
Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

A story about a person reincarnating in his most loved and prized fiction with some wishes. This is fanfiction of Douluo Dalu and the story will follow canon. And yes MC is going not going to hug Tang San thigh but will be with him. I don't own Douluo Dalu or any characters. All rights belongs to their respective owners. All I own is my character and the things that I will later add.

PrimorDious · 漫画同人
133 Chs

Tang Ming vs Blaze Academy! (2/3)

A/N : NiHao Bitçhes!

Like promised, i posted a chapter today. To be honest, I wasn't so sure that I would be able to but due to election and all happening in my state, I got released from my works two hour earlier in the morning. And my night shift was cancelled.

Man it felt so refreshing to have more than one day to myself as tomorrow also is Sunday. So anyway, I'll try to post a new chapter tomorrow if I can. I'll stop my rant here.

Anyways, any suggestions reviews and comments are appreciated either positive or not. Now I'm out.

Your Keeping-My-Word Author - Allfather PrimorDious.

Peace out ✌️.



At this moment Huo Wushuang, felt like he was in the most dangerous enviornment, he had ever been. If not for the rules which forbid opponents from killing, he might just have already surrendered.

He was trapped with the Tai Long, Huang Yuan and Dai Mubai in a triangular formation. Just handling one Dai Mubai was already more than enough for him but now facing two more opponents who were also as strong as him, he didn't know what to do.

He can't even retreat even if he wanted to as another monster stronger than these three was standing right just few metres ahead of him.

He was extremely on guard with sweat dripping from his forehead, just as he was going to try to break free, he heard a shout from behind him.


Before he can even look back at what happened, he suddenly smashed into the ground as a very heavy pressure descended on him out of nowhere.


Tang San who was prepared for Huo Wu attacks as he had already paid attention to her from the beginning, was also surprised. Tang Ming had already told everyone that he would not attack, but will act as a support for the team.

He didn't think his elder brother would act, but he was pleasantly surprised he did. This made the already advantageous situation they were in more favourable.

"Alright, Ming'ge!" Tang San shook his head as he looked at Dai Mubai.

Tai Long at this time suddenly shouted, "Let me deal with hi..."

"No, you dumb orangutan. Do as we planned. We can't afford any mishaps." Mubai rejected immediately.

"What mishaps? Look at him, what can go wrong. And if anything does aren't you all still here? Even young master Tang Ming is here."

"But.." Tang San wanted to say something but heard Tang Ming's voice from ahead.

"Let Tai Long fight him. I've promised him he would also get a moment to shine. And it's not as if they can break free from the gravity." Tang Ming said as he looked provokingly toward Blaze Academy students.

Huo Wu already had a feisty temper, she was used to people looking at her with admiration. She was a genius and nobody has ever, ever humiliated her like this person standing in front of her.

(A/N : What's with this genius young misses attitudes. First Rongrong, then Qian Renxue though it's because he knew her secret, and now this Huo Wu.)

Everybody she has met will always fawn over her, trying to get her attention or in her pants...

She looked at Tang Ming who was just standing there with his spear, looking nonchalant af. She looked at his bored demeanor, which once again flared her anger.

Her eyes met his, which the latter seeing only smirked again. She was trying her hardest to stand against this pressure but its as if like some huge mountain was pressing upon her.

She also glanced at her brother direction as he had also been smashed into the ground while surrounded by three opponents.

Tai Long hearing what Tang Ming said was jubilant.

Tang Ming also removed the gravity from Huo Wushuang as the latter finally was able to breathe. It was taking all out of him to not just succumb to the pressure and give up.

Tai Long also advanced forward as he said in a clearly excited manner.

"My name is Tai Long and I've heard you are the strongest member of the Blaze Academy. I've heard a lot about you. I hope you are worthy as the rumours say."

Huo Wushuang looked at the robust person in front of him who was giving him a battle maniac vibe as he too stood in a defensive stance .

"Also, Tang San you and others can leave Tai Long and Huo Wushuang to me. You can all go and deal with the others. Now go." Tang Ming said as the Dai Mubai, Huang Yuan, Tang San, Xiao Wu and Jing Ling dashed forward engaging the other six members of Blaze Academy.

Tang Ming also removed his gravitational field from the rest of the Blaze Academy students. Tai Long also summoned his martial spirit and possessed it.

He was already bulky and robust to begin with but after Spirit Possession he grew a size larger as now even his biceps look like it has its biceps.


Tai Long roared as he lunged forward, pulling back both his fist in an ape like manner ready to demolish his opponent. Huo Wushuang was not to be trifled with as he too rushed ahead pulling back his hand and forming into a punch, meeting Tai Long attacks.




They both traded fist for fist, purely physical prowess as neither was backing down. The fight looked extremely intense as they traversed the whole arena landing, parrying and counterattacking blows for blows.

This was the type of battle audience were expecting to happen between two extremely strong academies.

The whole arena erupted in cheers as some shouted Tai Long's name and some cheered for Huo Wushuang.

Tai Long was fighting, no, brawling would be a better statement to say, extremely recklessly, while Huo Wushuang was using some kind of martial art to feint, dodge and parey his attacks.

Also Huo Wushuang was the one who landed most blows on Tai Long but the latter would also return two punches for one, one that has all of his power behind it.

Huo Wushuang would dodge some straight punches thrown at him, after which he would then throw a jab or two which Tai Long would not even try to dodge but would counter attack Huo Wushuang with a heavy uppercut or sometimes smashing him with both of his fists from upwards to downwards.

Their battles shook the whole arena as even Shrek Academy and Blaze Academy students looked wide eyed at this development.

"Hahaha, this is fun!" Tai Long laughed uproariously as he was blasted back but immediately sprinted forward in an extremely aggressive manner.

"I wasn't expecting it, but yes it is fun." Huo Wushuang also smiled as he too was happy with the battle he was having with Tai Long.

Tang Ming who at this time was standing in the middle of the arena looked at the fight between Huo Wushuang and Tai Long as he nodded his head in approval.

This was the kind of battle true men always look forward to, fist meeting fist, fist meeting bare skin, the thrill of it was something only the one who experienced it knows. Tang Ming even wanted to participate in the battle and beat those two as he was also looking to battle someone like this but restrained himself.

Tai Long was purely strength type power attack system spirit master but his defense was also extraordinary. Suddenly a wild thought came to his mind as he looked at Tai Long.

'Should i also give him some monkey gourd wine, if he happens to have a double awakening of his martial spirit, maybe his Vajra Orangutan could awaken into something like Titan Giant Ape! Then maybe we can fight each other without any restarint. That would truly be something to look forward to.'

Just as this thought came into his mind, he already gave it a green flag as he would do exactly that. Tai Long was his and Tang San loyal follower and also belong to one of the subsidiary clans of The Clear Sky sect, so it wasn't like he's going to betray them or anything.

For now let's release others from their sufferings too.

"I'll kill you, you bastard!" Huo Wu said as she gritted her teeth in pure rage. To actually make her kneel infront of everyone, how dare he!!

On the other side when Tang Ming released Huo Wu from his gravitational field, she immediately used her third spirit ability once again as another ring-shaped flame appeared, she pushed it forward toward approaching Shrek Academy team.

Tang San and other who were rushing forward immediately became alarmed, as they get in defensive stances.

Astonishingly, the ring shaped attack didn't produce any sound as it simply disappeared when it happens to appear before them.

Before any of them can feel relieved, Dai Mubai, Huang Yuan, Jing Ling and Xiao Wu, all were sent flying in a split second by a sudden scorching hot powerful shockwave.

These four were struck practically simultaneously by that strange ring of fire, flying out in four different direction.

Tang San who was originally behind everyone was the only one left standing. The ring of fire disappeared just in front of him without fling him away like others.

This was Huo Wu third spirit ability, Deifying Flame Ring. This ability didn't have any attack power but its greatest characteristic was the ability to eject all enemies withing the range of Deifying Flame Ring to a certain distance.

(A/N : Basically a low level, Shinra Tensed or Allmighty Push, with a growth potential.)

As for how far they were sent flying and differentiation between friend and foe was upto the Spirit Master's own control of the spirit ability.

Even though the Dai Mubai and others were tied together with Blue Silver Grass vines, the instant they were shot out by the Deifying Flame Ring, Tang San was still left alone in the midst of the enemy team.

And without opponents to block them the two agility attack system spirit master along with the other power attack system spirit master, literally simultaneously pounced at Tang San, moreover from different direction.

The situation was immediately reversed, the Blaze Academy did the same thing and applied the same tactics to trap Tang San that Shrek Academy used to trap Huo Wushuang.

Right now, even Tang San felt that he was in quite a bit of danger. He didn't even have time to use the BS grass to pull back his team members to help him.

Four against one, they had even taken Tang San third spirit ability, Spider Web Restraint into account.

Attacking from different directions, Tang San's Spider Web Restraint could at most hold one person at bay. There absolutely wasn't enough time for him to launch a second attack.

At that moment, he would already be besieged by three people, not even luck could save him. Well someone else can, but he didn't want to ask for his brother help in dealing with them.

Tang Ming who looked at the situation Tang San was in, immediately wanted to move but a spirit communication suddenly came to him as he stopped and looked at the spectators area.

Just now Grandmaster has asked him to let Tang San deal with this problem himself. After thinking for a moment, he stopped and nodded his head toward him.

Grandmaster who at this time was sitting beside Flender, Zhao Wuji and Liu Erlong also smiled at this.

In his opinion, no academy would be Shrek's match if Tang Ming acted. But it would also prove detrimental for other team members future growth as they all also need some pressure and difficulty to breakthrough and also to have real combat experience while being in a team.

A cold glint flashed in Tang Ming's eyes as his aura immediately became restrained to the limit, extremely taut like a bow strings drawn to the limit, ready to attack in a moments notice.

'Hm, if master says so, then so be it. I've already activated [All Seeing Eye] ability of my Head Soul Bone, if anything, even slightly untoward happens or if Huo Wu tried to pull something fast on Xiao San then...

May God have mercy on them, coz I won't.'


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