
Dragon King of Apocalypse (Douluo Dalu 3)-Completed

[FINISHED] A Douluo Dalu Fanfiction in the timeline of DD3 (The Legend of the Dragon King). Escaping Death The Black Dragon of Apocalypse spread his wings of darkness over the world of Doulou Dalu Is it for Destruction or Salvation... Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners, Tang Jia San Shao and Hiro Mashima. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. I do not own the Cover Picture. (https://www.pinterest.co.uk/1825KIMIHITO/kimihito-tattoo-design-tattoo-1825-amsterdam/)

DeadZoom · 作品衍生
460 Chs

Homecoming (Part 2)

Tang San's eyes widened, instantly recognizing that this voice was his son, alongside the fact the voice called him father.

'Wulin? Is that you? How can I hear from you? Wait, is this because of your cultivation?'

"You noticed it?"

'How could I not, when I touched the trident... I was able to feel the aura of a 7th-dimensional God.'

Tang San still recalled the scene when he was on his last leg against the three God-Kings.

Hailong, Ah'Dai, and Lei Xiang were staring down at him, getting ready to deal the finishing blow.

But then the Sea God Trident pierced through the realm and appeared in front of him.

To say he was shocked at the appearance of the Sea God Trident would be an understatement, but he didn't have the time to be.

So he instantly grasps the Trident, yet that's when he felt it. He felt the terrifying aura of the Sea God Trident, far surpassing what he felt from it before.

He was able to feel the wisps of the 7th-dimensional aura on the Trident. But if that wasn't all, he could feel the trident fulling his power that made his eyes widen in shock.

As instantly he broke through the God-King rank, his power skyrocketed as the trident voice rang out.

It told him to hurry up and finish this battle before his body burst. He heeded the trident voice, he quickly took out all three God-Kings with ease.

After that, the trident left his grasp, not before notifying him that Wulin sent it to him.

'The Sea God Trident was only at the 5-dimensional level when I sent it to you. But now it came back at the 7-dimensional level, which means you were the one who raised it to that level.'


Tang San inwardly shook his head. It wasn't that hard to figure out. There was no way Tang Wulin could raise the trident to the 7-D realm unless he was at least a 6th-dimensional being or 7th.

And there was no way he could use the present Sea God Trident unless he was also a 6th or 7th-dimensional being.

But even after coming to his conclusion, Tang San was still shocked!

He had so many questions about how his son got so strong!

How did he find the energy and resources needed for his growth?

Was he able to create a God Star for the Galaxy?

Did he handle the abyssal situation and was he doing okay?

But all of these questions were put on hold when Tang Wulin began talking.

"Listen, Dad, I need you to gather everyone inside of your God Realm. I plan to drag you guys out of it. I just need to know when you're ready."

'You think you can do it?'

"I am sure."

Tang San fell silent at Tang Wulin's words. He could hear the confidence in his son's tone and knew he could sincerely trust him.

But he was also inwardly impressed, his son really went beyond his expectation.

'Still... Wulin is there a way for you to take out multiple-,'

"God Realms? I can, I just need to know which one I am taking out."

'That shouldn't be a problem, we're all connected at the moment... So you could just drag us all out.'

"Alright... Although this does put me in a delicate situation, though."

'What do you mean?'

"I mean, I initially planned to take the God Realm there and fuse it with the one over here. So, there wouldn't be any clash or suppression."

Tang San inwardly nodded his head. He could understand why his son wanted to do this.

If the realm over there really was a God Star, then it would start suppressing the Douluo Realm.

Or worse, it would devour it, using the weaker realm as fuel for itself.

'I will ask the other God-Kings their thoughts...'

"Okay, just tell me when you're ready..."

'Okay, son... We all miss you dearly; I am so happy that we can meet again soon.'

Tang San thought as a smile appeared on his face, with Tang Wulin replying with an okay and he fell silent, waiting.

"Third Brother is everything okay? You went silent for a second there?"

Xiao Wu's voice brought Tang San out of his thinking, staring down at his wife's eyes gleamed with worry.

Tang San smiled, he knew the news he just received would make Xiao Wu the happiest out of everyone.

"I just receive even better news other than us winning, hehe."

"You did? How? Did something happen and only you felt it like last time?"

Tang San smiled reassuringly as he brought Xiao Wu into his embrace while chuckling. "It isn't like last time but regardless I will tell you. But first, let me call the other God-Kings over, this news involved them as well."

Xiao Wu furrowed her brows but she decided to wait, her third brother already said he will tell her when the others come.

Of course, this made her even more curious, making her wonder if it's about them being able to get out of this Black Hole.

It would make sense since it involved the other God-Kings.

After a bit of time had passed, multiple flashes of light appeared around Tang San, all of the Six God-Kings appeared.

"Brother Tang, you said you have something you want to discuss and that it was urgent?"

Zhang Gongwei asked with Tian Hen nodding his head.

"I was just about to begin my rest, didn't we agree on this?"

"We did, but I just received some news about us getting out of the black hole and it couldn't wait."

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard Tang San's words, the exhaustion, and tiredness that the six God-Kings had.

Instantly vanished, all of them perking up, giving Tang San their full attention.

"Well, what is it, brother? Don't go quiet on us now, tell me the news quickly-,"

"Will you shut up?!"

Lei Xiang the Mad God spoke out causing Hailong, the Immortal Emperor to turn to him with a glare.

"Anyway." Tang San quickly cut in before the two could go at it."I just received a transmission from my son, Tang Wulin."

Xiao Wu's figure trembled, her eyes widening as she heard the mention of the son she hasn't seen since she got here.

The son she had to send away, so he wouldn't be destroyed.

The son she missed dearly with all of her heart.

Her son just sent Tang San a transmission? Was that why he was spacing out a minute ago?

They were talking about how to leave?

But Xiao Wu focused mostly on the fact that her little Wulin was able to communicate with Tang San.

"You were able to make contact with your son outside of the black hole?" Tien Hen whispered in surprise, he didn't think it was possible.

As the space-time and energy needed to accomplish this was terrifying. Unless one had a connection outside, it was almost impossible to send a transmission.

"Yes, just now he and I were talking with each other. He told me he was confident enough to drag us out of this realm, safely."


All of the six God-Kings and even Xiao Wu were shocked at Tang San's words.

His son was confident enough to drag them out?

Where did such confidence come from?

Even with her optimism and hope, Xiao Wu didn't think such a thing was possible. Even with 12 God-Kings here, the chances of them escaping were still below 50%.

"Seeing as how you seem to be confident in him. Brother Tang, I can trust there is a reason for this?" Ye Yinzhu asked with a faint smile. He was confident that Tang San wouldn't bring up something like this.

If there wasn't enough evidence that his son's plan would work and an extraordinary chance of it working.

After all, this was everyone's life at stake here.

"I do, but Hailong, Ah'Dai, and Lei Xiang should be able to corroborate this. Remember when that trident came down here?"

"Huh? You mean that trident that gave off a terrifying aura that surpassed the God-King rank?"Hailong muttered with a dry tone.

He was still miffed that they lost because of the appearance of that trident. Which was somehow able to not only amplify Tang San's strength but rejuvenate him.

This also made him wonder why Tang San kept it hidden till now.

With a weapon like that, he could take more of them at the beginning before it reached the later stage.

Heck with a weapon like that, he could have suppressed them before the fight even began.

"Yes, that weapon was originally mine and it was an Ultra Divine Weapon. But I sent it away to the mortal world to help my son... It was only later he sent it back to me when. I was in trouble, and I found out it had evolved from a 5-D weapon into a 7-D."

Xiao Wu's eyes widened; she didn't know it was Wulin who sent the Sea God Trident to Tang San.

She was planning to ask him about it later, but it seemed she didn't have to.

But what caught everyone's attention except Xiao Wu's focused attention the most was the words of the Trident evolving.

From a 5-D weapon into a 7-D weapon.

This news shocked all of them to the point they were in disbelief.

But it was then Tien Hen's eyes widened as he began speaking up."Wait are you suggesting that-,"

"My son was able to reach at least the 6th-dimensional level and raised the trident to the 7th-dimensional. With his present strength, it should be possible for him to forcibly drag us out of this black hole."

All of the Six God-Kings fell silent, all of them reeling from this news. Yet all of them had a strange feeling of excitement ringing through their chest.

One that came from the thought, the thought that they can finally leave this place.

This black hole would slowly destroy their God Realm if nothing was done. Not only will the realm be destroyed but all of the gods inside as well, all of their loved ones will die.

But with the appearance of a being who could tap into the 7th-dimensional power?

The chances of them leaving had increased dramatically, it was close to 100%!

The only reason it wasn't 100% was that they didn't know the type of reaction a 7th-dimensional god would cause in the black hole.

While all of them were thinking this, Xiao Wu's mind was in shock at what she heard.

Her beloved son was able to raise the Sea God Trident to a 7-D divine weapon?

Her son had the potential strength of a 7th-dimensional God?

He was able to bring them out of the Black Hole?

There were so many questions ringing in her head but there were a few things that were clear to her.

Not only did her son attain the strength to protect himself from even God-level beings, surpassing his father.

But she will be able to see him so soon, after so long.

How could she keep it in?

"Third Brother!"

"There, there. I told you we would see him again, didn't I? Regardless if it was us who left to find him or if it was him who came for us. In the end, we soon will be together."

Tang San muttered all of this softly while rubbing Xiao Wu's back. He knew she was trying not to show her tears in front of the others, so he blocked their view as he held her in his arms.

The Six God-Kings didn't say anything, giving the two sometimes. While this was going on.

Tien Hen turned to Hailong and the other two who felt the Sea God Trident aura.

"How did it feel?"

"The trident aura? It felt similar to that time when I sensed the aura of a God-King as a mortal... It was terrifying, horrifying, and suffocating."

Lei Xiang replied with Hailong grimace and Ah'Dai looked to the side with a frown.

What else could they say?

Mad God summarizes it the best, it truly felt like they were resisting the relentless pressure of a God-King back when they were mortal.

The overwhelming pressure of two dimensions pressing down on them.

It was simply too horrifying.

It was then Tang San spoke up again after he got Xiao Wu to calm down.

"But the problem was he was only going to drag out the Douluo God Realm. When I asked him if it was possible to take us all out, he said he could, but he was planning on fusing-,"

"That's fine. If that's all that needs to be done to leave this place, then I am fine with it..." Zhang Gongwei said with a smile.

Not only that but the thought of fusing all of their realms wasn't a bad idea.

If all of their realms fused, then there was a chance for it to birth a God-Star core.

And in the future allow them to establish a God Star. Not only that but if they fused with Tang San's son's realm which they assume is at least a God Star.

Then it would be even better, allowing them to produce a plane that would help them better protect their loved ones.

"I agree but just one thing... Will your son be the leader of this realm?" Asked Tian Hen.

While he didn't care who was the realm's ruler, he knew the others wouldn't be so keen on allowing a stranger as the ruler.

Even if the person was the son of the person, they respected, it didn't mean much to them.

Unlike that son, Tang San earned their respect through his character and actions. Even if Tang San's son saved them, they couldn't fully accept being under a person like that.


"Hell no."

Tang Wulin's voice rang out in Tang San's mind causing him to inwardly chuckle. It seems his son knew that being the leader of the God Realm was a pain in the ass.

Then again, he could have looked in the past and seen how much trouble it was.

"You guys can just switch the role of leader, although I won't be a part of the slot."

Yeah, his son most likely did look in the past. For him to go so far, Tang San knew he was trying to throw all of the work of managing the realm onto him and the others.

'My dearest son-,'

"No, I can't, I underwent a path that stops me from absorbing the realm core or putting my energy inside of it. So, I can't help it."

... Tang San couldn't stop the sigh from being released from his mouth.

How could his son fail him this badly?

He just wants to retire with Xiao Wu and go adventuring!

Was that too much to ask? It wasn't like he was leaving the realm forever; he just wanted a little alone time with no responsibility.

'Then again... There is Huo Yuhao...'

As Tang San thought this, he spoke out.

"No, he said he wouldn't. He said we can form a council of the sort, where the leader of the realm will switch between all of us. But he won't be included since something prevents him."

"Hm okay... Then I am guessing everyone agrees?"Tian Hen asked, causing the others to nod their head.

"Alright, I will tell him."

'You heard that?'

"I did, tell them to get ready and give me to go ahead. I will drag you guys when you're already. Remember to have your realm center open, as I plan to do this in all one go."


Tang San then spoke.

"He said when we're all ready, then we can go. All we need to do is have our realm center open and be ready."



"We will go set up now."

Extra Chapter!

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