
Stull Cemetery

The scene in the Impala was quiet, probably quieter than she had ever been in her life. No classic rock was blaring through the speakers, no arguing happening between brothers. There was just silence, and not the comfortable kind either. There was no Sam to argue with his brother, to yell at him to turn down the music. Or to turn around in his seat and give you an exasperated smile, or a smile promising of things to come later.

Instead you sat there, curled up in your unfamiliar place in the passenger seat. Your head rested in the palm of your hand as you stared outside, letting the scenery pass by you unnoticed. The darkened skies had soon turned to pinks and oranges, but you didn't pay much attention, your mind too busy thinking about what you would see in a couple of hours at a small cemetery. You were so caught up in your own thoughts you didn't see Dean clenching and un-clenching his grasp on the steering wheel, his jaw locked tight as he sped down the highway. You didn't notice the way he would occasionally glance towards you, a stern frown on his face before he once again looked at the road.

You didn't know that he was trying to keep tears at bay, thinking about his little brother being ridden by the devil. That he was wondering what the hell he was going to do when he pulled into the cemetery. It was a fool's mission, a for sure death warrant, but he couldn't think of anything else. He needed to be there, for Sam, at least one more time.

Both of you kept your thoughts silent, your throats thick with unspoken words, and you let the scenery fly by. Your eyes finally slipping close, you weren't surprised to feel the familiar tingling of being summoned by Death. You had wondered about him, wondering if you should have gone to him straight away, to ask for help. But you remembered his words, his promise that Sam would be the one to end it. 

"Dean, I have to go. I will be back as soon as possible." You said, before you let the summoning take over. "Don't do anything without me."

Each time you were summoned by Death it felt different to you. Maybe this time, because you were emotionally exhausted, it was harder on you. But when you landed in Death's apartment, you felt yourself wobbling, before you felt backwards into one of his plush leather seats. Taking deep breaths, you tried to gather yourself, as Death waited patiently in the other seat. He had a glass of whiskey in one hand, and a fire burning in the fire place.

"Y/N, I feel as if something big has happened. Something with Sam, and Lucifer. Please explain." He said, waving his hand towards you to have you start.

"Sam did it, he said yes to Lucifer." You started.

"But didn't they use the key? Even though I've been hidden away in my apartment, I didn't feel the rift of the cage opening." He said slowly, taking a sip.

You shook your head, even the thought of what happened dampening your spirits. "No, they tried. They opened it, but Lucifer was too strong, and now he is going to be fighting his brother Michaell in Kansas." 

He nodded, steepling his fingers against his chin. "And what were you doing?"

"I was driving with Dean. We were heading to the cemetery, to be there for Sam. Please let me go back." You pleaded, forgetting your place for a moment.

He stayed silent, and your heart broke, thinking you wouldn't be able to be there for Sam. "Fine, you can go back. But a word of caution. Michael and Lucifer are old, and very strong. Probably the strongest Archangels. They can probably kill you, with a snap of their finger, even though you are a Reaper. If you go back, there is a great possibility you won't be able to help Sam, you will just die trying. Can you handle that?"

You nodded, your answer instant. "I know there is a good chance that I will die, and I accept that. I just can't let Sam be alone for this."

He stood up, raising his hand to have you stand up also. A little unsure, you did as told, surprised when you felt Death's bony arms wrap around your body, pulling you into an awkward hug. "Then go, be with Dean and Sam. But I will miss you. You were my favorite of the Reapers, and I had hoped for great things for you. But this must happen, and I won't stand in your way."

You returned the hug before letting yourself be pulled back to the Impala. Dean was still driving, and he only slightly jumped as you plopped back down in your seat. "I wasn't sure you would come back." 

"I told you I would." You said as you took stock of your surroundings. "Are we close?"

"About fifteen minutes away. What happened? Was it Death?" He asked.

"Yeah, he wanted an update on what happened." You explained, feeling goosebumps on your skin as you remembered his words. As a Reaper you had been around for a long time, and you were willing to die on this day. But it still didn't mean you were quite ready for it to happen. "He doesn't think you and I going there will do anything except get us killed."

Dean's jaw tensed as his fear was confirmed. "Yeah, that's what I expect. But it has to happen. Sam's not going to die alone."

You reached over, grasping his hand in yours. "I understand Dean. That's why I made Death let me come back. I want to be there. Not just for Sam, but for you too."

"Yeah, but you're a Reaper. You can't die." He scoffed.

Squeezing his hand, you released it. "Not true. Death said I'm signing my own death warrant by doing this. That Michael and Lucifer both have enough juice to kill me off."

Dean didn't say another word, but turned onto a dirt road that had an old iron arch over it, stating Stull Cemetery. You had reached your destination, but it didn't make you feel anything but dread. Dean gave you a half cocked smile, before grabbing a cassette and popping it into the deck. "Here goes nothing." He said, before Rock of Ages started blaring through the radio, and he navigated the pitted road to uncertainty.