and sent them off to bed.

On his way back to the dormitory, Tom received the reward for completing the previous mission.

[Mission Reward: Demon Slaughter: Feather Refining Potion]

[Mission Reward: Elf in the Forest: Alchemy Breakthrough Clue]

Although the address had been given, it was too late for Tom to go looking for it immediately, so he decided to come back in a couple of days. But when his eyes scanned the location of the alchemy clue, he was surprised: it wasn't at Hogwarts, or even in Diagon Alley, or in the Wizarding World of England, but in Egypt.

Yes, after a mission, you had to go abroad to get your reward - that's ridiculous!

It's like winning the lottery at the supermarket and then being told that the prize is in Syria, isn't that a scam?

Tom thought it was barbaric, but then he looked at the [details] and saw that the treasure he got through this clue would allow him to improve his alchemy without getting stuck! In other words, once Tom got the item, he didn't need to test his alchemy! He could level up when he had enough experience.

Suddenly, it didn't seem unacceptable for Tom to go all the way to Egypt for this.

Tom and Hermione went back to the Ravenclaw Common Room and then to their dormitories to sleep. The next morning, they headed to the hall for breakfast as early as usual.

Everything in the school was as usual. Students were laughing and joking as they ate breakfast, and professors were arriving at the staff table. Professor Quirrell's seat was empty, and Tom didn't think he was coming back.

Hagrid and Dumbledore were there, and it was odd that the centenarian Dumbledore, who had worked until midnight last night, would show up in the Great Dining Hall first thing in the morning.

Suddenly, a graceful, somewhat unreal, transparent, fuzzy creature came running in.

It caught the attention of many of the young witches, who dropped their food in their hands and craned their necks to look at the unexpected visitor.

"What is that?" This was the question on many people's minds.

"That's the Patronus...," said a senior who recognized the creature for what it was and couldn't help but show an envious expression. The Patronus spell is an ancient and mysterious spell that is difficult for many wizards to use, and both men and women, are unable to create a complete and physical Patronus.

The Patronus before us is a relatively rudimentary, non-physical Patronus.

Patronuses are best known for their ability to banish dark creatures such as Dementors. Dark creatures that have no other defense can only be expelled by the Patronus spell. Of course, the Patronus spell itself is also the best defense.

Dumbledore developed another use for patronus: he turned them into a means of communication. And whether they are physical patronus or not, they can carry messages, speaking with the voice of the caster. But this use was not as widespread, and was only used by members of the Order of the Phoenix.

When Dumbledore saw this Patronus, he immediately recognized it as the Patronus of Kingsley Shacklebolt, a member of the Order of the Phoenix. He waved his wand and created an invisible barrier that blocked the sound.

Kingsley could have summoned a solid lynx Patronus, but he did so ambiguously to conceal his identity, so that no one would know he had sent the message through his Patronus. Such a move made Dumbledore alert.

The Patronus spoke, in Kingsley's low, soothing voice: "Last night, the Ministry of Magic received a report that someone at Hogwarts was raising a three-headed dog, and that the dog had been wandering the halls of Hogwarts. As we speak, Fudge is on his way to Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore, if the three-headed dog is yours, move it quickly..."

With those words, the Patronus slowly disappeared.

Dumbledore was wrong, was there a three-headed dog at Hogwarts? Of course, there was, Dumbledore knew all about it and now this information had reached the Ministry of Magic. Luckily, on Fudge's side, Kingsley belonged to the Order of the Phoenix, so he had been informed in advance.

Dumbledore then gestured to Hagrid, who was concentrating on his sausages when he suddenly took Professor Dumbledore's hint, and froze, then swallowed his sausages and other things and followed Dumbledore out of the Great Dining Hall.

Once outside the Great Dining Hall, Dumbledore saw no one in the vicinity and immediately said to Hagrid, "Go to the third floor, the Ministry knows of Fluffy's presence, we need to move him quickly."

Hagrid: "!!!"

The Ministry of Magie has many kinds of forbidden magical creatures, some of which are so strange that ordinary wizards sometimes accidentally keep things they are not allowed to; of course, most of them can be bred by applying for a license.

But a dangerous magical creature like a three-headed dog could not be kept private, and the fact that it had a history of wandering the halls of Hogwarts made it an entirely different matter.

Once the Ministry of Magic found out that Hagrid had a three-headed dog, Hagrid would have to be housed in Azkaban, so Dumbledore acted immediately.

But to Dumbledore's surprise, Hagrid was still there like a wooden stake. Dumbledore's eyes flashed with confusion.

Hagrid hesitated for two seconds and then hesitantly said to Dumbledore, "Professor, I, well, I have a fire dragon too!"

Dumbledore: "!!!!"