
Don't leave me again!

Everyone knows one thing for sure, everyone wants something in life. May that something be money, fame, love, or people it's desired and they want to have it. In this story read to find out what everyone wants in their life because their wants become their needs.

Love_story101 · LGBT+
55 Chs

an unexpected meeting

The night was as clear as day. It was raining my girlfriend had just cheated on me. I was hurt, broken, and soaking wet. I was a mess; I couldn't focus on anything. Why did she have to cheat on me with my sister? I had known her since the days back at the orphanage. God, I wish you were here right now. I want my savior back, why did you run away from us? I just want you back.

When I reached a park bench, I had run out of energy. I was too tired to walk anymore, that's when I saw I strange figure walking towards me. My vision was getting blurry I wasn't thinking straight. I felt someone grab my arm. "Help", I called out. No one was around. "Alright that's it, bitch get here", a man said. Fear struck my body. The heavy rain wasn't helping either.

"You know little lady, a pretty thing like you would fetch for a pretty penny. Now wouldn't you", he said deviously. "Hey!" a voice called from behind. "Let her go or else" they said this in a demanding way. I was fearing for my life now. Would I be killed? My life flashing before my eyes. "Or else what", the man responded. An aura so evil it felt like I had made a deal with a demon.

I felt the man let go of me. "Hey, bud we can talk about this I let the girl go just don't hurt me", the man pleaded. I was confused for a second. "Wait", I called out to the figure. "What's your name", I asked in a curious tone. "The name's Rose". She replied.

I stood there stunned. I had never thought that name Rose would appear back in my life. I had thought that she would run away. Who would've known that she would finally come back into my life? I was thrilled, but at the same time I was unhappy. Was there a chance that I could finally stay with them? "Do you have a place to stay?", Rose asked. I shook my head. "Follow me", she called out.

My eyes glistened in the rain. I felt a little bit of joy enter my body, but that didn't last for long. I realized that I would eventually have to return to gather my stuff from my exs house. I kind of wanted to just stay with this person for a while. What was the worst that could happen? I had just felt something in my heart that told me this was the one.

I was starting to get dizzy after a couple of minutes. The rain started pouring harder. It was getting harder to see what was going on at this point. Were we getting closer to the building? Was this a trap? My breath was getting shaky. It felt like someone was stabbing my chest only the knife was cold. I could feel my knees grow weak. Was I tired?

Could I be getting lured into a trap? I felt myself blackout for a few minutes. "GET UP", those words echoed in my head. I felt myself snap back awake, but by the time I did I was in a bed. I looked around the room I was in. I was met with a maid who was hold a tray of food in her arms. "Oh, good you're awake", she said with a smile. "I'll be sure to let the master know you're awake.", she poured me a cup of tea and set the tray of food on the bed where I was sitting.

I was so confused. Where was I? Was this a dream? Was I kidnapped? Then the memories from last night started to come back. My head was starting to hurt. I was still trying place where I was. I couldn't tell if my life was in danger, or if was safe.

When I finally got back to my sense, I remembered she said that the master was coming back. Maybe if I got the master's trust, he would let me go. And even if he didn't, I am sure that I could find a way back to the city. Hopefully.

Once the maid came back, she told me that the master would need me for a ballroom attendance. I was trying to figure out what they would need me for a ballroom attendance. The maid handed me a beautifully woven dress that glistened in the sunlight. It was pink laced with gold at the ends. Such fine cloth that was for sure.

I couldn't figure out what their plan was. Why did they need me to come to a ball? What made me so special? I had to many thoughts going through my head I didn't even realize that the maid was standing in the doorway. She told me that the dress was for later. I asked her what I was going to wear now since all I have were the bed sheets covering me up.

"Well, the master needs to look at you first since we don't get to choose our clothes", she replied in an eager manner. "I wounder what they'll give you", she said in a curious voice. She shrugged her shoulders before walking out of the doorway.

I felt someone looking at me when I looked up, I realized it was a girl. She had long dark hair withs streaks of purple. Her clothes were in a goth manner, and she had catfish leggings. Her skirt was short barely covering the lower half. She had a jacket on that had golden buttons and a purple heart clip. She wore a lace choker around her neck and had a heart tattoo under heart eye.

"So, you're the girl I wasted my breath saving in the rain yesterday, pity" "Although I will say you are kind of cute" She cocked her head to the side looking like she didn't know what to do with me. She began walking up to the bed where I was. I was scooting back away from her. "Stay away from me" I pleaded.

She was getting closer and closer. I had no more bed to go against. What was she going to do to me? I could feel my face getting red. I almost forgot that I was holding the sheets because they started falling off my body. "Are you scared of me?", she asked in a sturdy tone. When she asked that question, I froze for a few seconds.

I didn't know how to answer that question. It wasn't that I was scared by her being there, I was scared because I didn't know her intentions. She was now standing in between my legs. "Are you nervous?", she asked in a lusting tone. I could feel my face getting a bright red.

"No answer, fine then I have other ways of getting what I want", she replied. She was now taking the sheets off my body. That left my body naked and exposed. I was confused for a second, but at the same time I wanted her to do something.

She was now on the bed opening my legs even farther. She was now lay directly on top of me. I thought she was straight. She's into girls, I hadn't thought she'd like females. Oh god why was this happening to me. "It won't hurt, I promise", she said this in a calm manner. I could feel her finger go up and down my body. Teasing me in a way. She was leaning in, it looked like she was going to whisper something in. Instead, she kissed me. Her lips were soft, and her tongue was soft as well. I felt her French kiss me. "Not bad, now are you scared of me", she replied in a lustful tone. I wanted more so I didn't give an answer.

"Still no answer. Huh you must really want something then" I watched as her head began making her way to my lower half. She stopped when she was finally at the center. I could feel my body temperature rising. "I'm going to ask you one more time. Are you scared of me?"

She sighed deeply before getting up. "Wait", I called out. "Why'd you stop?", I said desperately wanting her back. She turned her head looking confused. "You want me to continue?", she said in a confused tone. I nodded my head. "Very well", she said.

She shut the door, then began walking over to me. She looked as if she was smirking. When she reached the bed, she sat me up. "I hope I'm not wasting my time or energy considering we have a ball to go to this afternoon", she said in a discouraging manner. Then it hit me. She was the master of this place.

"Lay down, and please do hurry", she replied. Just like that she was back on top of me. She leaned in and kissed me again. This one felt better than the first one. She moved her head to my neck and bit down. "Ahh~,"I let out. She looked up at me then smiled. "If that's the reaction I am going to get give me your hand", she said in a curious tone. I handed her my hand and watched her grab it. She began making her way down to the center of my legs.

"Here we go try not to flinch", she said almost like she knew I was going to flinch. Then she put her tongue. And just like she knew I would I flinched. She just looked up at me with her eyes and rolled them. She began moving her tongue up and down. I couldn't believe how good it felt. She took two of her fingers and stuck them inside of me. She took my hand and held it almost like she knew I was going to grab it.

She closed her eyes and began moving faster. I thought she hadn't done this before, but instead she knew exactly where my weak spots were. I hadn't noticed that I was moaning the whole time. "R-Ro-Rose", I moaned. I could feel myself getting tired, but she wasn't stopping. I gripped her hand a little too hard, but she didn't seem to mind. When she stopped her hands were drenched. "You did better than I thought you would", she said mischievously.

She gave me a final kiss before getting up. "Don't leave me", I called out. She turned around looking confused before walking back to me and sat down on the bed. She leaned in a gave me another kiss. I couldn't resist it she was too good. I don't know what made me grab her and drag her down to cuddle with me. She wasn't resisting either. "Don't temp me again", she stated. "Next time it'll be where you can't walk. That's a promise", she said in a calm voice.

I kind of enjoyed it too much. I wanted more, but at the same time I didn't know if my body could take it. "Can you do it again just gentler", I managed to get out. Her eyes widened. "You still want more?", she said confused. "How, I made sure I was going rough on purpose?" she replied. She started rubbing the center of my legs so quick I didn't even realize she was touching me. "You want gentle right?", she said in a calm manner. I nodded my head. But when she touched it, I flinched way harder than I should've.

"I won't do it", she stated. "Why", I asked in a confused manner. "You flinched too hard which means it'll hurt. It doesn't affect me I could go on for as long as I please", she said "However, it'll affect you if it hurts", she said in a concerned tone. I stayed their shocked. Was she concerned for me? "But, if you want more then after the ball we can", she said suggesting that. I looked at her and started beaming with joy.

She gave me a final kiss before getting up. "Don't leave me", I called out. She turned around looking confused before walking back to me and sat down on the bed. She

"Let me check what time it is", she said. I hadn't thought much time had pass maybe two or three hours. "Get dressed", she said in a hurry. "The ball is in forty-five minutes", she said. "If you need help with the dress call Skylar. She's the maid who has been helping you", she said in a flirty manner. She walked out of the room, but not before giving me one more kiss.