
Important information

Well... you may be wondering, what is the important information? Well, it is to inform you that I have made a difficult decision, I am going to stop uploading chapters for all my current stories.

A minute of silence...

A minute of silence...

A minute of silence...

Just kidding, the information is very simple and it's important to me but not so much to you.

It's simple, I've created another account on a website similar to Patreon, only much better for you and me.

The page is called "https://www.buymeacoffee.com/" and my page link is "https://www.buymeacoffee.com/DragonKing"

Well, you may be wondering, why did I create another page? And also, will I close my Patreon page?

- Why did I create another page?

Well, I really like the benefits of "buymeacoffee.com" for creators, which of course Patreon can't offer me.

One of the best benefits is that you have the option of being able to buy the membership for a month or for a year, of course, if you choose the one-year membership I charge you only 10 months.

The third benefit is that there is a section that allows me to give away a completely free membership (Give me some time and I'll think of a way to do a raffle).

But for me personally, the best benefit of this platform is that if you buy a membership for 2 dollars and two days later I raise it to 4 dollars, the following month they charge you 2 dollars.

What I mean is that the price they buy the membership, whether monthly or yearly, will be their price for life and they will never be charged another price. Of course, if they stop paying they will lose this benefit.

To celebrate my new page I have decided to drop memberships at half the price of what they are on Patreon for a full month.

The prices are as follows (Of course it starts today and ends on Thursday 04/13/2023):

Human Tier at $2 per month and annually at $20.

Earth Tier at $5 per month and annually at $50.

Heaven Tier at $7 per month and annually at $70.

Holy Tier at $10 per month and annually at $100.

Heavenly Tier at $17 per month and annually at $170.

Immortal Tier at $25 per month and annually at $250.

Pseudo Divine Tier at $37 per month and annually at $370. (This tier is not on Patreon but its value will ultimately be $75.)

Divine Tier at $50 per month and annually at $500.

From Friday (04/14/2023) to Sunday (05/14/2023) there is another one-month discount of 25% of the price that is on Patreon.

Human Tier at $3 per month and annually at $30.

Earth Tier at $7 per month and annually at $70.

Heaven Tier at $11 per month and annually at $110.

Holy Tier at $15 per month and annually at $150.

Heavenly Tier at $26 per month and annually at $260.

Immortal Tier at $37 per month and annually at $370.

Pseudo Divine Tier at $56 per month and annually at $560. (This tier is not on Patreon but its value will ultimately be $75.)

Divine Tier at $75 per month and annually at $750.

From Monday (05/15/2023) onwards the prices are normalized as they are on Patreon, of course, there will be more discounts later, don't worry.

- Will I close my Patreon page?

I really don't know... the truth makes me want to but I have time with this account and it makes me sad to delete it.

Well, maybe in the future... I don't know, I'll let you know in the future.

- Are all the stories on the new page yet?

The following stories are currently complete:

* Douluo: Glory of the Sun Moon Empire (DGSL English)

* Douluo: Gloria del Imperio Sol y Luna (DGSL Spanish)

* Douluo: Song of the Azure Dragon to the Nine Heavens (DDNC English)

Unfortunately, I still have three stories to upload but don't worry this week I'm going up little by little.

- Finally:

On Wednesday (03/15/2023) there are double chapters in "Douluo: Glory of the Sun Moon Empire (DGSL English)" and in "Douluo: Glory of the Sun Moon Empire (DGSL Spanish)"

On Thursday (03/16/2023) there are double chapters in "Douluo: Song of the Azure Dragon to the Nine Heavens (DDNC English)" and in "Douluo: El Canto Del Dragón Azur A Los Nueve Cielos"

Finally, thank you very much for all the support you have given me.

New page: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/DragonKing

Golden_DragonKingcreators' thoughts