
Ch. 357 Seeds of fear

Around the third month following the fifteen days of terror, the eastern coast of Tera, or what was left of it, started to stabilize to some degree as strong men emerged from the rubble and stepped up to take charge of small sections of the region. Even in chaos their can be order, and the weakest will always follow the strongest eventually.

Lawlessness was still rampant, but farmers started to return to the land, replanting what they could, and the ol salty dogs could not withstand the call of the ocean for long. Even though they had to first built a handful of rather crude small boats, the fisherman returned to the life they loved, bringing back a much needed sorce of food.

As the region was effectively cut off from the rest of the world, as only a few tiny nomadic tribes would venture in and trade with them, the people of the eastern coastline had to band together to survive.