
Dragon Ball Turles

Clark was a normal boy who died tragically at a concert. He found himself in the body of Turles. One of the antagonist of the famous dragon ball series. How will he live his new life? Will he be the hero or the villain? I do not own the art.

Lin_Lin_7334 · 漫画同人
28 Chs

An accidental encounter

"So this is the place where the world martial art tournament is being held," White said as he arrived at the place where the tournament was held along with Pink.

"There are lots of people here. I have to take a bath when I get back. Who knows what kinds of germs that are present here?" Pink said as she looked around trying to search for Goku and Krillin.

Currently, White's power level was 600 while Pink's power level was 900.

"We are here to register," Pink said with a smile as White glared at the person who seems like he was responsible for registering the fighters.

"I am Pink and this is white," Pink said to the man.

"Eek." The man makes a strange noise as he noticed White looking at him menacingly.

"Hey, you should try to smile a little more. Didn't you notice that you are scarring him?" Pink said to White.

"....." White wanted to curse at her for telling him what to do but he didn't as he was weaker than her.

Pink was a happy-go-lucky girl but it still would be a stupid idea to piss off someone stronger than him.

"Tch." White turned around and walked away while his name was being registered.

He then bumped into a small boy wearing a black suit and a Pandora hat as he turned around.

"Ah, I am sorry." The boy said to White.

"Watch where you are going," White said in a bitter tone.

[Huh. We only bumped but why is my whole body aching?] The boy thought as he noticed that his body was hurting just from one indirect hit to his body.

"Are you okay?" Pink said as she helped the boy up.

White walked away as Pink helped the boy up.

"Thank you." The boy replied with a smile.

Then Pink also walked away from the scene to follow White.

"Krillin are you okay?" another boy said as he approached the boy with an old man.

The boy that fell was Krillin. And the boy and the old man that was approaching were Goku and Master Roshi.

All of them were wearing the same outfit and hats that covered their hair so White and Pink didn't notice that they were the ones they need to defeat.

"Goku. Did you see that? I think Master Roshi's training is working. Did you see that the girl just help me out? Ouch." Krillin said in an energetic way before his body started to hurt again.

"You are amazing Krillin," Goku replied. Goku always has an innocent side so he immediately believes Krillin's words.

[Those two. They aren't very ordinary. It seems like I don't need to participate in this tournament at all. But still, that pink hair girl has nice boobs.] Master Roshi thought as he drops a drop of blood from his nose.

"Turtle hermit. There is blood dripping from your nose." Krillin said to master roshi.

"Goku. Krillin. Be careful when you face those two in the tournament." Master Roshi said as he wipes away the blood.

"Are they strong?" Krillin asked.

Master Roshi nodded.

"Hehehe. Strong opponents. I am starting to get excited." Goku said as he give a very bright smile.

"Don't worry master. I am going to try my best to sure that we don't disappoint you." Krillin said.

"Remember. You two are not participating in this tournament to win. So give up if you think you can't beat your opponent." Master Roshi reminded Goku and Krillin.

Then the three of them walked towards the registration area to register Goku and Krillin for the tournament.


"Tch." White was still salty as Pink walked behind him.

"That kid. He is really strong for someone his age. Isn't he?" Pink said to White.

She didn't see Krillin's face and isn't bothered enough to check him since she knew that she would meet him sooner or later.

"Huh?" White said in shock. White was smart so he immediately was shocked when he realized that the boy he bumped could have been the one that they might be searching for.

"I am going back," White said. But then as he looked at the path that he walked through it was filled with hundreds of people. Making it impossible to spot Krillin at all.