

The air was filled with giddy excitement as we readied for the shoot. Bastion had decided last night that we would take these pictures in the forest behind my house. He said that the forest was really thick and captivating. Almost as if it was really magical. I obviously couldn't protest because it was free and I didn't have to really leave my house, but it was annoying that more and more of my coworkers were starting to learn where I lived. I only allowed this shooting, because we were short on time, and on ideas.

So here I was, standing behind my house with a crew of people setting up cameras, checking lighting, and the main photographer talking with Bastion about places to take pictures. Angela and Celestia were inside my home, getting ready for the photoshoot. Damien and his secret model were nowhere to be found. A part of me was starting to feel a bit worried that he wouldn't even bother showing up at all, and that we would only be taking photos with Celestia. Not that I was to upset over it, Celestia could make it happen all on her own. But I was really hoping for the romantic part of the photoshoot to happen.

"You look worried Rose, what are you thinking about?" Aaron asked as he walked up to me. He wore a jean jacket with fur lining, a pair of black slacks, high hiking boots, and a blue scarf to match. His hands were tucked into his pockets as he observed the surroundings. I blew a piece of hair from my face, my hands preoccupied with a warm mug nestled between my hands.

"Damien isn't here yet and they want to get started as soon as possible. We could start without them, but I don't want Celestia to be stuck out in the cold while we do his photos too." I mumbled as I took a sip of my hot chocolate. Aaron sighed and nodded his head.

"No one can get a hold of him either. We might just have to leave him out of the photoshoot completely. He knew that we were doing it here, so I don't know why he is so late. Worse case comes to worse; we start with Celestia's main modeling photos and then she can warm up inside. I am sure the camera crew wouldn't mind it so much either if they could warm up too." Aaron politely suggested. I wasn't too thrilled at the idea of having so many people in my home. But I also don't want to make them suffer either.

I quietly seethed inside, wanting desperately to get this photoshoot over with. So, I turned on my heel and walked towards the house, wanting to check in on Celestia and Angela. I don't know what was taking them so long to get ready either. We were already starting to fall behind on our schedule, and the snow would soon stop. It would take away the natural creativity of the whole shoot. I trudged inside, finding that the living room was empty. Small giggles could be heard down the hallway towards my bedroom. What could they possibly be doing in my room?

I quietly tiptoed down the hall, not wanting to disturb the peals of laughter echoing off the walls. I peeked my head through the crack of the barely closed door and couldn't help but smile. Celestia was sitting at my vanity, Leo cradled in her hands as Angela worked tirelessly to achieve a fantasy-like look. A costume assistant was waiting idly with a smile plastered on her face as she watched Celestia interact with the cat. The others chuckled as Leo reached up and gently patted Celestia's chest, begging silently for more attention.

"I never knew that Rosaline was an animal person. She clearly spoils this cat. Did you see that giant cat condo that she bought him. She must adore him greatly to spend so much on him." The Costume assistant casually said as she watched. Celestia was now rubbing her fingers through his coat, making Leo curl up on her lap and close his eyes.

"With how much she works, she can't ever find the time to find a meaningful relationship so she must have buckled down and bought him as a way to fill the void." Celestia's manager commented. I couldn't see her, but her voice sounded like it was coming from my bed area.

"I will say, out of all the people I have worked with in this business, Aaron and Rosaline are the ones I have seen work the most. They take their mistakes and move forward with them. I had the chance to glance through their other designs and I can't say I have seen anything more impressive. They really went all out." Angela remarked as she continued her work on Celestia's hair. I felt myself moved by her words. Hearing such high praise from a high standing official was everything I wanted to hear. It was nice when hard work was recognized.

"Rosaline has never once requested to take time off since she helped found the company. Aaron recently got a divorce too because he was never home. They definitely sacrificed a lot to keep the company going. You should have seen Bastion and Aaron last week when Rosaline was on bed rest, I swear they were to nervous bulls in a China shop." The Costume assistant tsked. So exactly what I imagined actually happened. They really were too predictable. It was almost laughable.

"I was wondering what the giggling was all about. I didn't think Leo would be such an attention hog. I do apologize about the inconvenience." I said as I walked through the door. Each one of them jumped at my sudden intrusion, and I couldn't help but laugh. "I didn't mean to startle you; I just came to check on the progress. The photo team is just about ready to start." I reached down and gave Leo's ears a scratch, to which he started purring loudly.

"I just need to finish her hair and put on her dress. We should be rolling out the door in 20 minutes. Hopefully that will give Damien enough time to show up." Angela went back to dolling up Celestia and I nodded. I didn't want to rush her, so I quietly backed out of the room, leaving the others alone. It would be a nice gesture to at least prepare something warm for the others to drink since they were waiting outside.

Pursing my lips, I walked into the kitchen and started grabbing my coffee pot and mugs. I set my own cup of half drank hot chocolate aside as I started brewing a fresh pot of coffee. It was weird having this many mugs on my counter. I don't think I have had over three people in my house at one time. It also reminded me that I was going to have to do a big load of dishes later as well. The thought was enough to make me inwardly groan. While I was waiting for the pot to brew, there was a loud knock on my door.

Eyeing the dripping coffee, I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. A large shadowy figure sat just outside my door. I wrapped my fingers around the handle, and briskly opened the door. I shivered abruptly at the sudden surge of crisp wind that hit my face. But it left as soon as it came upon seeing the man standing in my doorway. Damien practically filled the frame to my door with his muscled mass, a weak smile on his lips.

"Sorry I am late; traffic was rather heavy this morning. But I brought my Knight with me to make up for the delay." Damien said sheepishly. I moved out of the way and waved them both in. Snowflakes dusted the top of Damien's head and eye lashes. Despite my own inner protest, I couldn't help but admire how utterly handsome he really was. Especially with his rose dusted cheeks and bright red lips. The contrast of his golden eyes made him look ethereal and majestic.

"Travis, this is fashion designer Rosaline Freed. Aaron Blake must be outside, but he will be your designer this afternoon." My jaw dropped. Travis Hugo was the biggest model in the industry. It was so hard to schedule him for any events because he was just that popular. Now he was sitting in my house and working with my company. Trevor was a very well-toned man from head to toe. He had a very tan complexion with long blonde hair, bright green eyes, and a killer smile. Every woman was head over heels for him. I outstretched my hand, and he grasped it firmly.

"It is an honor to be working with you. Normally your schedule is so busy, so I thank you for taking the time to help us out this morning. Angela is in the bedroom down that hallway. She is just finishing up with Celestia." I gave a bright smile. In return, he held my hand to his lips, his friendly smile turning seductive.

"If I would've known how beautiful you were before- hand, I would have come the first time your company requested my help. You truly are stunning." I felt the blush creep across my face. It wasn't every day that I would receive compliments about my personal being, I wasn't exactly sure how to react. Without saying another word, Travis made his way down the hallway, and then disappeared from sight. I stared after him quietly, trying to figure out how we had gotten so lucky.

"I really appreciate you pulling whatever strings you had to get him here. I am sure it wasn't an easy task to achieve." I said, waving to him as I walked back into the kitchen. He was silent as he followed. Entering the kitchen, the coffee pot was still slowly brewing. I tsked quietly, not exactly sure why it seemed to take so long catering to other people.

"Rosaline…" Damien whispered quietly. I peeked over my shoulder to look at him. Again, I was taken aback. His expression was complex as a wave of sadness and anger washed over him. His gold eyes seemed to darken and lighten as he fought with himself. My eyebrows knit together, confused at his reaction. Then both of his hands were on my shoulders, gently resting as he walked closer to my back. My heart started to pound harder, picking up the pace as the space between us closed.

"Damien, are you okay?" I asked quietly. His breath was on the back of my neck now, making my hair stand on end. I was glad I was wearing my coat still because goosebumps formed up and down my body, making me inwardly shiver. He gently squeezed my shoulders, the hesitation written all over his body, yet he still said nothing. After what felt like an eternity, he let my shoulders go and stepped away.

"I'll see you outside." Was all he said as he quickly walked out the door. My heart still thundered in my chest, and I was left with my own confusing thoughts.

I'm sorry about my long absence. My life has been very busy and hectic and I didn't have the motivation to finish this story. But now I will be focusing on giving you the best book I can offer. Thank you all for you patience.

Woodnessa_98creators' thoughts