
1 - The Beginning

The glow of fluorescent lights beamed down on a small white room. An older, muscular man was strapped down into a chair, totally immobile. Around him were men in uniform, and a single man in a suit, holding a syringe.

Glass windows were sported on the walls, more men in uniform watching from there. The scene was clear, an execution. The men in uniform, police officers, and the man in the chair, a criminal.

This man, however, was not just any criminal. Hugo Blanco, a name that had been spread to almost every news outlet across the country right now. A thief, a murderer, a drug dealer, a kingpin, and most importantly, a monster among monsters.

After searching for years, the FBI finally got a hold of him, destroying his multi-million dollar underworld empire, and after a short trial, he was sentenced to death for his crimes.

One would think a man facing death as he was, would show some signs of fear, anxiety, anger, remorse, even just acceptance, anything of the sort at all. However instead, Hugo simply sported a wide, creepy smile. This might freak most people out, but the men watching were used to this kind of thing, people were quite unpredictable when they were waiting to die after all.

As the man with the syringe edged near, Hugo's smile grew. The needle entered his flesh, and into his bloodstream, a liquid rushed through him.

Suddenly however, a snap could be heard, then another and another. One after another the reigns holding Hugo down snapped, he had somehow broken them. Before any of the guards could react, Hugo blitzed past them and reached into their holsters, pulling out a gun. The other guards quickly drew their weapons, but he was quicker.

With a few quick movements, he rapidly fired at the guards in the room with great precision. Their brains flew out across the room as each one was killed, though a few bullets made their way into Hugo in the crossfire. The men outside the windows pulled out their guns, ready to fire. But it didn't matter, only a moment later and the chemicals would overtake him anyway and he would die.

"One last gift for this shit-hole world before I move on to the next…"

He said with his final breath as he fell over, completely dead.

Though no-one could see it, his soul had almost immediately burst from his body and shot up into the sky, along with all the souls of the men he had just killed. Normally only damnation would be left ahead for this man, the deepest pits of hell likely already reserved for him, while the other men would go on to whatever their fates may be.

Before any of them could be gathered and judged however, a sudden black energy stretched out of Hugo's soul, grabbing the other souls and ripping something out of them, some kind of energy. The souls became gray and stopped moving, perhaps dead.

His soul increased in speed, rocketing towards something. Shortly after, he arrived, there it was, the weak point in the border of the universe, the border of his reality. As he sped towards it, something followed closely behind, The Hand of Judgment, an Angel.

With his increased speed, it couldn't catch up fast enough. Only a moment before he collided with the borders of reality, an energy shot out from him at the weak point, piercing a hole in the walls of the universe. And through it, he escaped his reality, where the angel could not follow him.

After his escape, his soul slowly drifted through an empty void of nothingness, until he eventually entered a new universe, a new reality, and was reborn in a new body, ready to begin a new life.

This, however, would not go unnoticed or unpunished by the gods, he wouldn't simply be left alone in his new life. Thousands of miles away in an opposite yet somewhat similar situation to Hugo was a boy named Jesse Schwartz.

"Breaking News! Hugo Blanco, the drug lord kingpin who was set to be executed today, is said to of momentarily escaped an-"

The sound of the tv was cut off, as Jesse, lying in a hospital, hit the power button on his remote. He wasn't really interested in some drug lord, it didn't affect most people, and it definitely didn't affect him. Rather, he opened up a new book he'd just received, the newest volume of the Dragon Ball Super manga. While he wasn't the biggest fan of the newer extension to the Dragon Ball series, he still enjoyed it.

His whole life, he'd been stuck in the hospital, unable to live a normal life because of his physical ailments he was born with. He got lonely there easily, he didn't have any friends, family almost never visited, he was totally alone.

Reading was one of his only solaces, and among the series he read, Dragon Ball was probably his favorite. In all honesty though, it didn't help much, he pretty heavily hated his life, he was basically just waiting to die after all, it was likely he'd die before even hitting 18.

Reading all these adventures, it really only made him envious. Grand adventures with friends, working hard at something you love, any of that really, it was foreign to him. His whole life was spent in a bed after all, with very few who cared for him. Jesse let out a sigh.


He tried to clear his head from all these thoughts, it just made him feel worse thinking about it, though that fact didn't really stop him from constantly doing that exactly. He'd just read and continue distracting himself, like he did his entire life.


Suddenly, before he even opened the volume, a wave of intense pain hit him. This happened somewhat often before, but this was different, stronger, worse, more painful. Grasping his chest his breathing became heavy and he knocked the blanket on him off. The heart monitor at his side began to speed up, beeping more and more rapidly.

"W-What th-the fuck..."

He could barely speak, and his vision began to blur, not just from his pain, but from the tears welling up in his eyes. Doctors burst through the door as Jesse's breathing slowed down and his vision began to fade.

"Stay with us kid!"

The doctors tried to help, but it was too late, him time was up.

"So th-this... this is it..."

He said faintly with his last breath, before his vision completely faded, and the pain stopped. At only the age of 16, having done nothing but lay in his bed sick all his life, Jesse Schwartz died.

But, just like Hugo, this wasn't the end for Jesse, and the gods had plans for him.

Hope you all enjoy this fan-fic! I think I have some decently good ideas for it and I hope everyone enjoys it. If you want, leave a review, or comment down and gimme some feedback and ideas for stuff!

PixiesONEcreators' thoughts