
the rescue and the gundam

Kenichi had a friend who had infiltrated Yami she was former Tekken force member and a former neighbor of his her name was Asuka Kazama she promised to help find maki and inform him.

surprising to them maki was being held under the basement of the Howard connection guarded by six zaku's

fortunately Kenichi had just received a call telling him to come to the dock tomorrow.

Kenichi took akisame with him and convince him to pilot the Gundam,.

the Gundam was modified as it used an enhanced core block system witch meant the legs and torso were still able to fly so now all he need was a competent pilot and who better than a genius to pilot a machine built by two geniuses.

Akisame found the experience thrilling of course Kenichi let him the friction proof flight suit witch he was later planning to sell to the military in Japan and America.

the flight suit was the same one worn by Kou uraki in Gundam 0083 Stardust memory.

the reason was it was more detailed than the one in the original Gundam plus this would now by the official colors of their new company they had created after the shut down Gauche industries after transferring all it's wealth tech weapons employees and status to their own company the shinpaku federation.

now they had formed a strike team they had team fatal fury team kyokougen and team Ikari warriors join them the reason the third joined was because Shiro informed heidern of their situation and heidern of course agreed to help as a fellow husband and father himself.

Leona had also taken a liking to Takeda who noticed her feelings and teased her by blowing a kiss in her direction.

kay had also joined because she wanted to ask Kenichi to train her and also she wanted to see that cute ukita again.

joining team fatal fury was blue Mary and Rock Howard as the two had been wanting to join Rock was terry's apprentice and held no love towards his father for how he let his mother die referring to him as that man rock had learned Terry's and Geese's fighting styles and he also learned the senpu-ken and senpu-kyaku.

they all prepaired and they broke into the howard connections building witch was on an island the basement was in a catacomb underneath the island witch was connected to an cave so akisame ofcorse was able to navigate into it with the Gundam.

kenichi arrived on the fifth of the seven floors where he ran into kazuya mishima kenichi smircked "I'm going to personally kill you!" he said as he mutated into his devil form

"so you want to go again finme then but now i won't hold back."

"TAAAAAAH!!!!" kenichi roared as he transformed into divine shirahama the form was enough to deal with this bastards devil form.

the two fight as their fist collided they created a a shock wave before a dbz fist fight ensued and then Kenichi ended the exchange with a Kamehameha.

devil Kazuya launched his eye laser at Kenichi but was surprised when Kenichi dodged it and blasted him with a angry Kamehameha before teleporting via sped and hitting him with a spirit rush the blitzkrieg attack of punches and kicks beat the ever Lovin' shit outa Kazuya fell to the ground but got up.

Kenichi dodged his dragon uppercut and countered it with a cat hand strike to his Abdomin before delivering a heavy uppercut then he channeled all of his ki into his left hand before launching into a dragon fist explosion punching a hole through the devil and killing him.

kenichi then walked away.

joe and rock came in contact with the williams sisters who had been waiting for them.

they were wearing their secret agent uniforms being two skin tight lether suits.

"Rock, Joe, those two are expert assassins, do not under estimate them!" shouted terry from up ahead.

"I won't forgive any women who stands in my way of avenging my mother." said Rock who had assumed a fighting stance.

Nina decided to take this one since he reminded her a lot of Steve her own son whom she had lost two years ago in a car accident. she didn't have a true intimate relation ship and they had their ups and downs the last thing he said to her is that if she were to die on her next mission he would avenge her than went out to do his road work before the accident that took his life the reason she wanted to fight rock was because he made her feel comfortable.

anna complained that Nina always got to fight the better looking guys witch ticked joe off and he took up his fighting stance anna went for her hurting kick combination but was surprised when joe was able to guard against it then even more surprised when joe countered with his slashing kick tat knocked her backwards she tried to get joe in a grapple and go for a triangle lock but joe had fought both Andy and Mai who used similar fighting techniques to hapkido and submission style wrestling {A\N yes that is their fighting style the movie made a lot of mistakes.}

meanwhile Nina took out her frustration on Rock she threw a rush of kicks witch rock dodged she tried to get rock in a joint lock but rock being trained in aikijutsu was used to this type of attack and used the grappled to his advantage as he thrust his shoulder into her core before Nina went for a palm strike to his chin but Rock stepped back an preformed a snap kick before delivering an axe kick to her head.

the four exchanged fist before Nina and anna used their lethal double palm strikes.

but to their surprise rock and joe managed to evade by spinning to the outside then delivering an elbow to their necks simultaneously joe then cocked his wrist back and delivered a huge uppercut that had such force it created a vacuum.

while rock knocked Nina out with his soaring angel fist.

the punch knocked Nina backwards.

she spoke in a hushed voice

"he's just like my Steve." she said

{a\n I know Nina doesn't give a crap about Steve but i wanted her to have some redeeming qualities.}

Clark and Andy arrived at the floor where they came face to face with Raiden and Billy who was now wrapped up in bandages looking like Shichiro from samurai x.

Clark took on the wrestler when Raiden went for his drop kick Clark caught him off guard with a clutch witch he converted into a shoulder throw.

when Clarck went to get him in an armlock Raiden sprayed his poison green mist witch would've blinded Clarck if he wasn't wearing shades.

Clarck got Raiden up and preformed an Argentine Back Breaker Drop and finished him off.

Andy face Billy who came at him with a thrust aimed at his heart but Andy dodged it and preformed a cyclone palm strike aimed at his collar neck and jugular then he Billy cried out but then went for a sweep with his staff tripping Andy before high sticking him but at the moment the staff came down Andy rolled out of the way and sprang to his feet before circling his palms and then delivering a charging dragon strike to Billy's chest shattering his already brittle ribcage.

Billy passed out.

"that was for disrupting my wedding last year asshole.'


"you may kiss the bride" said the priest but ofcourse before they kissed a load ruckuss could be heard outside the tempel and incame Billy of course he wouldn't stay for long as andy had invited not only his best friend/friendly rival joe higashi and his brother and their girlfriends but also rock and his new girlfriend hoamaru witch he clearly denied because he had recently got cured of his gynophobia.

all the gests of honor knocked him clean across tokyo with a synchronized high kick and Andy kissed mai.

(end flashback.)

Shiro and terry arrived in the penthouse where they found geese and hiehachi waiting for them.

"well now let's see what these two can do." said Hiehachi as he assumed a fighting stance of course shiro just stood there while terry and geese began their fight as well.

Hiehachi rushed shiro with a flash punch combo but ws surprised when his punches passed through him as he was moving so fast he let loose his spinning lightnig uppercut befor going for a back spin kick but the punch and kick were blocked by the saiyans palms then Hiehachi let out a full power demon wind god fist but the punch did nothing to shiro as it was the fact that shiro vanished before reappearing besisde Hiehachi shouting hai.

Hiehachi tried to back hand him before he got kicked in the neck by a meteor crash kick the soaring outside flip kick knocked Heihachi out

Rugal was impressed not only could Shiro defeat one of the most ruthless fighters in the world but also he could knock him out.

geese launched a double reppuken at terry but terry flipped over it then he went for the rissing tackle befor blitzing geese with a rush of punches geese went for his violent rave and terry guarded then terry assumed a deep stance as he embraced the energy of the earth before he preformed a senpuken the hurricane punch hit Geese knocking him onto the balcony before terry came at him shouting ARE YOU OKAY- before waitng for an answer he shouted BUSTER WOLF! and punched him with energy in the shape of the head of a wolf.

Geese was knocked to the edge of the balcony before terry ended his life with a power kick the back sweeper kick followed by the spinning back kick fueled with his energy knocked Geese of the balcony and towards his death.

akisame piloted the Gundam with it's beam saber drawn in hand he also carried the shield witch had the winged cross that Kenichi had drawn for the shinpaku renpou insignia.

when suddenly the whistle of the alar caught his attention and a zaku wielding a heat tomahawk came at the Gundam but it was cleanly cut in half then two more came and akisame fire of the Vulcan blinding them before cutting them down then three arrived akisame cut down two of them before he deactivated his beam Saber and used the Gundam's controls witch were two orbs that read his physical DNA and filled the super computer with the knowledge of his fighting style using this data he went and disarmed the zaku by popping the elbow joint out of place before throwing it to the ground knocking the pilot out then he thrust the Gundam's hand into the zaku's core and pulled it out witch was a compact electric engine.

he then went into the place they kept maki prisoner and quickly freed her then helped her inside the cockpit before moving out of the cage and then separating the cores before flying back to the ship.

Kenichi had informed everyone that the while they all fought the Ikari warriors se and primed bombs all over the building but not before rock and joe rescued Nina and Anna while Clark and Andy who were trained to kill but also to show mercy decided to just leave the two body guards out on the beach