
176 Peaks twist and turn

It was chaos, total chaos—

The Chicago Bears were in complete disarray during combat.

Immediately, they realized the crisis: what should they do if the Kansas City Chiefs chose their target keystone quarterback?

Of course, there were other quarterbacks to choose from among the rookies but the problem was:

This year was already a weak year for quarterbacks. They had repeatedly scrutinized, judged, and consulted, turning over every detail of the main quarterbacks inside out. Based on their system and their team configuration, they had finally decided on their draft target and identified their keystone quarterback.

This was Ryan Pace's second year as the Chicago Bears' team manager, still a rookie, still a newbie. The last thing he wanted was to repeatedly make foolish mistakes like the Cleveland Browns and become a laughingstock. Once he chose the keystone quarterback, he was ready to build an entirely new team around this rookie player.