
Chapter 29

Eric's arrival put a stop to Lori and Wes's banter. Without knocking, he stuck his head into the lab. "Lori?" he called. "Ready to go?"

Lori got up from her desk and motioned him inside, nervously wiping her palms on the thighs of her butter-soft denims. "Eric," she said, almost hesitantly, "I'd like you to meet my friend Wesley Iverson. Wes, this is Eric Gordon."

Eric smiled warmly at Wes, but he didn't drop his jaw and leer, like most men did. "Nice to meet you, Wesley, Lori's mentioned you a lot. Thanks for running the DNA test for me." He stuck his hand out in a friendly fashion.

Wes grasped Eric's hand firmly. "I've heard a lot about you, too," she all but purred. "I brought the test results for you this afternoon."

Lori registered acute relief when Eric dropped Wes's hand immediately after shaking it politely and showed no hint of the usual male response to Wes's beauty.