
Doomed Villain

Sean Rivers, an author, would never have anticipated being transmigrated into the world of his novel as the villain destined to meet a tragic end. Not wanting to face the same fate he had penned down, he decided he would do whatever it takes to survive. However, he soon realizes that the original plot is not the only challenge he has to deal with; characters he never wrote about are now after his head. Why could that be? Follow him on his bizarre journey as he witnesses the world he once crafted with love thrown into utter chaos, while he tries to save it the way a villain can, hoping not to lose his head in the process.

Zurbluris · 奇幻
91 Chs

To The Auction

Richard and his three friends got into the limo and relaxed. Shahera, Richard's main servant, came in with a graceful look. She gave Richard some golden tickets and smiled softly.

"These are the tickets for the auction, Young Master," she said, standing straight and looking professional.

Richard was curious as he took the tickets. "Shahera, you are amazing. How did you get these tickets so fast?"

Shahera smiled a little more, her eyes showing pride and hard work. "Thank you, Young Master. It's my job to make sure your plans go well."

She nodded politely and left, letting Richard keep the tickets. He sat back and grinned. "I wonder what else I'll find at this auction."

"And who I'll meet there too." he thought to himself.

He told the driver, "Head over to the company."

Luna, Luella, and Jarmin were interested. Luna, who always looked out for Richard, asked what they all wanted to know.

"Master Richard," she started, sounding careful, "why are we going to the company now? Don't we have the day off?"

Richard's grin got bigger, and his green eyes shone with fun. He enjoyed this moment. "Well," he said casually, "the auction was the main thing for today. The casino and the movies were just for fun, to give Shahera time to get the tickets."

Luna looked at Luella and Jarmin and they nodded. They all knew that Richard had a plan, even when he seemed random.

Luna moved closer to Richard, sounding worried. She stared at him, trying to see what he was thinking.

"Young master," she said, sounding loyal, "it's very late. What is at the auction that you need so much?"

Richard looked back at Luna with a calm gaze. His black hair glinted in the light. He put his fingers together, as he started to explain.

"Luna," he said, sounding mysterious, "there's something at the auction that I don't want anyone else to have. It's a very important thing, one that could change the world. I can't just let that happen."

Luna sat back and crossed her arms, looking curious and serious. Her eyes stayed on Richard.

"What makes you so sure about that?" she asked, her tone carrying a touch of seriousness, as if searching for answers within Richard's mysterious intentions.

Richard, wearing his mysterious smile, leaned back comfortably. His demeanor exuded confidence, a signature trait of his.

"Nothing really," he admitted, his voice laced with mystery. His green eyes shimmered with intrigue as he looked at Luna. "You're just going to have to trust me."

Luna, though she still had questions, found herself reassured by Richard's confidence. With a subtle nod, she acknowledged his words, understanding that trust was the currency they traded in, even in their world of enigma and intrigue.

Upon their arrival at the company, Richard, Luna, Luella, and Jarmin proceeded to board their private jet. As they stepped onto the aircraft, Richard couldn't help but be struck by its opulence.

He glanced around the interior, taking in the plush leather seats, the gleaming wooden accents, and the soft ambient lighting that bathed the cabin in a warm, inviting glow. A satisfied smile tugged at his lips as he settled into one of the seats.

"Ah, the perks of being a Blackthorn," he mused, his voice laced with a hint of satisfaction. His eyes moved around with a touch of arrogance, a reminder of the wealth and power that the Blackthorn family wielded.

Luna, Luella, and Jarmin found their own seats, sharing knowing glances as they, too, appreciated the luxurious surroundings. The private jet was a proof of the extravagance that accompanied the Blackthorn name.

The engines roared to life, and the jet began its ascent. Richard leaned back in his seat, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and plans. The auction awaited them in Country R, and with it, the potential for unforeseen challenges and opportunities.


Arriving at the branch company in country R, he private jet descended gracefully, touching down on the runway. With practiced efficiency, the crew swiftly prepared to disembark. As the door opened, a gust of warm, foreign air swept inside, but the night still held its sway over the city.

Richard was the first to step onto the tarmac, his black hair gleaming mysteriously under the moonlit sky of Country R. His trio followed closely behind. It was a seamless transition, a well-oiled machine in action.

"Prepare a limousine immediately," Richard instructed the awaiting ground staff, his tone carrying an air of urgency that brooked no delay. "We need to get to the Saldenburg auction as soon as possible."

The staff members nodded in acknowledgment, and within moments, a sleek black limousine pulled up. Richard, Luna, Luella, and Jarmin entered the vehicle.

As the limousine glided through the streets of Country R, Luella couldn't help but voice her concerns. "Young Master," she began, her tone laden with worry, "isn't your father going to be furious when he sees how much you've spent tonight?"

Richard, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery, took a moment to reflect on his father, Oliver Blackthorn. The patriarch of the Blackthorn family was a formidable figure, a man who had shaped their world with his wealth and influence.

"I wonder where he is right now, Oliver Blackthorn, the head of the Blackthorn family. Also Richard's father, which means that he is now my father, he is nicknamed, 'The world's Greatest Tycoon.' with the his control over all magic core item manufacturing and processing companies all over the world, and that's honestly why the Blackthorns are so loaded."

With a faint smile, Richard responded, his voice tinged with confidence. "Luella, my dear, you forget that tonight's extravagance is but a fraction of our family's resources. Besides, there are some things even my father wouldn't question."

The limousine continued its journey through the city, the Blackthorn family's wealth and power a force to be reckoned with even under the cover of night in this foreign land.