
Training Session!

Kayn arrived in the area where King Yemma was, but he was quickly escorted back to Snake way with Gine. Gine looked around curiously at the line filled with all sorts of different life forms. She noticed that they all had one thing in common, and that was the halo above their heads.

Kayn explained everything to her about all of that, even about the large man behind the desk. Gine could feel nothing but shock, she truly felt mind blown hearing all of this. There was a heaven and hell and depending on the way you lived, you would be sent to the following.

Gine understood where she would go if she were to die, she wasn't ignorant of this. When she saw the Golden Clouds surrounding the long and strange road known as Snake way, she was stunned again. In all her life, she had never been so surprised and baffled all in 1 day, this was a lot to take in for her.

"Where are we going?" Seeing Snake way, she couldn't help but bring up this question.

"A place where you and I can train and get stronger, I'll also have your injuries healed later." Kayn didn't explain too much, she would naturally find out more when they got there.

"To Train?" Gine mumbled.

Gine had gone through a few training sessions before back in the day. However, she retired from fighting long ago, her current power level as of now was around 1,000 to 1,300. Kayn did his thing and teleported near the Snake princesses palace.

Gine was about to ask more questions, not only about the palace but about the skill Kayn just used. However, she couldn't get anymore shocked then what she was, so her face stifled, trying to remain unchanged.

Kayn used [Instant Transmission] again before she could ask, and arrived at King Kai's Planet. King Kai was sunbathing from who knows what sun because Kayn didn't see anything to sunbathe in.

"Ahem, you've returned, this is good. I wouldn't want my new disciple to just suddenly up and disappear." King Kai quickly got up and ran into the house to change into his standard clothes.

"That voice.... it's him!" Gine easily remembered King Kai's voice, mainly the words he had spoke to her regarding the number of kids she had.

"That's right, he's the one that allowed me to find you so fast." Kayn said. "He's also the one who's going to be training and teaching us new techniques."

"Also, I need to tell you something first. He's going to ask you to tell him a joke, so just say this." Kayn knew Gine wouldn't be someone good at telling jokes, so he could only tell her what to say.

"Pfft! What the... I have to say that, hahaha!" Gine laughed. "Why does he even want to hear jokes in order to train someone, isn't that a little too much?" It was strange to Gine that a 'Grandmaster' would only train someone if they told him a joke.

"Yeah, when I first watched the show, I thought the same thing." Kayn mumbled.

"What was that, you said a show?" Gine inquired.

"No! What I said was, he's bored up here all alone, so he loves hearing entertaining jokes. This is the only reason, he has a good sense of humor, you know." Kayn corrected and said.

"He really does have a sense of humor saying those strange things to me earlier." Gine Scoffed gently recalling King Kai's words earlier, she couldn't get over what he said!

Kayn was speechless, he didn't think she would dwell on something like this.

"Those people back on that Planet, I can't let them go, Kayn. They've done some horrible stuff to me, like all of this. Disabling my leg, cutting my eye out, and cutting my arm off." Gine suddenly changed the subject, as her expression turned cloudy.

"Don't worry, I can restore all of your body parts back, and I'll go back and destroy them later." Kayn assured.

"No!" Gine shook her head and continued "I've been getting protected all my life. Before I met Bardock, I was nearly killed so many times during missions that it had become uncountable at some point. Now, my son has to come to rescue me and even avenge me?"

Kayn listened silently.

"If this training is as good as you say, I want to get stronger and handle them myself. I can't be weak anymore, not for you, not for Kakarot, not for Raditz, and not for Bardock, who paid a heavy price."

Kayn continued to nod listening to her speech, he was happy to actually hear this. He thought he would need to persuade Gine to fight again; her disaster was a blessing in disguise! This had let her know that Bardock wouldn't always be there to protect her, she needed real strength and this was the chance to achieve it.

"Ahem, I have arrived. Are you ready to learn, my disciple?" King Kai emerged from his house wearing his typical outfit as usual. He coughed and walked over with his hand tied behind his back.

"Of course, I would also like for you to teach my mom, she will be a good addition against Frieza in the near future."

Gine's expression suddenly went south, against Frieza!?

"Frieza! He was the one who destroyed Planet Vegeta! Bardock was right, the feeling he had was right, it was all right!" Gine's eyes turned red, there was indescribable hatred in them.

"Have you heard the rumors, he claimed that a large meteorite hit Planet Vegeta." Kayn smiled strangely and said.

"That damn liar!" Gine clenched her fist so tightly that it started to bleed.

"Calm down, mom. In time he'll get his, don't get so worked up. Every dog has its day and his day is coming close." Kayn showed no worry, it should be destined that Frieza would fall; at least it should be.

Gine took a deep breath and relaxed, she had never been this angry before.

"Frieza? Do you guys know how powerful he is? He's the Evil Emperor of the Universe!" King Kai warned; this wasn't a simple opponent like the ones before.

"I'm aware of Frieza's numeric power level at max power and it isn't anything to laugh at as we are now." Kayn could only say this because he hadn't become a Super Saiyan yet, but he felt closer than ever.

"Kayn, you know his max battle power? If so, what is it?" Gine gulped hearing this, she prepared herself for the worse.

"Hmm, I'll tell you later, it's best you don't hear it. It might ruin your confidence to fight back against him."

Gine nodded and didn't think about it anymore.

"King Kai, aren't you the greatest master in history? Are you saying your training is that bad that it wouldn't help us?" Kayn smirked as his gaze landed on King Kai's face.

"W-what? My training will help you defeat Frieza, so let's begin." King Kai had changed the way he acted suddenly upon hearing Kayn's words. He always loved to gloat about his sector in the Universe to the other Kais. If Kayn and this Woman could get strong enough to defeat Freiza, he could flaunt and brag in front of the other Kais later!

Gine looked at Kayn, wondering when he became so sly.

"She will need your guidance as well."

"Hmm, she missing a limb, eye, and her leg is pretty messed up." King Kai evaluated her with one look. He didn't train full-on evil people, so someone like Raditz might not qualify. But Gine wasn't actually full-on bad and King Kai actually explained this.

"What? I'm not evil! We as a Saiyan race was forced to do what we did, you must have seen it. To us, it was either them or us!" What Gine said made sense, they couldn't fight back against Frieza and his henchmen.

"..." King Kai was silent.

"Well, you're not bad, but can you train with one arm and a bad leg?" King Kai was sure she could train with one arm, but a mess leg was troublesome.

"Of course, I'll do my best." Gine was sure her leg would heal soon. The people from that planet was aware of the Saiyan's healing factor, so they injected her with something every day to stop it. This also stopped her from getting a Zenkai boost.

"King Kai, she doesn't have to start training in the techniques now, she needs to learn Ki control and senses first." Gine needed to start with the basics, she didn't need to learn any techniques now until she had that situation under control.

"Oh, you have a good point. I didn't know she didn't know something so basic." King Kai said, "But first, she needs to tell me a joke, a good one at that."

Gine, of course, had no idea what Ki sense and control were about, but she was willing to learn if it made her strong. She told King Kai the joke Kayn told her to say, and she passed. King Kai was generous and didn't make her take the other test for his training.

"I have several techniques, but I have a couple that I've been working on for millennia." King Kai smiled full of pride.

"Millennia?" Gine was stunned, just how old was this guy!?

"Kayn, you can choose which one you would like to learn first. The first is a technique called the [Kaio-Ken Technique] and the second is called the [Spirit Bomb Technique]." Kayn couldn't understand why King Kai tried to make it seem like he had more Techniques to teach them, other than these.

"I'll learn the [Kaio-Ken Technique] first; if that's okay?" Kayn was secretly elated but his face remained indifferent.

"Good choice!" King Kai nodded and looked at Gine. "As for you, you need to learn the basics, so your teaching of these skills will have to wait." Gine didn't see anything wrong with that and agreed completely.

Kayn wasn't planning on having his whole family learn [Kaio-Ken]. Gine and Goku were good enough to visit this place and learn. If the others could make it here somehow and learn, then good for them.

King Kai showed the Technique and explained it to Kayn. Gine watched and listened from the side, she sat on the grassy ground crossed legged. She asked him why his planet was so small, but when she saw King Kai's strange and bitter expression, she gave up inquiring.

While Kayn was off trying to learn this skill, King Kai was teaching her basic [Ki Control and Senses]. He started with Ki senses, since this was really important for noticing, finding, and identifying people, it was also good at gauging someone's strength.

Time passed and 4 months went by in a flash.

Kayn had already learned [Kaio-Ken], he was using it often to get a feel for it. Gine was quite patient while learning Ki senses, she didn't rush and always remained calm. She had a goal in mind, she was certain that she would accomplish it.

Her leg had already healed and her strength had risen. She was now ready to Learn [Ki Control]; this would widen her Ki/Mana pool in order for her strength to progress faster. If one could hold more Ki in their bodies, their power level would naturally have much more room to increase.

"This is amazing, I can sense Kayn on the other side of the planet!" Gine closed her eyes and focus while sitting on her knees.

"Good, good, are you ready to learn [Ki Control] now? This is really important as well, you have to be able to guide your power. You can have all the strength you want, but without control, it is useless. This will also take longer to learn, so I hope you're ready for that; I personally have all the time in the world" King Kai wasn't kidding about that, he had all the time in the world!

"I'm ready to learn!" Gine opened her eyes and stood up.

"Let's get started, then."