
25: Soul

"I can feel its presence getting closer" - muttered Altia while a huge smile appeared on her face - "Dragonhart, this aura is unmistakable..."

Artemis simply shrugged her shoulders as she enjoyed the quiet walk, this because the monsters were escaping from the dark aura surrounding the granddaughter of the great sage's body.

"Aren't you afraid that the heir will detect your presence?" - Artemis asked curiously.

"In the least, it is impossible for him to detect me, not without awakening his memories" - replied Altia as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I still can't understand why you think Draco Dragonhart has been reborn" - said Altia as she raised an eyebrow.

"It's because of the spell I cast before I died" - Altia replied as she gave her a passive look - "When I was on my last breath, I cast a curse on him, one that connected me to his soul."

"That level of obsession, it's disturbing" - Artemis said as she raised an eyebrow.

"It's because you don't understand my situation" - Altia replied as she gave her a blank stare - "It was love at first sight to his soul, so deliciously captivating, with a glow that no other creature in this world could compare, not even the gods."

"Soul?" - Artemis repeated in surprise, after all, she hadn't expected this.

"Oh, Draco Dragonhart was a man with an ordinary appearance, but his soul..." - continued Altia as she felt her femininity dampen - "His soul was what made him so attractive."

Altia was silent as she shook her head - "So.... You did all this to corrupt him, so you could be together?"

"Yes, because the moment I first saw him, his moral compass was already in the foul direction of good" - Altia replied as she snorted with disdain - "Honestly, I could have tried to kill him and turn him into an Undead, but that would have caused him to lose his soul..."

"Contract?" - Artemis asked with a frown.

"It wouldn't have worked either, the souls of otherworlders are impossible to bind with the laws of this world, that's why I made the effort to bind my soul to his, with that I managed to affect him enough to bind him to this dimension."

"'Otherworlder?" - Artemis repeated in surprise - "Another dimension?"

"Oh, hadn't I mentioned it? Draco's soul was otherworldly, that's why it was so deliciously intoxicating" - replied Altina as she let out a laugh full of madness.

This made Artemis gain a new interest in the young man they were about to see - "Do you think I could join you?"

"Hmm, I don't know, honestly, I like you, you're a good subordinate when you don't try to do something against me" - Altia said while tilting her head - "What do you offer in return?"

"My true loyalty, as well as my witch name" - answered Artemis as her eyes glittered slightly.

"Interesting... a witch's true name is like a slave collar..." - muttered Altia as she narrowed her eyes - "That's a higher price than I thought you would pay."

"That shows how much I want this" - replied Artemis as she shrugged - "What do you say?"

"Sounds good to me" - nodded Altia with a huge smile - "Welcome aboard."

"I'll pay when you do your part though, after all, I know what demons are like" - said Artemis as she folded her arms.

"Sounds good to me" - Altia assisted calmly.

* * * * *

Three days had passed since the incident with the Earth Elemental, time in which Erika had managed to wake up and was now all the time by her beloved's side.

Elisabeth and Rhea simply watched from a distance while Eric worried about the general situation in the camp. Without Ren leading the group, he was the one with the highest rank, so he had to make sure everything was okay until the prince woke up.

"This place is interesting, an ancient civilization with knowledge that disappeared through time" - Mark muttered as he picked up a book and frowned slightly - "I don't understand shit, and I could use a spell to try to decipher it, the problem is that using magic could damage the books, which would be disrespectful to the scholars who left their knowledge to the world"

"What are you doing?" - Rhea asked as she looked at the young wizard while narrowing her eyes.

"Oh, it's you" - said Mark while shaking his head - "Answering your question, I'm trying to get knowledge from this library, the problem is that I don't understand a single word..."

"It's obvious, although if you are so curious to know more about this language, you can check the book on that desk, they are a small dictionary that Ren wrote in his spare time so that other people could understand the ancient knowledge" - replied Rea while giving him a blank look - "Anyway, if you need anything, I recommend you to come directly to us, after all, your presence in this place is a blessing in its own way."

"A blessing?" - Mark repeated with a frown because he sensed a strange message in this pretty girl, or well, pretty by normal standards, because to him, she was as horrible as a toxic slime.

"You'll find out in a few days" - Rhea replied while frowning slightly because she could feel that this guy seemed to feel some dislike for her, although this was something normal after reading his backstory, though that didn't mean he was happy with this situation.

Mark decided to ignore the girl and concentrate on acquiring knowledge, though his expression changed to one of surprise when he saw a huge girl enter the library.

"Oh, Belen" - Rea said as she saw the overweight girl. She was the daughter of one of the cooks, and a very nice girl, to the point that everyone liked her.

"I came to tell you that the food is ready, Miss Rea" - said Belen with a smile, although she stepped back when she saw a black flash appear in front of her.

"Hello, I would like to know the name of such a beautiful lady" - said Mark while giving a small smile to the girl who had just appeared.

Belen gave him an uncomfortable look, after all, it was the first time she received such a compliment. She was aware of her appearance, though not hideous, her weight made it seem like she wasn't someone pretty to look at, much less with someone as handsome as this young man.

"It's been a while since I've seen a figure like yours, every inch of your appearance is perfection in its purest state" - Mark said with a passionate look, only to feel something impact his stomach - "Ugh..."

"Listen, I know about your actions, so I recommend you not to do anything stupid" - said Rhea with a frown - "I have the ability to know people's intentions when I see them, to see the past if I concentrate enough, so I understand your tastes, however, that doesn't mean I'm going to allow you to hurt someone like Belen, such a kind and caring girl who deserves all the love in the world."

Mark shot an annoyed glance at the girl, only to notice how Belen seemed to be looking at him with a strange and slightly hostile look - "I'm sorry for my rude action, beautiful lady."

"D-don't lie" - said Belen with annoyance - "I don't want false words."

"My words come from my heart, fair lady, your beauty makes me want to get lost in your curves" - replied Mark as he tried to kiss the girl's hand, who quickly pulled back because she had not received this kind of daring affection.

"Enough!" - Rhea exclaimed with hostility.

"Do you, perhaps, wish to stand in the way of my conquest, you horrible woman?" - Mark asked with irritation.

"Can't you see she's uncomfortable with your moves?" - Rea asked angrily - "That's the way you're never going to get her affection, not to mention that you're the worst piece of trash ever! I told you I could see your past, so I know about all those women you got pregnant before you ran away like the vile piece of shit you are"

Mark's expression darkened as he noticed how Belen was looking at him with deep hatred, though this made her realize that he did find her attractive, and though he was handsome, Rhea's words and the young man's expression made her realize that she wasn't lying, which turned any shred of goodwill she might have had for Mark, into hostility because of all those sad women who were abandoned.

"I send them help" - Mark tried to defend himself as Rhea began to laugh - "Did I say something funny?"

"Yes... How often and to whom?" - Rea asked with disdain.

Mark was silent as he felt the words get stuck in his trachea, which made him come to his senses and think about his past actions - "Right... When and how many have I helped?"

The young wizard didn't know how to answer these questions, which made almost null affinity he had with Belen, disappear completely and be replaced by a deep hatred.

"Hmph!" - Belen simply turned and walked out of the library, after all, she had already said all she had to say.