
Over The Sea! Above The Clouds!

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[Wulfur's POV]



*swoosh* *swoosh* *swoosh* *swoosh*


"He's hit! Help!" A scream sounded.

"Don't break the formation! Rear troops, take him to the infirmary!" Trudvar, the leader of the front shouted.

"Trudvar! They are coming! Another ship!"

"What? One more? Wulfur! What should we do? Wulfur!" Trudvar called to me.

"Don't retreat! We'll take care of that!"

"Gods guide you, Wulfur! "

This situation! How did it become like this?

It was one ship at the beginning. We managed repel it easily and it didn't land.

Then another ship appeared, it stationed itself behind the first ship and threw burning oil kegs at us, that ship had a catapult in its foredeck.

And now a third smaller ship appeared, it came from between the rocky waters to the west and started covering the first ship with arrows.

Now, we are the ones retreating.

These pirates!

"Wulfur! The lady is retreating to protect the infirmary! Some boats landed to the east and are trying to sneak into the town." Svakin appeared out of nowhere.


"Take some archers and cover her place! Retreat on the slope to the second defensive line." That's all I can think of.

Now, I should at least lessen the burden while the front retreats. I looked at my twenty apprentices and called for them. These guys are the ones who assist with me in the workshop.

"You guys know what to do! The boots you have and the rings will allow us to take that small ship by surprise!"


Good! Their spirits are high!

Now, we have one ship trying to land, one small ship attacking us with archers, another small ship with a catapult that throws burning oil on the shore, and now some pirates landed with boats.

Only the mages can block the catapult and Alina is the strongest with her Wind Magic. But now she was forced to retreat!

Damn it!

If I can take down the small ship of archers, I'll be so damn satisfied.

"ON ME!" I called for the men and we ran towards the shore. Normal, no one can do anything in a situation like that but we were prepared!

"Activate the boots!" With that order, the twenty did what I said. We are all blacksmiths here so everyone at least knows how to use a magical item.

The moment we arrived at the water, our boots carried us as if we were walking on land. A bit slippery but we managed.

The enemies on the ship didn't take notice us or didn't really care before we walk on the water. Once we walked on the water, we had their full attention.

"Shoot them!"

"Bastard mages! They walk on water!"

Their arrows started focusing on us! Hehe! What of it?

"Shieeeelds up!" I gave a command.

Our run on the water was swift, they can't stop us here anymore, even the volley of arrows was useless against the big round shields.

We could reach the ship's hull in less than a minute, everyone is safe.

"Dome formation!"

Once I gave the order, all shields covered the squad. The ship was moving slowly.

"Haaaa!" *bang* *bang* *bang*

With the thunder hammer in my hands, I started hitting the hull.

My goal was simple; open the hull, destroy them from within, sink the ship.

Against a magic weapon, the hull was nothing. Only a few hits and a hole was opened. We flooded the ship from the inside.

The Pirates couldn't put much resistance in this sort of a situation. I guess no one was ever trained on facing armored strongmen breaking into the ship from the hull.

The attack was successful!

The captain of the ship tried desperately to land but he could only crush on the rocks ahead of the shore.

We twenty slaughtered them like sheeps!

"One problem down three to go!" I shouted to let the men know there is no time to rest.


The horn? Why?

"C, chief!" One of my men called.


"You didn't have to jinx it!" He said as he pointed towards the sea.

Our problems returned four again!

That's one big fourth problem.


[Alina's POV, a little while ago]

"Svakin! Tell Wulfur I am retreating to the east of town! He need to cover this place with someone!"

"Yes, my lady! I'll go and com..."

"No, they need you here! I am not going alone!"


"No buts! Follow what Wulfur tells you!" I shouted at him, he nodded and ran down the slope.

"Senior Rusning, Svadall and Holman! Please cover the area ahead!"

"I understand!" Senior Rusning complied.

I can't order these three around as they are about to become scholars. So I had to go out of my way and request.

"Morbagog, Mahran, and Yisra! You three with me!"

As fellow students from the same rank, I can boss them around a bit.

The situation is not good!

We were surrounded by the pirates from the front! The mage unit was the best counter to keep the ships at bay while the ground unit was enough to secure the area ahead.

Now, the ground unit can't hold their ground due to the heavy attack.

And now we are being attacked from behind! The mage unit will face destruction or the infirmary in Bathhouse will be endangered.

I will have to deal with that myself.

I took the slope back to the town and headed to the western area. The place beyond the western area was an open land of snow.

A half of a mile away, a unit of fifty pirates can be spotted. They were some fast light infantrymen.

"Everyone! Don't hold back!"

We summoned the Flame Horse Atronaches and rode against the the infantrymen.

The plan was simple! The first attack should be a strong devastating one. Everyone of us called their best spell and overcharged it to the extreme.

My spell is 'Wind Cyclone', it won't leave anything in place once it strikes.

"Riders coming!"


"Shoot them!"

The Pirates didn't see this coming!

"Now! Everything!"

We shot our spells at them.

"Careful! Run!"

"Disperse around! Don't group in one place!"

The Pirates reacted swiftly but still took a fair damage. I was planning to flatten the ground with them in one go but it seems that their commander is strong.

"Lady Alina!"

"Don't stand! Run around them! The Atronaches won't tire so make use of it!"

As the plan was going, we started going around the pirates in and attack with magic.



It was not planned for as the commander of the pirates was fully armored and could withstand magic. More than that he was abnormally fast.

Morbagog fell from the Flame Atronach Horse and barely retreated with his life. I kept him busy from afar by magic.

The man got annoyed and looked at me with all the hate in the world!

Suddenly, my skin got erected and I felt an awful wave of goosebumps all over my body!

"Aura master? Here?"

This is not good!

Aura masters in the ranks of the Blood Horkers Pirates only meant one thing!


Another horn?

It only means another ship!

I looked at the man who started to smile.


I could understand who are we up against now.

My next words marked the start of a bitter day!

"Retreat to the town! The 'Bloodsails Clan' has arrived!"


[Jon's POV, that morning]

"Vonok (Farewell), Paarthurnax! Will drop by invited next time!"

"Bo tahriik, Dovahkiin!" Paarthurnax said in his ancient deep draconic voice and flew back to the summit he meditates on.

"Hey, Jull! Keep that thing with you!"

"What is that? A pickaxe?"

"Not just any pickaxe! It is the Notched Pickaxe. Something ancient! A gift for Wulfur!"

"How very thoughtful of you! You meet your friend after a year and all you give him is a pickaxe?"


This girl!

"Let's get ready! The road down won't be easy!"

"Yes! We have made some old men seriously angry at us now!"

"I think you misunderstood something! Paarthurnax said that enemies are coming for Winterhold, we can't afford to take a way full of turns."

"I don't understand!"

She doesn't?

"Well, isn't the shortest way to a point is to take a straight line?"

"I know that genius! But we are on the 'Throat of the bloody World'. Don't we have to g... You can't be serious?"

As she was speaking, I conjured a Flame Atronach Hawk!

"Hey, wait! You are not doing it that way?"

"Unfortunately, when I got reincarnated here, the function of the fast travel didn't get reincarnated with me! So, I'll have to turn to the extreme measures."

"Count me out! I am young and beautiful and sti... Woah! Put me down!"

"Hooman! Let go! Meow nyot coming!"

"Sorry, girls! This is something we all have to experience!"

I carried the two troublemakers and put them on the Hawk then climbed after them.

"Hohoho! Spread your wings and glide us all the way to Winterhold."

"Nya! Don't wannya! Dragon! Do something!"

"Jon! I swear... don't do it!"

"It's fun ladies! The secret in the seat belts but we don't have any! No goooo!"

The hawk took a few steps and flew up a bit. Once it got enough altitude, it headed over the summit to the north with the fastest speed it can get.




Let's just say this turned out to be a very good idea in the end.

During the flight, I could remember something when I was between the clouds! Something Hilda wrote in her journal.

"I am above the clouds, Hildaaa!"

How will Jon make an appearance?






El_Doncreators' thoughts