
Dancing Animals 5

Kagura, though not fighting with them, is trying her best to not pull her sword out and using only her clothed sword to kill most of them.

"Chidori," said Sirius and his body buffed into his battle mode. He ran towards the oncoming animals and impaled one after another in the chest with the lightning blade.

"Fire Dra-Style: Flowing Fire," yelled Natsu and released a large stream of fire towards a different batch of animals and some escaped.

"Happy Air Rock," he heard his blue feline partner say as Happy threw a large rock towards the escape once and it hit the back.

"Fire Style: Burning Ground," said Natsu and blew a strong stream of fire on the ground and lit most of the animals, with the forest on fire.

"Ice-Make: Cannon,"

"Ice-Make: Excalibur,"

"Shooting Excalibur: Release," said Gray and shot the sword, skipping the full step of combining them because of his increased control. It tore through air at high speeds most couldn't follow and before anyone could stop it, the sword cut through many creatures.

"Looks like you insects won't die easily. Use magic!" Ordered the leader Lizardman and Sirius felt a sudden change.

"Slashing Form: Cataclysm!" They heard a yell as a long white arc of magic came out, releasing enough magic to erase a small bit of the forest.

All the lizardmen and some of the other types of animals following them took the direct hit from the attack and were disintegrated immediately.

"Hm, that takes care of most of it," Kagura said happily and saw the ordering Lizardman staring in anger.

"You! YOU WILL PAY!" He exclaimed loudly and they felt magic surge around him and they tried their best to stop him.

"Dragon Slayer's Secret Art: Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist," said Natsu and rapidly punched the lizard man.

"Water Style: Raging Wave,"

"Ice-Make: Freezing Water," called Gray and Sirius in unison, coordinating a perfect combo. As Sirius water reached the lizardman, it froze, stopping his momentum

"Slashing Form: Last Slash," said Kagura and lunged towards the frozen lizard, slashing it in half. It fell apart, sliced into pieces.

Meanwhile with Naruto

"So you are telling me that these are all of them?" Naruto asked a skating man. Leaving others to deal with the monsters, Naruto came in search of their client.

Their client turned out to be the mayor of Minstrel's capital and welcomed him in happily.

"Yes, from our search, they are all of the animals. If you are here, who is fighting against them?" He asked curiously.

Much to prove their name, Minstrel's population loves dancing so much, Naruto found many dancing floors around the capital and the man he was talking to, the mayor, is dancing now.

"If you like dancing this much, what made you call for the job?" He continued as the man turned a bit.

"We found no problem at the beginning, but after some days, our people went missing and more monsters started coming. We became suspicious and spied on the monsters and found them devouring some of our men and turning them into their own. We don't know what kind of magic it is, but we want them gone," he said, almost slipping.

Naruto connected the dots. "Wait, do you mean they turned humans into monsters? Like cloning?" He asked for clarification and the mayor nodded.

"Shit, I must go. I'll come back after completing the job," he said and rushed out of the building.

With Kagura

Kagura sheathed her sword knowing the monster was dead. But a small hand started to move towards her and at the second it was going to catch her, Naruto picked her up.

He used Kamui and turned them intangible, making the hand pass through them. Immediately many light needles pierced the hand and relentlessly charged the whole area.

"Light Bomb," Naruto said and detonated a series of small light bombs which turned the area into rubble. "That's close," he sighed in relief.

"You can leave me," Kagura said as Naruto was still holding her. "Sorry," he said and released her and checked for any signs of life in the area.

Finding none, he turned to others and talked about what happened and about their client and confirming none of the animals was alive, they all moved to their client's place.

Unknown Location

In a dimly lit room, a person can be seen sitting on a throne-like structure. Only some features can be seen due to the lack of light.

It dresses in form-fitting robes with a high collar. The robe itself has a checkered pattern and covers a collared shirt. Around its head is an ornate headpiece with some tattoo, covering its jaw and fanning out over its head almost like a crown.

Its empty eye sockets look tentatively at the ground as if waiting for something to come out.

"No, this doesn't work. What is happening to all my beautiful experiments?" It thought in a masculine voice.

"Do I need to do something about this?" Another voice asked behind him.

"No. I can take care of my pawns. You do what you want and try your best," he said as the room went dark.

And Cut

Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.

Tell me what you think in your comments or DM's. See you all in the next chapter.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.