
Dragon of Absolute Sovereignty (DXD)

Sharon Savant, a boy meant to be the next chief of a clan filled with Dragonkin: Humans with the muddled bloodline of the proud dragons. What would you expect to happen to such a clan? Decimation. In less than a day, the entire clan was wiped out, except for .... You guessed it, Sharon Savant. Join him as he journeys to the peak of the world with his Harem. ‐------------------------------------------------------ Yeah, it's a Harem fanfic. Personally, I enjoy Harem stories, so all my fanfics (old and new) will most likely be Harem. It is R-18, so I will have lemons in the story. I'll try to space them out, but if you don't want to read them, you're welcome to skip them, as it won't affect the flow of the story. ‐------------------------------------------------------ I don't own any of the pictures (including cover art), High School DXD or the characters. My OC character design is Ookurikara from Touken Ranbu.

Legaro · 漫画同人
32 Chs

Ch 21: Peerage

The High Priestess card phased into Akeno's chest as dragon scales appeared on her arms and slowly receded into her body. Dragon wings also sprouted from her back.

Slowly, around 5 minutes later, she opened her eyes. Her deep amethyst-purple eyes glowed faintly as she smiled brightly.

The next moment, her lips pressed against Sharon's. 

A multitude of emotions swirled within Sharon as he kissed her back. It wasn't anything too passionate, rather, it was one that affirmed their feelings for each other. 

A warm smile enveloped both their faces as Akeno slightly bowed before Sharon. "I will gladly serve you as your High Priestess, Master Sharon." 

"Ahem, please, just call me Sharon as you always have, Akeno. The rest of you too." Sharon says as he turns to Suzaku.

"Suzaku, we might not have started off the best way, but these past few years have changed us. You've become someone important to both me and the others here. Will you join my peerage, and become my 'Sun'?" Sharon asked as he stood before her, with a 'Sun' tarot card in his hands.

A warm, innocent smile grew on Suzaku's face as she nodded. "I will, I will be your 'Sun', Sharon." 

The two hugged as the card phased into her body. Similar to Akeno, dragon scales appeared on her arms, and dragon wings grew on her back. These wings were quickly coated with a majestic flame that came from both her Suzaku Sacred Gear, and the Sun Tarot card's attribute. 

Unlike Akeno, Suzaku's closed eyes took around 10 minutes to open, as her garnet-red eyes glowed faintly.

The two shared another hug as Suzaku pecked his cheek. A deep blush came across her face as she moved back and stood beside Akeno.

With a smile, Sharon turned to the last one he had planned on asking to join his har - ahem - peerage. 

"Grayfia, I know we just met recently after our initial meeting 5 years ago, but I want to ask you ... will you become a part of my peerage? Will you become my 'devil'?" Sharon asked as he stood before the silver-haired maid that he had yet to introduce to everyone.

"Master Sharon, I chose to follow you as your maid and to serve both you and your peerage. It would be my honor to join your peerage." Grayfia said as she curtseyed in front of Sharon.

With a nod, Sharon took out the 'Devil' tarot card and placed it on her chest, allowing it to phase through. 

Very quickly, dragon scales spread all over her body and receded back inside. However, the unusual part was the wings that sprouted from her back. Her already existing eight devil wings mutated into a more draconic form. 

The skinny parts of the wing that extended from the main arm, began to grow a draconic skin layer. The wings also became thicker and emanated a faint icy aura.

"She was an ultimate class devil?" Baraqiel questioned in shock as he observed her wings transforming.

Around 15 minutes later, Grayfia slowly opened her ruby-red eyes, which glowed faintly.

"I thank you, master, for this generous blessing," Grayfia says as she bows before Sharon.

Sharon smiled as he nodded at Grayfia. "Grayfia, you're more than just a maid to me, okay? Call me Sharon."

Grayfia nodded as she said, "As you wish, Master Sharon."

Laughter filled the room as Azazel stepped forward. "Congratulations, kid. You've done it. Hahaha."

"So, what's your next step? What will you do next?" Baraqiel asked as he looked quite curious.

"I'm planning on heading to Kuoh Academy tomorrow and enrolling myself. The girls wanted me to come with them, so ... why not? But, before that, when will you let me meet him, old man?" Sharon said as he turned to Azazel who was walking away sneakily.

"What? Me? I don't know what you're talking about." Azazel said with a grin.

"Vali ... I need to meet him ... now," Sharon responded as Azazel sighed and nodded.

"You promise not to hurt him?" Azazel asked as he looked into Sharon's eyes.

"Why would I hurt him?"

"You're probably gonna wanna fight him the moment you see him, and knowing him, he'll want to fight you too. With you being as strong as, or stronger than an Ultimate-Class devil, you will both get hurt." Azazel replied as Sharon laughed.

"We will both get hurt? How intriguing. Are you telling me that kid who was as weak as a fly five years ago ... can hurt me?" "That means ... he's done it. He's awakened Albion!" Sharon said as his lips curled into a wide grin.

"Haaah, yes. He did awaken Albion. And honestly, he's quite powerful right now." Azazel said as Sharon just grinned.

"I want to meet him. The sooner the better." Sharon said as Azazel nodded.

"I'll let him know, and knowing him, he'll probably drop everything and rush here," Azazel said with a sigh.

"If I may ask ... who is this Vali ... and who are these people, Master Sharon?" Grayfia asked as Sharon blanked for a moment.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce them to you. That old man who looks like a playboy with the golden bangs is Azazel, the Governor General of the Grigori, also the strongest Fallen Angel." "This one who barely keeps his eyes open is Baraqiel, also called the Lightning of God. He's one of the leaders of the Grigori." Sharon said as he saw the horrified expression on Grayfia's face.

"Fallen Angels? Are you one too ... master?" She asked with a hesitant tone.

"Nah, I'm a pureblooded dragonkin. If I can meet Vali, I'll be able to cross the barrier and evolve into a pureblooded dragon." Sharon said with a grin.

"So ... why are there Fallen Angels here?" She asked as Sharon walked over to Akeno.

"Because Baraqiel is my dear Akeno's father. Azazel just visits because we're good buds." Sharon said with a laugh.

"And this Vali?" Grayfia asks.

"I don't know much about him except he's the adopted son of Azazel, and the current wielder of the Vanishing Gear, Albion the Heavenly Dragon of Supremacy," Sharon said as Grayfia's mouth gaped.

"... Incredible ... you've allied with such formidable beings," Grayfia said as Sharon was a bit surprised. 

"You're not worried? You don't think this is a bad thing, for the devils?" Sharon asked as Grayfia shook her head.

"They knew that I'm an ultimate devil, the moment my wings came out. Yet, none even concerned themselves with me. They all seem to be very friendly with you, and I've grown to trust your judgment, Master Sharon. I'll believe in you." Grayfia said as Sharon smiled.

"Thanks, Grayfia. I'm glad you think so." Sharon says as he hugs Grayfia. "Thanks for choosing to believe in me. I won't let you down."

The two hug for a moment before separating. 

"So ... I'll go and let Vali know that you're ready. By the way, Happy Birthday, kid." Azazel said as he handed Sharon a small box.

"Hm? What's this?" Sharon asked as Azazel grinned.

"You'll need it for later, kid," Azazel said with a perverted grin as he stretched out his wings and left in almost a hurry.

  'I'll need it for later?' Sharon wondered as he began opening it. The others surrounded him as he opened it.

The moment he saw it, Sharon threw it away without bothering to completely open it.

"YA DAMN OLD MAN!!" He yelled as he was slightly blushing but also annoyed.

Meanwhile, Kuroka went over to pick it up. As she finished opening it, a flirty expression came over her face, as in her hands was ... a box of condoms. 

*Time Skip* 

The evening came by pretty quickly, as a silver-haired boy along with a small group of individuals followed him.

"Hey Vali, where are we going?" A blond boy with glasses asked as another boy with reddish-brown hair said, "I've never seen you so excited nor panicked before. Are you meeting your lover or something?"

"Shut up, Bikou. I'm going to meet someone I consider a rival. I wonder how strong he's gotten now." Vali said with a smile as a young blonde-haired girl followed along with them.

"A rival? Is he the Red Dragon Emperor? I thought the Red Dragon Emperor had yet to awaken." The blond boy with glasses said as he fixed his glasses back onto his face.

"He's not the Red Dragon Emperor, Arthur. He's someone I think will become far stronger. His aura back then was on an entirely other level than what I had ever felt before." Vali said as his excitement was clear.

"Stronger than Ddraig? You must be joking, Vali. The only ones stronger than Ddraig are Ophis and Great Red. Even I cannot say for sure that I am stronger." A deep voice emanated from Vali's right hand.

"Trust me, Albion. Besides, he wanted to talk to you." Vali said as they approached the apartment. 

"Don't piss him off, okay? Bikou, I'm talking to you." Vali said as the group landed at Sharon's apartment and made their way to his door.

"Sheesh, stop hyping him up so much. Makes me think you're into him or something." Bikou chuckled.

Vali just glared at him before knocking on the door with a nametag that read 'Savant'.

"Savant? Like the race of dragonkin that was killed by some natural disaster around a decade ago?" The young blonde girl asked as Vali nodded.

"He's a survivor. Though he never talks about it, even when I asked him about it." Vali said as he heard the door open.

"Who are you?" Kuroka asked as she saw the group waiting at the door.

"I'm Vali, and these are Bikou, Arthur, and Le Fay. Is Sharon inside?" Vali asked as Kuroka nodded and let them in.

Sharon, who was lounging on the couch with a KitKat bar in his mouth, glanced over when he felt a strong presence.

"You've indeed awakened ... Albion, congratulations Vali," Sharon said as he munched down the chocolate bar and walked over.

"This is your rival? He doesn't look all that strong ..." Bikou said as Vali instantly regretted bringing him.

"Hahahaha, this one's got quite a mouth. What makes you think I'm not strong, monkey?" Sharon asks as he glares at Bikou and starts to release his aura.

Bikou quickly summons a staff as he leaps back. "What kind of monster are you?" He asks with sweat dripping down his face and a grin.

Sharon quickly retracts his aura and chuckles. 

"I'm a dragon, got it?" Sharon said with a grin before turning to Vali.

"Albion ... shall I come in? I'd like a word with you." Sharon said as he peered into Vali's right arm.

"Come in, young dragon," Albion said as Sharon glanced at Vali who nodded. Sharon placed his hand on the glowing blue orb in Vali's right hand and disappeared into the orb.


A tiny bit late, my bad. 

So, we've finally approached the first season of the DxD anime. I'll try my best to have the lemon chapter come out soon. 

Also, do let me know how you like the fanfic so far. I love to read your comments!

If you enjoyed what you read, make sure to add it to your library, and if you want to, give the story some stones!

Do leave comments, as I'll read each one and take it to heart on how I can improve my writing.