
a deal fulfilled

"so Kenichi has beaten three high level disciples said the elder well then i guess it's time i started training him." said the elder as he took Kenichi to the devils badland's where he had trained.

their the elder provoked Kenichi his rage pushing Kenichi into new found heights of physical strength as Kenichi had accessed the three levels of super shirahama hi-super shirahama and ex-super shirahama then Kenichi looked towards the moon and suddenly became a golden oozaru as his power burst forth Kenichi went on a rampage until the elder asked him "what if Junko or shigure saw Kenichi like this." then he shouted "DO YOU PLAN ON MARRYING MIU AS A DAMN STIKIN' APE.!"

This caused his rampage to cease until he calmed down and suddenly transformed into a new form it wasn't a wild wrathful form or a golden haired form like super shirahama.

instead he had the body of an adult and a cross between a human's form and an ape's form.

the elder then taught Kenichi the seikuken and the Ryusui-seikuken.

Kenichi even went so far as to tap into ultra instinct omen.

Kenichi had began testing his strength he found a cave where he waited for a black bear when the bear arrived it rushed Kenichi thinking this creature was after it's cubs but with one swift punch Kenichi knocked the bear straight across the wood's Kenichi smiled I think my strength as far as physical prowess and energy is on par with the elders.

[system Chan what's my current energy level.]

{host current energy level is 28,000,000,000,000]

[what the holy hell when did i get a 200 boost in energy]

when you fought Loki you experienced two fights at once during witch when you fought Loki you had an ager influenced power burst during Ikari the result being your energy level reached level 700 making your current power with a x.400.000.000.000. power boost you currently have 28,000,000,000,000.

witch by accessing the scouter i can tell that the elder's current power level is 26,500,980,200,052.

'Brilliant I've surpassed the elder!' thought Kenichi.

Kenichi returned to the elder and asked him if I defeat you in a spar I can marry Miu right.

the elder arched an eyebrow "I suppose so!"

the elder took up his fighting stance witch reminded Kenichi of Terry Bogard's fighting style he rushed Kenichi but Kenichi caught his punch and preformed a shoulder tackle knocking thbe elder back as Kenichi preformed a one inch finger death punch.

the punch sent a shockwave through the elder but the elder pulled back putting up a seikuken Kenichi smiled as he charged up a Kamehameha and blasted the elder breaking the seikuken then rushing him with a punch barrage ending with a full power primal shirahama spirit uppercut that slammed the elder into the air then he vanished reappearing above the elder knocking him to the ground with a sledge hammer the elder powered up a full power Ryozan blast that he primmed then when Kenichi landed the elder went for the punch but was surprised when Kenichi deflected the punch then held his palm level with the elders solar plexus.

"this is how you use ki!" and blasted him with a gravity distortion.

the elder smiled Kenichi you've gotten stronger the elder said then he harnessed every last bit of power and moved into his left blindside

"Korah!" he shouted

then moved to his right going for a roundhouse kick but Kenichi caught the kick then moved fast he kicked the elder in the gut rolled upside down across his back getting his arm's in an under hook then flipping him upside down reversing their positions he went for a wrestling move called the Verti buster.

"KENICHI! the elder cried.

Kenichi stopped

Hayato and Kenichi laughed.

"Kenichi you can marry Miu you've surpassed me in this new form of yours."

it was by this time tomorrow Kenichi would fight Ryuto.