
Dove's Cry The Series

Through The Silence - A girl who got kidnapped from birth and was raised in a basement and had never left. She was taken to be forced to marry the gang leaders son, he is meant to become the next gang leader. He doesn't want to be a gang leader and plans to take the girl and run away from it all and make a real relationship with her. But there's obstacles that get in their way and she is forced to make hard decisions and take initiative even if it could cost her, her life. Out Of The Darkness - Chloe and Colby finally got away from his abusive gang leader father in two towns over, now Colby's in the hospital with the help of a stranger, but once the stranger leaves she's all alone in a cruel foreign world. Survival becomes more of a priority then before and now she's full of rage and full of revenge, not only against Lucey, but against Colby's father as well. Breaking The Cage - Colby makes a move on his decision between his family or Chloe and her friends, Jason seems to be quite close to Chloe and he has his suspicions. Both Chloe and Colby had been fighting for their lives together but what happens when all their plans derail from the war that had been started? Hayley fighting to stay relevant now that Colby is back, and Jasper is making the biggest sacrifice, does he go undercover to unravel the secrets of their family, or does he lie to Colby, and stay true to Alistair to be the families gem, to get what he always wanted, and become Golden knives next leader?

Amanda Pearson · 现代言情
37 Chs


"He was never yours, never and even he said so." I said calmly.

"That's not true we were together I loved him!" She yelled crying.

"So you tried to kill him because he didn't love you back?" I hollered rage pulsating through my veins.

"Tried, you mean he isnt dead?" She cried.

"No, you think some bullet would stop Colby?" I said angrily.

"I shot him in the head!" Her voice broke.

"I'm gonna put you through what I went through," I said pushing my blade into her chest but not far enough to kill her, I made a deep 'X' over her heart.

"Alright boys have some fun," I said with a psychotic smile I turned and stood back.

"This isn't just because what you did to Colby," Jason said blankly and stalked towards her and punched her in the face hard enough to make the chair and her flip over.

"Holy shit," Hayley exclaimed covering her mouth and backing slowly to her car, I looked over at her as her face was twisted in disbelief, I just shrugged and looked at Clay and Eli.

"Get her up." I said casually.

The boys walked over to Lucey and put her back upwards.

I walked over to her and got to her eye level, you could smell the putrid of hatred in the air and suddenly a it felt like my stomach flipped and I placed a hand on my stomach and it continued to move.

I got up and turned to face Hayley, with my hand still on my stomach.

She walked over to me and placed a hand on my back to balance myself.

"What's wrong with you," Luceys voice echoed in the garage.

"Nothing," I said through clenched teeth.

"Chloe all this stress is bad for the baby, let them handle all this." Hayley said soothingly.

"Yeah we got it covered chlo," Jason said cracking his knuckles, I passed him my switch blade and he took it with a wink and a smile.

"Wait she's pregnant, where the hell is Colby," Lucey screamed.

"In a fucking coma thanks to you!" I walked to her and slapped her across the face.

"Do not, even say his name." I ordered angrily.

"You know they are going to find out about all this," she threatened.

"Aw Lucey that's the point, I want them to," I said with a laugh.

"Wait so your keeping me alive?" She said hopefully.

"For the time being," I answered.

I walked to the other side of the room with a cigarette in hand, my body is sore and tired and I just couldn't stand any longer.

Sitting in the gravel I lit the cigarette and hugged my legs to my chest.

Jason opened the switchblade and put it against her cheek and sliced it open with ease, she hissed as the blood bubbled from her skin, watching it was sort of satisfying.

"Hey Eli, pass me the blow torch over there," Jason pointed to the blowtorch in the corner beside me.

Eli went and got it for him throwing it so he could catch it.

"Thanks," He called out as he turned it on, and went down her arm with it, she screamed in agony as her skin bubbled and blackened on her tanned skin.

Hayley couldn't watch any more and got into her car and turned on the radio as loud as she could, placing her head down against the steering wheel waiting for all of it to be over.

Jason picked up the switch blade once more and sliced off the skin he just previously burned.

"Okay, that's enough," I ordered beginning to feel nauseous myself.

"Are you sure?" He asked breathlessly.

"I want her alive." I repeated from before.

"Why?" Jason asked confused.

Colby's P.O.V

"Daddy, daddy wake up!" Addy yelled excitedly. I opened my eyes to see my beautiful little girl jumping on the bed, giggling, I pretended to be asleep and when she got closer I picked her up and threw her beside me and tickled her making her laugh.

"Waking me up huh, little girl?" I said playfully, continuing to tickle her sides.

Her laugh was contagious and I began to laugh with her.

Chloe rolled to face us helping me tickle our daughter, her blonde hair in her eyes, all messed up and wearing her light pink pajamas.

"That tickles! She hollard through fits of giggles.

"That's the point!" I said laughing along, I pulled her and Chloe closer and pulled the blanket over our heads and held them both close.

I kissed Addy on her forehead and caressed my wife's hair as she closed her eyes again with a relaxed smile.

"Mommy wake up!" Addy said shaking her.

"Hm," she grumbled.

"Grandma is making pancakes!" Addy said, throwing off the blankets off and jumping off the bed and running out of our room.

I sighed as I kissed Chloe and got up barefoot against the cold wood floors and down the stairs to the kitchen.

You could smell the aroma of pancakes and syrup walking through the corridor.

"Smells good mom," I said through a yawn taking a seat at the table.

"Took you guys long enough to wake up," she joked placing two pancakes on a plate with some strawberries, and placing it in front of me.

"Well one of us is awake," I joked back picking up the maple syrup.

"I'm up," chloe said grumbling into the kitchen.

Addy holding her fork with her entire hand and picking up a piece and stuffing it into her mouth open wide.

Xavier picked up a large glass of milk, he looked so tiny compared to that glass I couldn't help but laugh a little.

He's only a year older than Addy yet he's her uncle and I find that a bit amusing.

I poured the maple syrup onto my pancakes the thick substance dripped slowly until they were covered, and closed it passing it to Chloe.

Her long dark hair was a mess and she yawned tiredly and I chuckled softly to myself.

"What's so funny?" Chloe asked nudging me gently in my ribs.

"Nothing, I just find you adorable." I said honestly as I continued to eat my breakfast.

Chloe blushed as she wrapped her hands around her cup of coffee.

Alexander shuddered enough to make me notice.

"What?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Too lovey dovey." He said, shuddering again.

"Oh really?" I said taunting him as I turned and kissed my wife.

"Ugh, he said, covering his eyes with his hands, making me laugh amused.

"Alright, enough you two," my mother said, shaking her head.

Chloe's P.O.V

Dreaming, it's another dream, one that plays over and over; this time Colby isn't in it.

We were back at where we sat outside of Carolyn and Allistair's front gate watching Luceys final moment with them explaining what had happened, or what would happen.

The gun shot rang out through the dead air, my ears rung and I blinked in odd confusion of sound, when I finally came to I began to panic at what I had done, this time I did not hold the gun, it was lost in the woods somewhere where Eli is hiding.

Hayley scrambling to put the car into drive and drove off as fast as she could muster.

I woke up in a cold sweat, and Hayley sat beside me, staring at a computer screen taking small sips of coffee.

"Are you okay, you started hyperventilating in your sleep," Hayley said tiredly.

"Mmm," is all I could reply with right out of dead sleep.

My hand went over the round of my pregnant belly, feeling a slight movement made me gasp. The strange sensation made me panic a little.

"What's wrong are you okay?" Hayley questioned putting a hand on my stomach.

"Something...moved," I explained through pauses.

Hayley took a minute to evaluate what was happening, and it happened again.

"Wow," she said in awe.

"What?" I said anxiously looking up at her.

She looked as if she had stars in her eyes.

"Its the baby that's moving, its kicking," Hayley explained in disbelief.

"What does that mean?" I questioned becoming more and more worried.

"It means the baby is growing," Hayley said in astonishment.

I placed a hand on my oversized belly and took a sharp breath, I smiled then laid back on the couch in my bed for the time being.

Colby's baby, my baby. Our baby.

Tomorrow I find out if I'm having a boy or a girl, and I'm both nervous and excited at the same time.

Will it look like him, or will it look like me?

Will it have blue eyes, or brown eyes?

And most importantly, will Colby wake up to meet him or her?

Questions piling up in my head and by the time I opened my eyes again I realized it is 7 am.

I got up and headed to the bathroom, I still have PTSD episodes from time to time, but hayley's always there to help me through them.

The morning sickness finally subsided and the smell of certain food doesn't make me feel ill as much anymore.

After my appointment I'm going to go see Colby so I can tell him the news, I wonder if he can hear me when he is in such a deep coma, but the thought he could wake up at any moment gives me such hope. I'm excited for the day ahead of me.

I get up and head to the bathroom, I turn on the shower as hot as my body can stand, and I get undressed standing in front of the full bodied mirror.

My stomach out stretched and scarred with stretch marks from the way I protrude as the baby kicks and moves around I take a deep breath and look down at my swollen ankles.

I step into the shower as the hot water and steam indulge me, the burning sensation on my skin erasing the kinks and pains from work, the closer and closer I get to my due date the more pain and uncomfortable I am feeling.

I sighed rubbing my stomach, I feel so bloated I could burst at anytime I sit down in the bathtub and let the hot water entangle me in bliss.