
Dragon Of The Volatile Element

Fae is a creature who, by All means, should not exist. Having her soul created in the space between universes, saturated with an energy so volatile that it can completely destroy anything with a slight touch. Starting out as a mere lizard beast she’ll grow in power to become a powerful dragon! There is no system in this, although there is one in the prologue it will not stay. I welcome criticism on my work as I would like to get better, if you see any spelling mistakes or grammar errors please let me know so I can fix it.

LightBlue · 奇幻言情
3 Chs

Chapter 1

In a large dense forest there are many powerful beasts. Even the 'small' prey animals have an explosive power hidden in their bodies. In this forest there is a large cave where a nest of eggs lie, they seem to have just been laid a couple months ago. Inside the black colored egg there seems to be slight movement. The developing lizard inside the egg seems to feel a slight discomfort inside its head.

All of a sudden the unborn lizard scrunched up its face in pain as information flooded its brain. After hours go by the lizard seems to finally calm down and is left with a slightly more intelligent light in its eyes. It looks around as much as it can at the interior of its egg seeming content at its current place. With a peaceful feeling it goes back to sleep waiting for the right time to awaken again.

Months go by while the black lizard stays asleep inside its comfy egg, slowly growing inside. One day its mother, instead of leaving to find prey, stays in the cave and watches her eggs. Inside the black egg the lizard finally begins to awaken.

~1st person pov~

'It's…very uncomfortable' I think as I move around. My home is no longer welcoming me and is now trying to get me out. It's an uncomfortable feeling and I struggle to leave this confinement. Moving around I can feel the walls cracking around me, until finally one of my arms is able to push through. A cold feeling immediately envelopes my arm and I quickly pull it back. I peek my eye out the hole my arm left and see a large creature. Through the knowledge I seem to have she is a red eyed lizard beast. She lets out an encouraging coo at me and after hearing it I instinctively know that she is my mother. With the help of the encouragement of my mother I finally break out of my egg.

Looking around I seem to be in a large nest with three other eggs. The other eggs seem to be shaking a lot, probably about to hatch. I then look over at my mother who seems to be watching the others attentively.

'She must want to make sure everything goes alright.' As I think that my stomach growls and I instinctively look over to my egg shells. Seeing as my instincts are screaming at me to eat it, I quickly gobble up the remaining shells. As I eat the eggshells I can feel my strength grow a bit, filling me with energy. I then hear a large crack in the direction of the other eggs.

'Those must be my siblings' I think as a watch them hatch. Watching them break out one by one I realize that only two of them look like my mother, having dark grey scales with an orange ring around their eyes. After looking through the information I have I seem to have gotten an answer. It seems that most beasts coloring comes from the elements they are aligned to. Usually red eyed lizard beasts are only aligned to two elements which is the dark element and the fire element, it is extremely rare for one to have any other element. Yet one of my siblings seems to have dark blue rings round its eyes signaling that it seems to be aligned to the water element instead of the fire one.

'I wonder what I look like?' I think to myself. I then turn to look at my back and become surprised. Instead of a dark grey coloring I seem to be pure black in color. On the tip of each of the spikes running down by back is a deep purple color. My underside also seems to have this coloring, being pure purple, except there seems to be small white spots mimicking stars all over the purple coloring. Although that in itself is surprising what really dazzled me was the golden specks of coloring that seem to go down my back all the way to my tail. It's the most beautiful thing I've seen, though I guess that's not saying much since I've only been out my egg for a few minutes.

As soon as I finished looking at myself my siblings seem to have finished eating their eggshells. After they finished our mother comes up to us and lays down in front of us looking at us. We all seem to instinctively come over and coo at her. My mother huffs at us which makes two of my siblings fall over. It seems that they have weaker bodies then me and what looks to be my brother.

'Speaking of that, I wonder what gender I am?' After I think that the answer automatically comes to me.

'It seems I am a female, that's good to know.' Though I don't know what difference it makes I feel a satisfaction at knowing what gender I am. My mother then makes a growling noise at my brother and it instantly translates to me. Mother has given him the name Pyro. She then turns to me and lets out another noise.

'I wonder why she named me after one of those creatures?' I think to myself confused. The name that she gave me was Fae, which were known to be mischievous creatures, though through my knowledge they seem to have gone extinct years ago. She named my other two siblings Ember and Kaido respectively. After giving us names she tells us to stay here and leaves the nest. After she leaves my siblings go up to each other seeming to want to interact. I decide to go up to them as well as curiosity overtakes me.

I smell each of them slightly trying to memorize their scents as they do the same to me. Suddenly while not paying attention Pyro jumps on my back making me stumble a bit. I quickly roll over to get him off and pounce back on him. He lets out a laughing sound and squirms out from under me and runs away. Amused I run after him to catch him, Kaido and Ember run after him as well. It turns into a fun game of chase that lasts until mother comes back. We all run up to her and see that she's brought back some prey.

She sets it down and growls at us to come eat. We all sniff skeptically at the dead beast but eventually dig in. The meat was delicious and juicy, it brought me a sense of strength and warmth. Even after eating our fill there was still a lot left so mother ate the remains. Seemingly satisfied with the meal mother tells us that it is time to sleep for the night so we all get into a cuddle pile and mother wraps around us.

This routine continues for the next few days with us playing around until mother brings back prey for us to eat. Eventually one day, about a week after we hatched, she decides it's time to check our soul stages. Apparently you don't gain true intelligence until you reach stage 5. She was surprised to find out I was already stage 5 as children are usually born with either stage 1 or 2 level souls. Apparently my siblings were only stage 2 in their soul levels.

My mother apparently has a technique to grow your soul level that she got from a fae. She told us the story of how she met the fae but only I was paying attention to it. Apparently the fae saved her when she was injured and they became friends when her soul was stage 4. The fae ended up giving her the technique to apparently have "smarter conversations" with my mother, but they eventually had to part ways. She also promised the fae she would name her daughter after her if she had one which is where I got my name from. Though I'm not sure why she decided to name me after the species itself.

Anyways I was able to learn the technique pretty fast considering I already had intelligence, it took my siblings a bit to get it. Kaido was the second to get with ember being third and pyro being last. Mother told us that when Kaido, ember, and pyro reach stage 5 in their souls she'd take us out which I'm excited for. I can't wait to see the world outside this cave.