

"For each of the herb can be exchanged with one the god core so you can have two god core. Please wait a minute I want to call my higher up because only they have the key for the god core vault." The man said. " Okay." Gu Long replied. After 10 minutes, a bulky man comes into the room. When the man who sat in the counter saw this man, he instantly stood up and bowed to the bulky man. " Greetings Mr. President." The man said to the president of the spirit pagoda.

" Emm.. Where is the person who has the legendary herb?" The president said to the man. " He at the waiting room." The man said. Both of them came in front of Gu Long, and the president greeted Gu Long. " Hello, nice to meet you. My name Zi Mo and I currently the president of this spirit pagoda. I heard from my man that you have a legendary herb that has been extinct for a million years." Zimo said to Gu Long. When Gu Long heard that he is the president of this spirit pagoda, he immediately stands up and bows slightly to him. " Yes, I have the herb. I want to exchange with the god core." Gu Long said while he shows the herb to the Zi Mo.

Zi Mo took the herb and checking if the herb is authentic or fake. After a few minutes, Zi Mo eye shines brightly because the herb is the lost herb that has been extinct for millions of years ago. " Where did you get this herb?" He cannot contain his excitement, finally, ask Gu Long. " I can't tell you where I get this herb, but it doesn't matter, isn't it." Gu long said. Zi Mo heard Gu Long said like that he knows that Gu Long doesn't want to tell, so he didn't dwell into it. " Okay, with these two herbs, you can get two god core. You don't have any herb that can be exchanged for other things because we didn't lack anything." Zi Mo said to Gu Long.

" Oh… Is there soul fruit, soul cultivation technique, spirit cultivation technique or anything that beneficial for spirit master." Gu Long asked Zi Mo. " Yes, we have all type of soul fruit. As for cultivation technique, we have many and on top of that this technique equal to Mysterious Heaven Skill from Tang Sect. Many people didn't know about this technique because we didn't spread this technique widely just not too offended Tang Sect. As for other items, I think you should look at this catalogue so that you can find anything interesting." Zi Mo said while he handed the tablet to Gu Long.

Gu Long look trough all the item inside the tablet while he marked the thing he wants to buy with how many quantities. After 30 minutes Gu Long finish, and he handed the tablet to Zi Mo who in state of shocked because how many things Gu Long order and how expansive the items. " Sir, all the items that you order is so expansive that normal currencies can't buy it." Zi Mo said to Gu Long because he worried that Gu Long couldn't pay. Gu Long heard that he immediately took 40 herbs and rare metals inside his space. Zi Mo look the herbs and minerals on the floor he so shocked. " Holy shit is this legendary herbs and metals, but he took this as a vegetable." Zi Mo shocked. " Is this enough to buy all the things I order? Can you prepare this thing faster? So right now I want to make artificial spirit for my brother, please show me the way." Gu Long asked Zi Mo. " Yessssss…. more than enough. I will show you the way. Please follow me." Zi Mo said.

The items that Gu Long order:

Soul Fruit=

Red Soul Fruit- 500

Black Soul Fruit-700

Purple Soul Fruit-900

Colourless Soul Fruit- 400

Talent Detector Godly Edition-1

Guiding Machine for Spirit Master to title Douluo-1

Artificial Spirit Bones=

Chest Bone-100+ ( 10 thousand years Old )

Skull Bone-100+ ( 10 thousand years Old )

Left Arm Bone-100+ ( 10 thousand years Old )

Right Arm Bone-100+ ( 10 thousand years Old )

Right Leg Bone-100+ ( 10 thousand years Old )

Left Leg Bone-100+ ( 10 thousand years Old )

External Bone-100+ ( 10 thousand years Old )

Herb Growing Space-1

Training Space for every ranks + 10 people can come inside- 1

Complete Set Of All Cultivation technique-1
