
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul

(Smuts) - CH 58: Bibi Dong (handjob) CH 72: Bibi Dong (first sex) -------------------------- (A/N: This book isn't a copy, it's just that I've transferred it from my second account, That_One_Alive_Ali, to this account.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Dead_Ali · 漫画同人
87 Chs

CH 7: Bibi Dong's Favor

Bibi Dong wasn't stingy with Ah Li and gave him her own cultivation technique. But after doing so, he didn't let him rush out quickly and told him to stay. While both of them were inside of his Spiritual Sea, she told them about everything she had figured out about his Martial Soul.

He would find out about them with time, so there was no reason in hiding things about himself instead of telling them early on so he would get stronger quickly. After all, just as Sun Tzu said :"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

So better know your own advantages and use them to their fullest early on. Seeing his amazed face, Bibi Dong nodded knowingly. Even she was shocked so much despite being a Fallen God, of course a little kid like him would be like this. But she still needed to warn him :"Little guy, I know that this ability is amazing, but you must remember, you cannot tell anybody about it.

The more amazing you are, without the appropriate strength to protect yourself, you'll simply attract the attention and hatred of the wrong people." Getting her point and immediately understanding the situation, he nodded seriously :"I see, sister! Don't worry, I'll definitely keep my mouth shut about this matter!"

Even if young and not experienced with political shit, he was still a modern person who had learned many things from the internet and the stories he had read. Even if just stories, anime, manga, etc, there were still many things he had learned from many of them. So at the moment, he immediately came to the same conclusion that Bibi Dong had come to. Since he wasn't strong enough and wasn't part of a trustworthy group that could guarantee his safety, he had to stay his hands in showing off.

Even if he didn't like it, he needed to. He wasn't afraid of death, but that didn't mean he was suicidal. He was a show off through and through, but for the sake of not killing himself and his teammate, he needed to keep it on a low scale. Showing off in front of the whole continent and even in front of the gods, that could wait for the future.

"Good, good! It's good to see that you're smart!" Seeing the black haired adorable boy being so polite, smart and obedient, Bibi Dong couldn't help but nod in satisfaction. At first, what she was very worried about was the little guy being rebellious and not listening to her. After all, which child didn't want to show off and be popular?

But seeing him being smart and obedient, she couldn't help but sigh in relief inwardly and pat his head, surprising Ah Li. He really didn't expect her to actually pat his head. After all, she was the pride Pope of such a powerful organization, empress of an empire and an actual god. He seriously didn't expect this.

However, even if it was a surprise, it was a pleasant one. The moment he got over the surprise, he smiled and began enjoying her delicate and soft fingers gently rubbing his head. Even going as far as to lean into her touch. Even if a pervert with a shit ton of kinks and an extremely perverted mind, he was actually a sucker for gentle loving and show of affection like this.

No way in hell would he refuse head pats. Especially the ones from Bibi Dong, an absolute milf of a beauty! Noticing his cute smile while he enjoyed her touch with closed eyes, Bibi Dong's lips twitched into a small smile with curled lips :'This little guy... His cuteness is too dangerous...'

Even if she didn't look like it, she was a mother after all. Looking at the adorable little guy enjoying her touch so much, she couldn't help the warmth that filled her heart. Especially since she didn't have the pleasure of raising her own daughter and seeing all her sweet times during her childhood, she was even more affected by his trust and cuteness.

But still, it was embarrassing to act like this in front of him despite just getting to see each other less than an hour ago. So with a cough, she raised her hand away from his head with a small touch of crimson on her soft cheeks. The upper ones.

"Ahem ahem, o-okay... That's enough. Now you should go and train." She said, but her heart grew even warmer when she saw his disappointed look that resembled a cute puppy :"Oh..."

'This little guy... Forget about the dangers from Soul Masters and alike, I need to worry and protect him from women who'll be affected by his cuteness...' Realizing where the actual danger layed, Bibi Dong curled her lips before realizing something else :"By the way, little guy, I never got your name. What is your name?"

Putting away the disappointment in his heart and expression, Ah Li smiled gently :"Sister, my name is Ah Li. It's nice to meet you. So what is sister's name?" Managing to look even cuter as Bibi Dong barely held herself together :"I-I see... It's nice to meet you too. As for my name... Call me whatever you like."

With a nod, Ah Li thought about it for a few seconds before smiling curiously again :"Then... How about Sister Goddess? Is that okay?" Thinking about the name, Bibi Dong grew very satisfied with it and nodded with a small, satisfied smile :"Yes, that's okay. Now, let's get out of your Spiritual Sea for now. I need to observe your cultivation speed before I make some plans for you."

"Okay~." With a nod, Ah Li agreed and they both exited at the same time. As Ah Li awakened again, he saw Bibi Dong standing beside his bed. With a smile, he greeted again :"Hey, Sister Goddess."

But when he greeted her, she actually grew stunned. Blinking her beautiful eyes, she raised a curious eyebrow :"You can actually see me in this state?" Confusing Ah Li as well :"Well... Uhh... Yes??? Why wouldn't I be able to see you?"

"Well, you weren't able to see me the first time when I came out after you awakened your Martial Soul." She hummed softly :"It's probably because of seeing me in your Spiritual Sea or something, so now you're able to see my Spiritual Consciousness as well."

"Spiritual Consciousness? Now that I think about it, Sister Goddess, how have you come out since you aren't awakened?" Ah Li questioned Bibi Dong who shook her head :"As a God Level Martial Soul with a consciousness, this is nothing to me. But forget about that. It's not important. What is important is that I can come out and observe the situation around us. But Ah Li, tell me, what year is it currently?"

When she brought up his Martial Soul being awakened, she was reminded of Martial Soul Hall and the fact that she had probably traveled in time. So she quickly asked after answering him, and Ah Li answered back :"It's currently the year 2637 of the Douluo calendar." (Tang San was born in 2631 of the Douluo calendar)

Seeing that she really had traveled to the past, and so many years at that, she couldn't help but smile with gritted teeth and a cruel glint in her eyes :"I see... So it really is that way. Ah Li, sister has a favor to ask of you. Will you agree to it?"

"Huh? Well, can I ask what this favor is, Sister Goddess?" Ah Li asked instead, a curious look on his face when seeing the cruelty and anger in her eyes. But it wasn't directed at him, so he was simply curious. With a nod, Bibi Dong answered through gritted teeth :"In the future, when you are strong enough, I want you to kill two people for me! Can you do me that favor?"

"Hmm... Well, since it's just killing two people, sure! As you've just told me, I need to kill in the future to grow stronger. Two more people won't really change anything." Ah Li nodded with a nonchalant smile :"But I wonder, can Sister Goddess tell me who these two people are?"

"Tang San," Bibi Dong started with gritted teeth, before the hatred in her eyes grew even more intense as did the gritting of her teeth :"And Yu Xiaogang!" The first name, he actually suspected her saying it. But when he heard the second name, he was actually surprised! Pleasantly surprised!

To be honest, what he was most nervous about was Bibi Dong still being blinded by her foolish love despite dying because of the person who that bastard Yu Xiaogang himself trained. Yet now, seeing that she actually had intelligence, unlike how she was always written by those retarded Chinese authors, he barely held himself back from celebrating and jumping around!

It was one of his most important goals to make Yu Xiaogang and Tang San's lives a living hell! But if Bibi Dong was to be as stupid as the ones written by those dumbass Chinese authors who would completely ruin an awesome idea, he wouldn't be able to do that at all. He couldn't imagine how angry, frustrated and annoyed he'd be then.

He didn't immediately agree though. He wanted to. From the bottom of his heart. But he still held himself back to not seem suspicious :"Yu Xiaogang? Sister Goddess, you mean that arrogant and trash master guy who lives in Nuoding Academy?"

"Yes! Yes, him!" Bibi Dong immediately nodded with a smile :"Do you know that bastard by any chance?" And Ah Li, in response, nodded with a smile as well :"Um um! I know him! Well, everybody somewhat does, but he really doesn't have any good reputation. Everybody who knows him considers him a clown. Even I heard of him while somebody was making fun of him."

"Hmph, they have every right to make fun of him. That son of a bitch deserves all the ridicule he receives." Bibi Dong sneered, in a bad mood from hearing his name, but still happy to only hear his suffering. To Yu Xiaogang, getting ridiculed and made fun of was even worse than getting beaten up. She knew that very well.

So when she heard that he is experiencing what he hates the most, she couldn't help but be happy at the pleasant news. And Ah Li, hearing her actually having intelligence, was even more satisfied as he nodded with a small smile :"Well, alright, when I can, I'll definitely kill him. Since Sister Goddess seems to hate him so much, I'll definitely kill him in the future. What about that other guy? Tang San, was it? I don't know that guy."

"It's not surprising that you don't." Hearing his agreement, she was immediately happy as she nodded with a satisfied smile :"But forget about it for now. You will know about both of them in the future. But for now, you don't need to worry about them. After all, I told you to kill them when you are strong enough.

And to get that strong, you'll need to get stronger as fast as possible. And to get stronger, you'll need to kill. I know that it's hard for you since you're just a kid, but since it has to be done, we can't do anything about it. In fact, once you get over the displeasure of killing, you'll appreciate this Innate Ability greatly! After all, a Martial Soul evolving continuously has never been heard of. Especially a Trash Martial Soul at that!

But obviously, I don't expect you to simply be able to kill someone or something currently. After all, you are too weak at the moment. You're just a child, so even killing a normal human would be extremely difficult. For that, you'll need to train a lot. And very hard. So your schedule will be very busy with not just cultivating, but also training your body and learning how to fight. Of course, I'll teach you so you'll have an easier job."

After Bibi Dong finished speaking, Ah Li immediately nodded in understanding. But the moment he did so, a voice not belonging to either of them, or any person in the orphanage, sounded in the room. One that was extremely familiar to Ah Li :"Well, I can also help a little with that."

A voice that freaked out both of them, even Bibi Dong, for even she didn't sense the presence of the owner of the sound despite having a God's Spiritual Consciousness, causing her to turn around and immediately attack the owner of the sound unconsciously.