

With a grin wide as the half-moon she explains

"Appraising loot will allow us to determine the price of the loot if you were to sell it and the tarot of the item"

I wonder if an item is dropped and it's considered a high rarity would all rarity be equally good? So I asked her

"Are all rare loot good? Are there some that are more superior than others?"

With a confused look on her face, she answers back

"Of course not all loot are equal, some are more useful than others, however, that's just the average. Depending on what you're looking for a below-average loot can be a high tier one for you."

With the new knowledge, I ask her for an appraisal on my loot, specifically just my sword.

"Could you take a look at my sword?"

With nothing to say she points to a room brightened by a lit candle.

I head inside this room and upon stepping in I noticed that the heat was unbarring before noticing a man looking at swords.

I walk in front of him and ask if he could appraise my sword.

Without a single glance, he tells me the swords are worth

"That sword is worthless in its current state, but luckily for you the more you use it the more it will grow. Where did you find it?"

I'm a bit confused since I thought someone needs to look at the item directly in order to appraise it, but I guess I was wrong.

Thankful for the man's service I responded back

"I found it on the first floor after fighting some monsters, it was carrying this sword on its back before I managed to kill it and take it for myself."

He responded with knowing after hearing the story behind the sword, instead he just simply stares at my sword without blinking for a minute. He was so staring at it so intensely I was getting a weird vibe from him.

After a moment of silence, he looks at me and simply responds to me with

"This sword is below average right now, I recommend you keep using it and over time you'll become its candidate "

Not knowing what he meant by the sword's candidate I simply responded back to change the topic from my swords to my other loot.

I showed him my ring that was dropped from the floor boss.

He took one good look and said

"It's worth is 30.00$"

"Can you appraise it too"

I responded to get more info regarding the ring

He quickly replies back with

"It will give you more luck"

"Luck? What does that do?"

He said nothing but pointed at the door.

Not wanting to anger the man who assisted me, I simply thank him and headed my way out.

"Hey System"


"What's luck"

[Luck is a stat that affects chance, probability, and destiny]

"Got it"

As I stand in the center of HQ I look around to see what I should do, go back to floor 1 or look around?

Suddenly, my stomach made a grumbling that caught the attention of those around in a 2 feet radius. With their eyes on me with some trying their best to not smile I hastily went back to the first floor.

If I can get food from loot then I might as well hunt down these monsters.

For the next 3 hours I hunted and killed, with every kill, I felt a bit of strength but weirdly it's not originating from me. Not wanting to worry I paid it no mind and continue on until I managed to stockpile some food from the loot.

"3 hours resulted in 5 pounds of meat and some a small handful of [Blood Crystal]"

With a sense of proudness, I search for a high tree and climb to the top to rest, and the hole I eat is what I haul. As I do so I kept looking around for anything notable and I managed to spot what I believe to be the new floor boss.

The only reason I believe it was the new floor boss was due to a weird feeling I get just from spectating it, I don't know how to describe it but I can say it's very similar, or even is, instinct.

The thing was a bit smaller compared to the previous version but what makes this one unique is its form. It was more human than a monster.

"So the boss came back huh, I wonder what I'll get this time if I kill it."

I ignored my senses and head towards the boss with the mindset of loots, hopefully, something useful.

As I get closer I decided to sneak up to the boss, without having to worry about other monsters I continued to inspect the boss. From what I see the boss is about 6'7 feet tall with an average body framework, very similar to a man, the thing has a pair of eyes but the rest of its face has only a pair of eyes. Like it's wearing a skin mask that shows nothing else but its golden eyes.

"Should I attack now since it's alone"

I crouch behind a tree facing the back of the boss pondering before suddenly a group of descenders surrounds the boss from all 6 sides.

I watch to see if they can successfully kill it with just themselves or if I should wait for the boss to be weakened and step in to "assist" them.

As the air around the boss and the descenders becomes still, 2 descenders, equipping a short sword and an ax, attack the boss from the right and left side. The boss tried blocking both attacks using its pair of arms but due to the descenders strength, its right limbs were cut off.

With its limbs missing the descenders that attacked quickly back off just as they strike to evade any possibility of a counterattack, but instead the boss looks at the ground in which its limbs have fallen and just stared.

"What the hell? It's just staring at the floor, is it dead? Just from missing its limbs?"