
Dragon Ball- Universe's Strongest Human

Not going to be super omega strong, will hover around Goku and Vegeta, but the MC wants to be stronger than Goku! Goes through Dragon Ball- DBZ, DBGT, and DBS. read if you want, or don't~ This is pretty much my respect for Toriyama

AgentMonke · 漫画同人
133 Chs

Zamasu gets a Zenkai Boost too?!

Zamasu appeared in front of him, kicking out. Zephyr dodged and fired his fist out, nailing Zamasu in the neck! Zamasu coughed and glared at him, roaring as he went into Super Saiyan Rose, "You'll never- WHAT?!"

Zephyr transformed as a pillar of fire exploded from him. It was swept away as he reappeared with white hair and white eyebrows, blue eyes… But the problem was…

He slimmed down like Super Saiyan God and looked much younger, around 16 years old.

A white goopy Ki exploded off him as white lightning crackled every now and then.

Zephyr smirked at Zamasu, "Come on, you picked the wrong body in the first place." Zamasu trembled in anger, rushing out, slashing with his pink energy sword. Zephyr already dodged, shooting his fist out as Zamasu's neck snapped, sending him flying out!

Zephyr took a step and appeared in front of Zamasu instantly, his fists twitched and Zamasu exploded, recombining as he charged out, screaming as he punched Zephyr in the stomach, going right through him! Zephyr appeared behind him, punching out as half of Zamasu's body exploded!

Zephyr chuckled, "You rely too much on regeneration~" as he jumped up before Zamasu swiped his hand, Zephyr grinned, "Hehehe~" he crouched on Zamasu's head, holding his cheeks with his palms, "Is that it? Goku is stronger than you!"

Goku and Vegeta watched as Zephyr flickered around Zamasu like he was dancing. Goku squinted, "He… he got a lot stronger." Vegeta was grim, "This bastard… He spent 100 years training! I can't believe this!" Goku looked carefully, "Vegeta… look at his movements, he's predicting the future all the time!"

Vegeta snorted with crossed arms, "It doesn't work against us, this idiot can't use all the power of your body. It's not his after all. He probably doesn't even know how to use the Haki at all! Look, Kakarot. That bastard is constantly using all 3 types of Haki in this state. His entire body is covered in Armament and Conqueror's…"

Goku nodded and held his chin, "The problem is- He didn't lie." Vegeta looked at him as Goku continued, "I didn't try Zephyr yet… but the power behind his punches are not as strong as they should be if he was really training for 100 years. But his movements are way more refined than before!" Vegeta clicked his tongue, "He's not leaking Ki either. When he attacks, his knuckles are filled with God Ki and project out into that idiot…"

Goku rubbed his chin, "I think that's what he did to Hit. Through the defense- internal destruction." Vegeta rolled his eyes, "Of course, Kakarot! You are such an idiot sometimes…" Goku chuckled and rubbed his head, "But this style, it feels a bit like Whys."

Vegeta frowned, "No. This is different." Goku looked at him, Vegeta added, "Whys is reacting instinctively, this bastard is reading the future. He has to move his body still… look at his feet." Goku looked and raised his brows, "Hey, you're right!"

Vegeta shook his head, "But it won't work against us." Goku nodded and smiled, "I think he has his own tricks for us." Vegeta narrowed his eyes and sneered, "I, for one, don't believe this bastard can surpass me! No matter how many hundreds of thousands of years pass!"

Goku chuckled, "Aw, come on, Vegeta! Zephyr works really hard, you have to acknowledge that at least!" Vegeta snorted, "I don't deny it. But a few Zenkai boosts and we pass him, I can't imagine the frustration-" he paused and realized that he actually did imagine it…

He looked at Goku before snorting. Goku scratched his head in confusion…

Zephyr tilted his head and buried his fist in Zamasu's stomach, blasting out a hole! Zamasu sneered, "Got you!" as his body healed, locking Zephyr's fist in his stomach! Zamasu slammed down and chopped Zephyr's hand right off!

Zephyr flashed, putting his arm back on his stump, "That was rude." as it healed instantly. Zamasu frowned, "Immortal?" Zephyr spread his palms, chuckling, "Maybe~" Zamasu's eyes cracked with anger, "Don't play with me! I am a GOD!" 

He sped up and blasted his fists out like lightning! Zephyr tilted his head, twisted and turned, walking towards Zamasu, "Dumbass." Zamasu was stunned as Zephyr flashed, blowing by Zamasu as his head flew up into the air.

Zephyr showed him a white energy knife over his hand, "Such a mind numbingly childish technique…" before backflipping over Zamasu's body, clapping his hands, "Let me show you a better one. Z-Burner!"

A massive white beam blasted Zamasu entirely!

He landed on the ground and reverted to normal, waving at Goku and Vegeta, "Hehe~" Vegeta and Goku smirked before Zephyr looked down, seeing a pink energy knife going through his chest!

He was stunned, looking back, "How… I turned you to ashes!" Zamasu sneered, "I am fucking immortal, retard!" Zephyr flashed out, waving over his chest, healing himself with a frown.

Goku and Vegeta waved, "Our turn?" Zephyr frowned, "No! You can't beat him in Blue." Vegeta rolled his eyes, "You don't know that." Zephyr nodded, "I do! It looks easy but I'm preempting every attack… This guy attacks at a rate of 62,183 times per second…" Vegeta and Goku were stunned.

Zamasu snorted and let out a breath as his Ki surged, flashing at the three!

They were all blasted out, smashing through several buildings!

Zephyr coughed up blood, "Fucking… Zenkai… Boost…" as he slowly got up, bursting into his new form. He flashed and kicked out as Zamasu ducked, Zephyr was dumbfounded, "What!?"

Zamasu sneered, "Fool! Do you think I'm as stupid as you?!" He pressed out and blasted Zephyr flying as Goku and Vegeta rushed over, punching and kicking. Zamasu waved his hands, redirecting the duo without even moving his feet at all!

Zephyr flashed behind him and slammed his heel down, Zamasu held his arm over his head and blocked before grabbing Zephyr's ankle, slamming him into the ground, pressing out a pink beam! 

Zephyr flashed to the side, pressing his hands on the ground and kicking out as Zamasu blocked with one hand, waving the other as Goku and Vegeta were blocked at the same time! 

The three were dumbfounded, how could he be so much stronger than just before?!