
Chapter 49: There Are Gods on This Continent!

Of course, Cheng Xiao wouldn't directly reveal everything. His knowledge of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well was not extensive, and the original description wasn't enough to satisfy their curiosity.

Therefore, he had to be skillful in how he used the limited information to maximize his benefits.

"If I can explain the origin of this spring, Senior, would you agree to take me to see it?" Cheng Xiao asked with a smile.

"Sure." Dugu Bo nodded without hesitation.

Seeing Dugu Bo's swift agreement, Cheng Xiao couldn't help but be taken aback. What's going on? I thought there would be some back and forth, but how did he agree so easily? This rendered all the preparations he made useless, like punching cotton.

Suspicious, Cheng Xiao turned his gaze to Ye Renxin. "Elder Ye, you saw it. Senior Dugu agreed. Could you serve as a witness for me, so he can't go back on his word later?"

"Humph!" Dugu Bo snorted at the remark. "As a Titled Douluo, could I still deceive a child like you? Speak up quickly!"

Ye Renxin laughed heartily and said, "Sure, I'll be a witness today. Even if he doesn't agree, I'll take you there. He won't stop me."

"Grandfather, I want to go too." Ye Lingling, who was eating, looked up at Ye Renxin, then at Cheng Xiao, lowered her head in thought, and weakly raised her hand.

"Alright, Lingling will also go." Ye Renxin's eyes were full of love. How could he refuse his granddaughter's request? With little time left, he naturally wanted to fulfill her wishes.

Dugu Yan was stunned. Didn't they just say they couldn't go? How did the situation change so quickly? So, you're all going?

Am I the only one left?!

How can this be?!

Dugu Yan quickly clung to Dugu Bo's side, shaking his arm and acting coquettishly. "Grandfather, I want to go too. They're all going. You can't be biased! I don't care, I want to go too!"

"Um!" Dugu Bo frowned, hesitating for a moment.

"Everyone can go. With Grandpa Ye here, what's there to fear?" Ye Renxin waved his hand and agreed on behalf of Dugu Bo.

No matter how strange that place is, with Ye Renxin there, nothing will go wrong. This was the confidence of the Nine Heart Sea Holly, something the Seven Treasure Glazed Pagoda could never achieve!

"Thank you, Grandpa Ye!" Dugu Yan smiled brightly.

"Can we speak now, you brat?" Dugu Bo rolled his eyes, not expressing dissatisfaction with Ye Renxin's interference, but rather turned to Cheng Xiao.

"My ancestors had the honor of accompanying several great figures to explore a relic. There wasn't much inside the relic; it had been looted countless times by treasure hunters. Therefore, there wasn't much to gain."

Cheng Xiao narrated smoothly, using the relic as an excuse to increase credibility. In reality, it was all just his fabrication. Lying and making up stories were his specialties.

"However, my ancestors were fond of painting and discovered several interesting murals on the ceiling of the relic. To the average person, they might seem like ordinary murals, but my ancestors saw something special. They depicted a great battle..."


Cheng Xiao narrated the Dragon God's battle and the fall of the two Dragon Kings, resulting in the formation of the dual hot and cold springs. "Afterward, the two Dragon Kings fell, creating one hot and one cold spring on the ground. The final mural depicted the words 'Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well'!"

After finishing the story, Cheng Xiao sighed deeply and felt his mouth dry. After taking a sip of fruit wine, he continued, "This story has been passed down in my family for generations, and originally, I just thought of it as a bedtime story. But when I heard about the strange spring from the seniors, I realized that this story might be true."

The expressions of the others were dreamy, seemingly immersed in that epic battle. The mention of the divine realm, gods, and dragon clans filled them with a sense of impending danger.

Ye Renxin snapped out of it and asked, "Do you know the location of this relic?"

"We all thought it was just a story our ancestors told to get children to sleep, so we didn't pay much attention to it. No one explored it, so the location of the relic has been lost," Cheng Xiao shook his head. It was the most reasonable excuse; no one could find any loopholes.

"Hmm..." Dugu Bo pondered, then raised his eyebrows and said, "It's a good story, but unfortunately, it's just a story. Your story might just be a coincidence; it doesn't hold much weight."

Huh? What does he mean? Is he trying to back out? Cheng Xiao widened his eyes. Damn, a Titled Douluo like him has no shame?

"Kid, don't accuse me of bullying you. Although your story is interesting, it's not enough to convince me," Dugu Bo's face bore a playful smirk. "You can tell a story about them being Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well. Can't I come up with a story saying they're a pair of hot and cold lovebirds? Maybe my story is more reliable than yours. At least, it doesn't involve gods or dragon clans, which are nothing but figments of imagination."

Figments of imagination? Cheng Xiao frowned, then suddenly understood. For someone like Dugu Bo, who lacked profound knowledge as a Titled Douluo, there was no source of information about ascension to godhood, so naturally, he thought gods and dragon clans were too fantastical.

Unless he could be persuaded!

"Hehe, Your Majesty, gods do exist! It's just that Your Majesty doesn't know about them," Cheng Xiao pointed to the sky, smiling.

"Humph! You little brat, if there are gods, why hasn't the old man been punished for killing countless people throughout his life?" Dugu Bo's face suddenly darkened. His temperament was already erratic, and now being refuted by a child, he felt his face losing all dignity, and he immediately flew into a rage.

"Your Majesty, don't get angry with me yet. Let me ask Your Majesty a question first. What are the angelic gods worshiped by the Spirit Hall?"

"They're just tools to deceive the masses," Dugu Bo said with a cold face, waving his hand. "A bunch of hypocrites."

"And what about the Sea God worshipped by Sea God Island, which even the Spirit Hall finds it hard to conquer? What are they?"

Dugu Bo hesitated for a moment but still dismissed it disdainfully. "Just a bunch of conservative fishermen, relying on the sea and their superior martial souls. What can that prove?"

Cheng Xiao shook his head. "Then, can you explain why the martial soul of the Spirit Hall's Six-Winged Seraphim is born with innate full soul power, or why it's at Level 20 full soul power? It's extremely rare!"

Both Dugu Bo and Ye Renxin's faces changed suddenly. They stood up abruptly, grabbed the table, leaned forward, and stared at Cheng Xiao, their faces serious as they asked, "Where did you get this information?!"

They had never heard of martial souls being born with innate Level 20 full soul power before, and it could be said that no one on this continent had ever heard of it!

If this information were to spread, it would shock the continent. After all, in everyone's impression, innate full soul power was already the limit! No one had ever broken this rule before!

But now, there was a teenager standing in front of them, solemnly trying to overthrow the entire continent's knowledge!

If this information were true, why would the Spirit Hall suppress it? Could there be some secret hidden within? It was a terrifying thought!