
Sent off world

Putine put her hands out and said "Dark Ev

Roshi quickly stopped her: WAITTTTTT

Putine: what?

Roshi: We've had him for a couple weeks but we haven't come up with a name...

Putine: ...you just now realized that...

Roshi:hmm its a fathers job to come up with a name...let me see..how about Nero

Putine: Nero?

Roshi: Yup. (it mean black because he will have black hair like I used to...)

Putine claps her hands with a smile: thats a person Demon name

Roshi: huh, Demon name?

Putine: yeah it means notorius for debauchery and barbarous cruelty, any profligate and cruel ruler or merciless tyrant. What a great name hobo!

his eye twitches a little and he secretly apologize to his son...

A few days later they decided to evolve their son

Putine: Dark Evolution

A darkness covers over Nero's body. and Nero starts to scream

Roshi was worried but Putine assured him he was fine...its like the first time you work out. How your body feels like death. plus hes a baby...

After the darkness was absorbed by Nero Roshi looked at his clild and picked him up. Staring at the baby he puts him in the air and screamed :HE HAS A NOSE!!!!


When Nero was one they notice one thing strange thing about him

Roshi: he has white hair...why does he have white hair?

Putine: Well its more of a snow color...but hmm strange

Roshi: you sure with the evolution thingy it didn't hurt him too much?

Putine: no it shouldn't...if I had been stucked it wouldn't had bothered me much...

Roshi: hmm...well it might be because hes half human half Demon

putine; probably

She was right...it wouldn't have had bothered her much. Roshi probably wouldn't have been bothered much either but...they are not normal beings. She is a demon Goddess and he is one of the strongest...for him it was like being burned alive...


Roshi: so I'm going to take him out to learn the Kamehameha wave.

Putine: Isn't he too young to be training. little krillin (bald) might prefer to be a wizard like his mother

Roshi: stop calling him Krillin.. I know you think he looked cute with bald head but your like cursing him to losing his hair...you are a witch

Putine: I'll curse you

Roshi lets go Nero this bitch may try to do something to us

Nero: bitch haha

Roshi grabbed Nero and ran away fast

Putine shouts at Roshi wondering what bad habits hes teacher their son.



A large energy wave was made and caused the water to be split in two...

Roshi: so what did you think? Isn't your pops cool? " he did a peace sign with his shades on but then notice his son flying on Nimbus"huh...where are you going?


*Tights POV*

My name is Tights I'm from west city. Eldest daughter of the mad scientist Dr Briefs. He says he's not mad Scientist but...well it matters not. I'm not into all that science stuff. Well not completely. Compared to my father I'm nothing much... I want to use all the scientific stuff and become the best Science Fiction Writer and comic book artist.

I don't want to rely on my parents so I'm working hard earning a pay by myself.. I'm going to be a body double planned to be on a rocket instead of the idol, as it would be bad publicity if they lost their "super idol" in a launch mishap after all. This way, they can perform a "miraculous rescue" if the people in the rocket are killed...now that I think about it...isn't that kind of morbid?

Well not as bad as my situation right now...I'm being surrounded by 4 guys...I think I'm a good looking girl but I'm think I'm getting robbed...

Tights: Hey you four if you don't want to be sue'd you better walk away. I'll have you arrested for this

Thug1: oh arrested huh..

Thug2: shes a cutey too.

Thug3: I bet shes a virgin too

Thug4: if she's rich lets all have a go at her then we should put her for ransome

Suddenly a masked man comes up

Masked man: Surrounding a girl isn't very nice. I'll show you the error of you ways and then take you to earths police

Tights: (earth's police...masked man..hmm)

The thugs pulled out a knife and guns and as the masked man was about to shoot his laser gun I heard a young voice screaming


a beam hit the four thugs and they were hit against the wall. I then saw a baby boy on a cloud. He had his hands together then he looked at me and I saw the masked man and a old man who were also in shocked. The boy puts on glasses and smiles and gives me a peace sign.

Tights: T-thank you?

He then flys away. I then heard the masked man mention that earthlings are dangerous and maybe he should wipe them out...is he

Tights: hey are you an alien?

Masked man: wh-why would you think that!


*Putine POV*

Today was the day it all changed...

My husband had just gotten home telling me about how Nero just saved a beautiful girl...My son is really handsome but I worry about his future. Maybe I should make him something so girls who are only after his looks will be killed...I'm not a dotting mother.

Roshi: so then he did the pose like I did.

Putine: yeah yeah. I'm going to put Krillin to bed hobo.

As I put him to bed I felt something...God ki...I quickly put a seal on myself and Nero. I then heard a voice that sounded familiar.


A woman appears floating in the sky above the island trying to appear imposing. she lowly decends and knocks on the door

Roshi opens the door and he felt his instant that this is a supreme kai but he didn't feel like kneeling...

Blue haired woman: hello Roshi. I am the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa.

Roshi: ok...

Chronoa: I've come to ask for your help. There is a ultimate evil I need help with!

Roshi looks around and points to himself

Chronoa: yes...you are...(mumbles) you are Master Roshi. Mutaito Dante right?

Roshi: yes I'm Roshi

Chronoa: ha of course you are. I'm always right!

Roshi: are you sure your a Supreme Kai?

Chronoa: of course I am

Roshi: So why did you come to the front door? Why didn't you teleport inside my house

Chronoa: b-because what if you were on the toilet *she said while blushing looking down*

Roshi: (I want to bully her for some reason but lets see what she wants) So what do you need help with ?

Chronoa: *ahem* So as I was saying before you rudely questioned my amazingness, There is a Demon Goddess that seems to be loose.

Roshi:...there is?

Chronoa: Yes... she seems to have escaped from the crack of time.

Roshi: I'm good...and why do you need my help? Can't you find her yourself?

Chronoa:...she wasn't suppose to escape yet...there could be multiple things however currently her being out hasn't changed history significant...if anything currently its ok but...this is a turning point..she will meet Sealas...

Roshi squints his eyes: Sealas...

Chronoa: yes...he doesn't believe that somethings are meant to happen and doubts the mission of time patrolman...and betrayed us...me...Now I believe he is influenced by the God of evil...if he works with Putine the world will be ingulfed in darkness!

Roshi says so softly that Chronoa couldn't hear his voice Putine: "so why are you coming to me? can't you beat them yourself.

Chronoa: While I'm amazing at everything. No I mean Gods such as myself shouldn't engage in barbaric fights!

Roshi: so their stronger than you...so what will you do if you find her and let say she living peacefully and have a family?

Chronoa: family?

Roshi: I'm just saying maybe she doesn't want to deal with evil shit and stuff

Chronoa without hesitation says: They will be erased from the timeline and she will go back to being sealed because whatever she gave birth to should never have existed...


Putine POV

My memories had returned...after hearing their conversation my memories came back in a rush...

I am scared...not for myself but my baby boy...

{she looks at Nero}

Putine: I wasn't planing to go back to them but...I will turn to anyone to insure you survive

As she was about to run she notices a necklace...it was the necklace of sparda that was broken into two. each half was giving to the twin sons of Sparda. He took it. leaving a letter that says bye Dante...


Putine teleports far away then even knowing Chronoa and the demons lose will detect her sends Nora off world to a different place. She wasn't sure where. If it was a different universe, world or dimension all she knew is he was gone...


Nero was sent away in a basket and a note.

There a priste picks is suprised to see a young boy crying and notices the letter saying that they can't take care of him and please take care of their child Nero and that the parents love him...Also don't try to find us...

The priest smiles bitterly then notices the necklace...

Priest: the necklace of Sparda! this child must have some connection to the great Savior...*he nods* Maybe he is an Apostle for our Goddess...

AN: Should Goku be a boy or girl. It will effect certain characters deaths but wont effect goku personality

Dark Evolution is a technique that a Demon God with high magic power can use to force a transformation upon a chosen target.

Tights is from Dragon ball Jaco

Jaco is from Dragon ball Jaco

DemonKingVancreators' thoughts