
Till Death Do Us Apart Darling…(Part 2)


(Eve walks straight towards the alter slowly while Amenadiel and Mazz try to find The Blade of Casidi with no further luck so far, MoM sits down anxiously awaiting the results of all of this facade going on, camera crew taking pictures and broadcasting it live on television for the whole world to see, Eve finally gets to the alter smiling and poor old at Lucifer while he tries to fake a smile just ends up making a sad face...)

Priest: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the...

Back to Amenadiel and Mazakine...

Amenadiel: did you find it yet??

Mazakine: am starting to think there's no blade after all and all this was a facade to get Lucifer to marry Eve with no leverage...

Amenadiel: maybe but let's keep looking...

Mazakine: wait a minute, who actually told Lucifer that the blade was here on earth in the hands of Eve anyways...

Amenadiel: well MoM...

Mazakine: oh my God, how dum can you guy's be...

Amenadiel: why what's wrong?...

Mazakine: so how sure are you that this isn't any one of your mother's antics to get back Lucifer and you huh, like what she did to guy's at Lux...

Amenadiel: well you do got a point there...

Mazakine: have you guy's even seen the dammed thing...

Amenadiel: well no but...

Mazakine: ohk it's official, you guy's are real nut jobs...

Amenadiel: maybe we may be losing a few brain cells here and there lately...

Mazakine: now that that's settled let's get on with it and stop that wedding...

Amenadiel: your right...

Mazakine: of course am right, now let's go give someone a face stumping...

Amenadiel: right...

Back at the wedding...

Eve: this is happening so fast, my dear beloved Lucifer, I have loved you since the day you made me have my first bite in Eden, I could follow you till the ends of the earth and back, all I want to say right now to you is that I love you ❤️ down to the very core of my Vagina and to the crust of my melons...(whispers to Lucifer...) choose your words wisely Luci, the fate of the world may depend on it...

Lucifer: well urh, that's a lot, I urh don't even know what to say um, I know you Eve to be a very charming and seductive grandma I mean woman, urh ever since I saw you arrive at my house I have had this occuring dream of being chased by an Avatar Korra action figure with Tenzen and Aang as boob's, I really don't know what to make of it but I suggest Korra needs to get a breast enlargement for even weight of her breasts...

Eve: ohk, that's oddly specific but go on...

Lucifer: I urh think you look absolutely stunning in your 🧀 cheese inspired outfit and that you find happiness wherever it maybe, even if it is with me...

Eve: aww that's sweet Lucifer...

Lucifer: yeah, if you only knew...

Priest: now if anyone objectifies to this special occasion, speak now or forever hold...

Unknown: my ass cheeks...

(Everyone stunned...)

Lucifer: is that who I think it is...

MoM: who dares to interfere with my plans...(say's to herself)

Eve: it can't be, who are you??...

Unknown: seriously, so I have to, whatever...

Amenadiel and Mazakine bust in again...

Amenadiel and Mazakine: Lucifer stop!!!...

Amenadiel: oh...

Mazakine: Monsoon!, is that you...

Unknown: call me Jinx darling...

Amenadiel: and a hot one at that...

Jinx: sorry for coming in unannounced but this is bull shit so I had to see...

Eve: how dare you...

Jinx: hunny, I choose dare instead of truth...

Eve: you will regret the day you crushed my wedding...

Jinx: yeah right, bring it in sister slut...

✨Eve✨: don't worry, I'll make this quick and easy for you…

Jinx: I believe you have no idea who you're messing with wanna be 👰‍♀️bride…


Jinx: come on grandma of the century😏…

(In an instant Eve makes everyone fall asleep except celestials and conjures a huge black storm like the one from "we don't talk about Bruno..." when they were discussing about the wedding day, Eve summons a lightning bolt to strike Jinx but as clever and instinctive as she is she manages to slide her way out of harms way to avoid being torn apart by the lightning bolt, she jumps up on Eve and knocks her out with a Superman punch to the cheeks sending her out...)

Mazakine: well I guess am not the only badass bitch in town it seems...

To be continued...