
don’t trust me

Once upon a time, there was a cunning and manipulative character named Emma. She was reborn with a newfound power to control the minds of others. Using her abilities, Emma embarked on a journey of deception and manipulation, weaving a web of lies to achieve her own selfish desires. As the story unfolds, Emma's manipulative tactics intensify, leading to unexpected twists and turns. Will her deceitful ways ultimately lead to her downfall, or will she succeed in manipulating everyone around her? Stay tuned to find out

DJ_Oskido · 武侠
13 Chs

Chapter 6: Glitches in the Maya

Chapter 6: Glitches in the Maya

Maya's world was turned upside down when she was activated as a Kai counterinsurgent. She had always felt like there was something off about reality, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. That was until she began to notice the fractures - small cracks in the fabric of reality that seemed to be spreading.

Guided by Kai's esoteric trances, Maya embarked on her first missions to sow confusion and self-doubt into the minds of those under Ryder and Emma's sway. She targeted the easily manipulated, using her powers to make them question their own sanity. But as she delved deeper, Maya realized that her actions were having an unexpected consequence - she was manifesting reality aporia, glitches in the consensus construct that were provoking psychotic breaks in her victims.

Dr. Zhang, a scientist, and Rachel, a journalist, were also being pulled into this undisclosed war. Zhang's research into the mutant psi-factor led her to Maya and programs aimed at activating targeted receivers like her. Rachel's investigation into Emma's childhood in Cassandra's cult think-tank uncovered the dark truth about the breeding of telepaths.

As Maya struggled to understand the full extent of her powers, she began to question whether she was truly fighting for the greater good. Were her actions causing more harm than good? And what was the true nature of Kai, the mysterious entity guiding her?

The lines between reality and illusion were blurring, and Maya was caught in the middle. She was forced to confront the possibility that she might be just as much a pawn in this game as those she was trying to save.

The war between forces of reality dominance was escalating, and Maya was running out of time. She had to decide whether to continue down the path of a counterinsurgent or forge a new way, one that wouldn't perpetuate the cycle of chaos and destruction. The fate of humanity hung in the balance.

The stakes had never been higher. Dr. Zhang's groundbreaking research revealed that the deviations in telepathic abilities weren't random mutations, but a stark warning sign that objective truth was disintegrating under the weight of competing telepathic influences. The very fabric of reality was unraveling, and the psychics were accelerating the process.

Ryder, Emma, Cassandra, and other powerful psychics continued to exploit biodata to enforce their alternate realities, further fragmenting the collective consciousness. Kai, the enigmatic entity, issued a desperate call to all "Awakened" humans: self-immolate, surrender your psychic powers, and restore balance to the crumbling reality.

The response was cataclysmic. The Fire of Singularity Wars erupted, a global conflagration of psychic energies clashing in a maelstrom of chaos. The world teetered on the brink of collapse as the war for reality dominance reached its climax.

In the midst of this apocalypse, Maya, once a sleeper agent, now a key player, must confront the ultimate question: will she embrace her role as a champion of reality or succumb to the temptation of limitless power? The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, as the Singularity Wars rage on.

In the climactic Battle of Psi Meru, the boundaries between humanity and technology had become indistinguishable. The noosphere was consumed by a protracted psychic arms race, threatening the very fabric of reality. To restore objective truth and biological integrity, individuality and collective consciousness had to be sacrificed.

Kai, the enigmatic entity, made a final, desperate attempt to salvage the situation. Emma, now a powerful psychic, was the focus of Kai's psyche-lancing gambit. Evolving beyond physical form, Kai manifested as a memetic laser matrix, piercing Emma's self-perception at the quantum soul level.

Separated from her ego, Emma faced an ultimate trial. She had to choose between accepting total unification, realizing her insignificance in the grand scheme of spiritual thermodynamics, or clinging selfishly to her malignant godhood as a fragmented psychic tumor infecting the infinite cosmic Anima.

The fate of humanity and the cosmos hung in the balance. Would Emma embrace unity and restore balance to the noosphere, or would she succumb to her ego and perpetuate the cycle of destruction? The outcome would determine the future of existence itself.