
Don't Touch The Roses


ShadowBlobby_corp · 灵异恐怖
28 Chs


Blob had crossed his legs and rested them on the desk, reviewing what had happened throughout the day. He had woken up feeling energized, deciding to greet employees he hadn't talked to aside from meetings, then he returned to his desk realizing he hadn't gotten an email, No big deal, it wasn't like he needed them to live. With that we went to lunch, talked to a few more employees, and finally got down to replacing the coffee machine everyone was complaining about, then he walked outside, got his car stolen, and now he's sleeping in his office. "I'd say today was pretty fulfilling" He yawned, the bags under his eyes were nearly gone then. He heard the booming roar of thunder from the office and nearly fell out of his seat in fear, the familiar ping of an email coming from his computer soon afterward. He opened the email after crawling up into his seat.


Blob facepalmed at the voice message, not being able to resist the urge to start laughing. He thought for a little, wiping the tears that built up in his eyes from all the laughing before cracking his fingers and resting his head on his hand, he only typed with one hand because it was a bit more comfortable.


"Hello Mystery Writer, First off I wanna apologize for not sending one right off the bat, but I have been getting your messages and I appreciate them all! My family is no longer around so I'm spending New Years with a cheesecake (lol)



Way to trauma dump Blob, he cleared some spelling mistakes before sending in the message and looking up again, It wasn't something gruesome that happened to them, His Father passed naturally, his mom died early because of kidney failure, and his sister went missing when he was young. Both of his parents were extremely old when they died and were satisfied with their lives, his sister was about 18 when she left. But maybe he should've specified all of that...