

Hagrid's interrogation revealed important information. Moaning Myrtle. It appeared they now had a new location. Inside the girls toilets where the message was left. Xander was beginning to regret sending her on though.

The sinks were examined but nothing was found. No spells and no hinges or scratch marks.

The next step was Harry. Slytherin was a Parselmouth so maybe Harry could ask it to open.

Xander was firmly against the idea. He didn't want Harry anywhere near this thing. Harry wanted to help. He also wanted to try and reason with the basilisk. Xander very much wanted to lock Harry away somewhere in the heart of Africa where he would be safer.

Harry forced Xander's hand when an entire group of six students, Professor Vector and two ghosts were hit by the Basilisk.

Hermione was part of that group and was currently laying petrified in her room with Harry sitting there holding her hand as Luna held him and Neville sat on the other side of Hermione's bed. Xander was at the foot of the bed.

"I'm the only one who can speak Parselmouth and what if there are Parselmouth portraits as guards?" Harry argued.

"I'll just have to blow them up." Xander countered.

"They don't work like that, Xander." Minerva said sadly as she joined the group in Hermione's bedroom. "You can dig and dig and dig through a portrait and all you will find is more brick and mortar. You have to access the magic to get through the magical portal."

Xander growled in frustration.

"There is even more bad news." Minerva said forlornly as she sat wearily in the chair by Hermione's desk. "We found another message. A student has been taken. It says her body will lie in the chamber. It was under the original message."

"What about Kingsley and Nym?" Neville asked worriedly.

"Both were petrified."

Harry stood up abruptly. "Who is it?"

Minerva sighed, she knew this was going to be bad. "Ginny Weasley."

Harry didn't say anything. He walked out of the room and out of the apartment.

"Minerva, lock down the school. Looks like Harry is going to get his wish. We're going snake hunting."

Harry and Xander were standing outside Myrtle's bathroom. Xander had dressed Harry in sturdy jeans, a t-shirt and a leather jacket. Xander had called it Harry's Slaying Gear. Both Harry and Xander were wearing their reflective glasses.

"Right, here are the rules for today:

"One: You stay behind me at all times.

"Two: Should we engage the enemy you will phase into the ground and exit the room.

"Three: Should it be necessary you will run and close all the doors behind me!

"Four: You… you aren't going to do a thing I've said… are you?" Xander finished with a defeated sigh.

Harry just gave him a sad smile.

Xander pulled Harry into a hug. "Just remember the primary first rule. 'Don't Die'!"

"I will… Dad." Harry said, using the title for the first time. Xander pulled him tighter. "Just remember rule two."

"God damned smarty pants." Xander muttered as he ruffled Harry's hair and pulled him into the bathroom.

"So, what… 'Open Sesame'?" Xander asked.

Harry shrugged and gave it ago the hissing and sibilant sounds emanating from his mouth.

Xander and Harry just stood and watched as the sink seemed to slide open revealing the cavernous opening.

"Please tell me you didn't just say 'Open Sesame'?" Xander practically begged.

"Ok." Harry shrugged.

Xander rolled his eyes. "Ok, looks, dark, damp and disgusting… smells the same too."

"Do we just jump down, get some brooms or conjure a rope?" Harry asked as he examined the darkness.

Xander looked at Harry as if he was nuts. "We're not two minutes into this mission and you've forgotten one of the first things I ever taught you!"

"What?" Harry said defensively. "I'm not dead yet… am I?"

"Did I or did I not teach you how to fly?"

"Oh yeah."

"'Oh yeah' he says." Xander muttered quietly. "Alright, light 'em up and follow me." Xander ordered as he conjured a ball of light in his hand. Harry had long since gained control over his light spells and managed to create a decent spot light. Xander decided to cancel his little candle as it didn't really add anything to Harry's Lighthouse beam.

The trip down the hole was long, dark and really smelly. They were having serious doubts about the Pureblood claims of Salazar being in favour of the whole 'blood purity' move if he couldn't clean up after his pet… or kept a pet that caused such a smell.

Eventually they hit the bottom of the long tunnel. They cautiously began moving forward. The cave they found themselves in didn't appear to be very strong so Xander and Harry began transfiguring stalagmites and stalactites into support beams in order to avoid a cave in.

Ten minutes later and they came across a huge vault door engraved with snakes. Harry and Xander shared a look and readjusted their glasses and Harry spoke in Parseltongue.

The snakes began to move and slither away as the locking mechanism opened in a fluid motion. The huge vault door began to swing open revealing a huge hall lit by torch sconces.

"Open Sesame?"

"I… er… dropped the 'Sesame'."

"Thank God! I was getting worried about the sanity of Salazar." Xander said in relief.

"You don't think there's anything insane about keeping a pet that can kill you?" Harry asked incredulously.

Xander chuckled. "Never seen a dog attack and kill a human? Not pretty, but highly effective."

The pair began to slowly walk forwards, eyes down and looking for movement in the shadows. There was no point being careless and getting petrified before they got anywhere. Gradually Xander cleared the area with a visual sweep.

"It's clear Harry. You can look up." Xander assured him.

Harry looked around the room taking everything in quickly. Something that Xander tried to teach them as they went for their morning jogs was to notice everything around them even if it seemed innocent.

What Harry saw was a small bundle of black robes at the end of the hall with a streak of red, lying under a hideous statue of a mans face whilst a young man in Hogwarts stood over it.

"Ginny!" Harry cried as he tried to run forwards only to be yanked back by Xander.

"Harry James Potter Harris McGonagall Summers Hogwarts! Have you forgotten everything I taught you?"

Harry looked at him in horror. "Is that really my name now?"

"Well… on paper it is." Xander grinned rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. "Now, what do you see and what did you do wrong?"

"He ignored me as a threat." The young man at the end of the cavernous room called out.

"Do you mind! I'm trying to teach my son here!" Xander yelled back irritatedly. Xander sighed and dragged Harry over to the young man.

"Identify yourself. You are on my property, without my consent and endangering one of my charges." Xander said angrily.

"Your property?" The young man scoffed. "This is the sanctuary of Salazar Slytherin, the Greatest of the Hogwarts Four!" He declared imperiously.

"Sure… so who are you? A Salazar fanboy?" Xander asked with a scowl.

"T. M. Riddle." Harry muttered as he picked up an open book. "Is this yours? Looks like a diary, but it's empty."

"Yeah, he's Riddle." Xander confirmed having seen the boy react. "What have you done to Ginny? Are you responsible for the basilisk and petrifications?"

The boy looked insulted. "Hardly! This useless blood traitor caused the petrifications. I would never have allowed such worthless mudbloods to live."

"Don't talk about her like that!" Harry shouted.

"What did you do to Ginny?" Xander asked calmly though he was seething quietly.

"It doesn't matter. She'll be dead soon. But whilst we wait, I have been anxious to meet you… Harry Potter."

Xander and Harry stiffened.

"Yes, I know all about you from this pathetic excuse for a witch's incessant ramblings. But what I want to know is how you managed to defeat the Greatest Wizard of all time?"

"I never defeated dad!" Harry said indignantly.

"What? No! Not this sorry excuse for a mudblood, Lord Voldemort!"

"Voldemort? He wasn't the greatest anything… maybe the greatest idiot." Xander chuckled.

"Why do you care?" Harry asked. "Voldemort died years ago."

"Ha! The great Lord Voldemort cannot be killed by a mere mortal! I am Lord Voldemort!" Using Ginny's wand Riddle began to write his name in the air, 'Tom Marvolo Riddle'. He then rearranged the letters to spell: 'I am Lord Voldemort'.

"Seriously… you were really struggling to come up with something cool, weren't you. Couldn't even keep it English, had to go foreign." Xander snarked.

Riddle was beginning to fume and turn red. "YOU DARE MOCK THE GREATEST WIZARD OF ALL TIME!" He roared.

"Please, you got taken out by a baby. Then you couldn't even kill him as an eleven year old and now you exist out there as a pitiful ball of spirit. The only thing you are is the Greatest Failure!" Xander scoffed.

"Xander, we need to go quickly. Ginny is really weak." Xander had taught his kids how to check for medical health, pulses, pupils, etc. Poppy had also taught them diagnostic spells and a very useful stasis charm all of which Harry had implemented.

"You take her Harry, I need to finish up here." Xander ordered, never taking his eyes of Riddle.

Harry gave a Xander a look that could only be described as 'You can not be serious!' He did however wave his hand sending Ginny to the Hospital Wing.

Riddle began chuckling. "It matters not. She and I are linked and her life force will be mine and will restore me."

"Not if we kill you first!" Harry declared.

Xander sniffed theatrically. "I'm so proud. My sons first declaration of blood thirsty intent."

"You can not kill me, I am immor-" BANG!

Riddle jumped at the noise only to see Xander pointing a muggle gun pointing at him.

"Yeah, gonna be harder than I thought." Xander said giving Harry a shrug.

"Dad, I'm disappointed in you." Harry said in mock disappointment. "He has to have some sort of weakness." He grinned as he waved the diary at him.

"That's my boy!" Xander declared with a huge grin. "So, fire?"

Harry conjured some fire only to find it had no effect on the book.

Riddle started to laugh. "Soon you will know the full power of Lord Voldemort!"

"Seriously? Do you have to break out the clichés?" Xander asked with disappointment.

"Xander, that's Ginny's wand." Harry pointed out. "But, as he hasn't used it, I'm guessing he can't access his magic yet."

Xander stalked up to a suddenly paling Riddle and snatched the wand out of his hand. "Right, so he can't hurt us and we can't hurt him." Xander mused thoughtfully.

"I can hurt you. Allow me to demonstrate." Riddle laughed evilly.

"Again with the clichés." Xander moaned.

"He doesn't really have the… the… he can't really pull it off, can he?" Harry said with a grin.

"He's young. He'll likely grow into it." Xander said with mocking sympathy. "He probably got really good at it right before you killed him."

"SILENCE!" Riddle roared. He then turned to the huge statue and began to hiss.


"Speak to me Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four." Harry interpreted for the clueless Xander.

"Ah… at least he has the ego to back up the clichés."

The mouth of the statue began to slide down revealing a large dark hole, two gleaming eyes shone out and Xander and Harry began running the opposite way as Harry hissed for it to stop.

"Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter!" Riddle laughed.

Harry and Xander slid behind a pillar panting.

"Right, big fucking snake that can kill us with a look and a book we can't destroy but is likely the only way to save Ginny and kill the dark idiot." Xander scowled.

"Don't swear." Harry admonished calmly.

"You seem very calm about this." Xander remarked.

"Meh." Harry said dismissively. "One of them's a shade and the other's mongoose food."

"Right… we'll discuss this later." Xander said with a hint of worry at his son's blasé attitude. "So how do we deal with these two things?"

They had to quickly teleport to another pillar as the basilisk closed in.

"I think we need more help."

"The last thing we need is more people down here. And we need to find out if there is something to destroy this diary with before Ginny dies." Xander growled in frustration.

There was the sound of a burst of flame and then screeching. They could hear something flying through the air towards them only for Fawkes to suddenly drop the sorting hat on Harry's head with an unusually loud thud.

Harry screeched in shock and pain, he suddenly started swearing his head off.

"Really young Potter. Your mothers will not be pleased with you!" The hat admonished.

"That sounded painful. He's entitled… this time." Xander retorted.

"Why did Fawkes bring you?" Harry asked, his voice muffled as he took the hat off.

"Oh, he's taking out the eyes of that basilisk, grab the sword that landed on your head and it will help you defeat that diary." The hat said with casual indifference.

Harry flipped the hat upside down and stuck his hand in, feeling around.

"Oh! Stop! That tickles!" The hat cried.

"Shush!" Xander hissed.

Harry withdrew his hand with a short sword, almost a ceremonial sword in his hand.

"It's a bit short." Xander observed.

The hat huffed. "It's a magical goblin sword. It will grow as he does. Now quit wasting time and stab the damned diary."

Harry shrugged, tossed the book on the floor and stabbed the sword straight down.

Screams of agony and anger could be heard, causing Harry and Xander to peak round the pillar to see Riddle screaming as his body began to rip itself apart in a display of lights and dark voids.

"Erm… what about Ginny?" Harry asked the hat.

"She should be fine now. The diary was the conduit between them, she'll have some nightmares, but that's all."

"Right, I'm sending you to the infirmary, report to Joyce, Minnie and Poppy on what's happened. We need to deal with the snake." Xander said before he caused the hat to vanish.

This was just as Fawkes landed on Xander's shoulder.

"Snake dead?" Xander asked.

Fawkes shook his head.


Fawkes nodded.

"Cool, you two stay here whilst I go waste the snake." Xander said as he strode out from behind the pillar pulling his battleaxe out.

Fawkes hopped onto Harry's shoulder and the pair peeked round the pillar, watching as Xander marched towards the angry and blinded basilisk

"He's gonna get smooshed, in' he?" Harry asked quietly.

Fawkes just nodded slowly.

Xander wasn't entirely sure how he was going to succeed in fighting this huge creature, but had a bit of a plan.

He was going to chop it up. A bit at a time, starting with the tail and working his way up.

The major flaw with his plan, was that the basilisk was now thrashing around in pain, anger and confusion. Xander made it to within six feet of the tail before it lashed out hitting him firmly in the chest and sending him flying straight through the open mouth of the statue.

Harry saw this and saw red as he ran charging towards the basilisk screaming in rage. He never noticed he had transformed into his dragon form, he gave into his instincts and began grappling with the huge snake, trying to pin it down.

But Harry's contact with the snake allowed it to find it's own target. Harry found himself struggling to keep clear of the beast's fangs as he tried futilely to pin the writhing and slippery serpent.

Xander meanwhile was trying to shake the cobwebs from his head as he came too.

"That does it! I'm adding a rocket launcher to my arsenal." He groaned.

He cleared his head and quickly took stock of his surroundings. The room was basically an apartment. How the snake fit in here was confusing until he remembered that Hogwarts tended to expand to accommodate Harry's dragon form. There was a desk with potions equipment lying around, books on a shelf, even a bed and a bath.

What caught his attention was the glass coffin in the corner.

Xander noticed this in seconds as he was simply finding his bearings for the exit to finish the snake. Xander would have ignored the whole lot if it wasn't for the glass encased hammer next to the coffin with a plaque in very familiar script in it.

Xander quickly approached the coffin and peered inside. There was a man, approximately thirty to forty years old with black hair and a goatee and moustache.

Best guess said it was Salazar Slytherin. Xander had a feeling he was supposed to be the one to free him as the sign was written in Sumerian. Even Joyce didn't know that language.

Xander sighed and picked up the hammer and smashed the glass.

Harry was definitely in a fight for his life. The basilisk was making full use of the fact that it was limb-less. It was twisting and turning leaving Harry with very little to grip. He absently made a mental note to start training to fight in his dragon form with Norbert. Maybe he could get Xander to take him to Romania again.

Having no experience fighting as a dragon, Harry was attempting to strangle the basilisk's neck whilst biting the back of it's neck. Having no neck to speak of Harry suddenly found himself in immense pain. The basilisk had managed to bite his right fore-leg.

The pain was intense and Harry found himself back in his human form with a fang in his fore-arm.

The basilisk turned towards him, it's forked tongue sticking out and testing the air for him. It hissed in pain from the lack of eyes, the bites on it's back and now the missing tooth. It moved in close and opened it's mouth to swallow the small human boy whole.

"STOP! Came a loud hissing shout.

Surprisingly the king of serpents froze and tilted it's head.

"Just what do you think you are doing, Slinky?" The voice demanded.

"Sally? You're awake? Your heir commanded me to destroy the boy." The snake hissed.

"Slinky, I know you have a long memory and are a lot smarter than that. You knew I would wake up and you knew that you were supposed to protect the students, not hurt them!"

"Your heir said they were endangering certain students. Said it was the only way to save them, to save the school."

"Could I get some help, please?" Harry called out weakly. He couldn't see the speaker, but since they saved him from being Slinky's dinner, he figured they might be able to make him more comfortable before he died.

"Harry?" Xander called out as he suddenly rushed around the huge snake. "Shit!" He cried as he slid down next to his son. He quickly pulled the fang out. He didn't know what to do, he didn't think he would last long enough to suck the poison out, and even then, would that work with magical poison?

His desperate thoughts of saving his son were interrupted by Fawkes landing next to Harry. The bird quietly leaned forward letting its tears heal the wound.

"You'll be fine my boy. Phoenix tears are the only thing to counteract basilisk venom. You are very lucky." The strange Parselmouth commented.

"Thanks." Harry said, feeling much better. "And thank you Fawkes, for everything." He turned back to the man. "Two questions. One: Who are you? Two: Why would you name that thing 'Slinky'?"

"Hey! I was five!" The man said defensively. "As to your first question, I am Salazar Slytherin, Harry. I think you have a general idea of who I am. I know who you and Xander are, but not much about you Harry."

"How?" Xander asked.

"Funny little man who calls himself Whistler. Said I might be needed about now. Suggested the whole stasis bit and the message to you." He grinned at Xander.

"Message?" Harry asked.

"I'm probably the only person within a hundred miles of this castle who can read Sumerian. There was a message by his glass coffin." Xander sighed.

"What did it say?" Harry asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"'In case of emergency, break glass.'"

Xander, Harry and Salazar arrived in the Hospital Wing with Fawkes sitting happily on Xander's shoulder. Harry had the sword and diary whilst Salazar was examining each painting and armour and greeting them and sometimes receiving the greetings of surprise in return.

"SALLY?" Came the cry of shock as Joyce dropped the bed linens she was carrying.

"Hey Mum." Salazar waved cheerily as Joyce ran over to hug her son.

Xander and Harry shared a look as they both mouthed 'Sally' at each other and began snickering.

"Seems fair. He did call his snake 'Slinky'." Xander smirked.

Harry meanwhile was suddenly caught off-guard as Minerva grabbed her son in a hug.

"Damn you Harry! You're going to give me a heart attack one day!" She muttered into his hair.

"Perhaps, some explanations are in order?" Dumbledore called out.

Also in the room where Poppy, Ginny and Arthur and Molly Weasley. Ginny was wide-awake and looking very sad.

Xander just shrugged as he walked over. "Meh. We came, We Saw, We got our arses kicked, we kicked some arse and then we got our arses saved."

"That's… a lot of 'arses'." Salazar commented with a smirk.

"Perhaps a bit more of an in depth explanation?" Dumbledore suggested.

"Fine, give me a minute. I'll be right back." Xander said as he vanished.

"I say! How'd he do that?" Salazar exclaimed.

"Xander can teach you later." Joyce said as she hugged Harry.

A few seconds later and Xander returned with Amelia Bones.

Dumbledore was not pleased. He really didn't want this becoming public knowledge and he preferred to monitor and control what the Ministry learnt. He kept quiet though as he knew Xander would have reported and shown her the memories anyway. He would also likely give an interview with the Prophet.

"First of all, Ginny can you tell us how you got this book and what you remember between then and waking up here today?" Xander asked kindly.

"I-I-I remember finding the book when we got home from Diagon Alley when Lockhart was there. I just thought it was a spare notebook. B-b-but when I wrote in it… it wrote back." She explained shakily as she nestled further into Molly's embrace.

"Ginny! Please tell me you didn't continue to write?" Arthur begged in horror. The look on Ginny's face was enough. "Ginevra Weasley, how many times have I told you not to trust something if you can't see where it keeps it's brain!"

"AHEM!" Came the indignant huff from the Sorting Hat.

"Ah.. yes…" Arthur muttered apologetically.

"Easy Arthur, another time." Minerva soothed. Arthur nodded and stroked his daughter's hair.

"Go on Ginny." Xander encouraged.

"His name was Tom. At first he was nice and would tell me about Hogwarts. But then he… he… he… I lost my memories. I woke with blood on my hands one morning… and on my clothes. I was scared, I heard about Mr. Filch's cat and the writing on the wall.

"Tom said he didn't know about it but said that it wouldn't be smart to tell Madam Pomphrey as she might lock me up!"

Poppy scoffed.

"Fear makes us lose our common sense." Xander assured the young redhead.

"I figured out by the time the Aurors were petrified that I was doing it because those days were the days I couldn't remember. But I think Tom realized I knew because I don't remember what happened today."

"Ginny, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You were hoodwinked by Tom Marvolo Riddle. Otherwise known as Lord Voldemort. Any of us adults could have been tricked like that." Xander said pulling her into a hug from Molly's arms.

"I agree. Even my best Aurors would be tricked." Amelia concurred.

"Perhaps now we could hear what occurred in the Chamber of Secrets?" Albus requested… again. He was getting impatient.

"What's the Chamber of Secrets?" Salazar asked.

"It's what they've been calling Slinky's hidey hole." Xander explained.

Salazar chuckled. "A rather apt name. But I'll explain later."

Xander shrugged and began recounting the tale of how he and Harry made their way to Myrtle's bathroom and down into the Chamber. They didn't bother with much beyond the facts. There were a few growls and gasps though when they explained the diary.

"It's a horcrux." Joyce said. "Or at least a partial horcrux."

"In other words, a soul anchor. When the person dies the object contains their soul. They are then bound in spirit to the mortal plain. They do have a physical being, but it has a limited range from the horcrux." Salazar explained.

"And just how would you know about such… magics?" Dumbledore asked with a frown.

Joyce and Salazar shared a look before laughing.

"What, exactly, did you think kept me here?" Joyce said derisively. "Hogwarts and all it's grounds are a horcrux for my soul!"

"B-B-But that's dark and ancient magic!" Dumbledore sputtered as he drew his wand.

"Hardly. It was created as a means to allow Mum to remain alive… so to speak, so she could fulfil her mission as Hogwarts Guardian." Salazar explained. He was not happy that this old fool had drawn a wand on his mother. "It was so effective that Godric did something similar. Right Rick?" He said smugly as he turned to the sorting hat.

The hat just huffed. "You had to open your big mouth, didn't you Sally." The hats voice had changed and was now deeper and gruffer. Suddenly there was a large burly man standing next to Harry with the sorting hat on his head. He had the body of a Viking warrior and bushy hair to match.

"Ricky?" Joyce squealed as she launched himself at her.

"She was always the favourite… after you." Salazar quipped to Xander.

Joyce suddenly started beating 'Rick' with her hands. "YOU MONSTER! YOU'VE BEEN IN THAT HAT ALL THESE YEARS AND NEVER ONCE SAID HI TO YOUR MOTHER!" She screamed.

"Sweet Holy Moley! If that's how she treats the second favourite, I'm not sure I want the top spot!" Xander cringed.

"Mum! I'm sorry, I needed to stay hidden until Sal awoke. I promised I wouldn't interfere!" Rick whined as he fended off his mother's blows.

"Whistler?" Xander asked.

"Yes. A very disturbing gentleman. I made sure to keep him out of the castle and away from my students."

"Yep… that's Whistler."

"I find it hard to believe that these so called 'Higher Powers' would see Lord Voldemort as a big enough threat to have two… possibly three of the Founders arrive to give aid. He is a threat, but I am sure that with my help, Harry can defeat him. I fail to see why such drastic measures are required." Dumbledore said with a frown.

This caused Xander, Sal, Rick, Minerva and Joyce to stare dumbfounded at the man.

"And by the sounds of things, you never will." Sal commented dryly.

"I don't suppose your sisters will be turning up?" Joyce asked with a hint of hope.

Rick pulled her into a hug. "Sorry Mum, they knew what we were doing, but they also knew they weren't needed. Wanted yes, but not needed. They decided to live out their mortal lives with their kids.

"Now, on with the story." Rick declared as he kept an arm around Joyce and indicated for Xander to continue.

Xander took up his narrative explaining about Tom and his pseudonym. And how the basilisk emerged.

"And what's up with that whole Greatest of the Hogwarts Four deal and the butt ugly statue?" Xander demanded.

"You didn't!" Joyce chuckled.

"Just a childish joke from when we were kids. We didn't have much to do so we played out your adventures as mum told them to us. I always claimed to be the greatest." Sal grinned.

"And the statue?"

"Yes… well… art was never my strong point. I… it's… it's what I thought you would look like."

"Thanks… I think." Xander muttered. "Moving swiftly on…"

Xander went on to explain their dilemma with destroying the diary and defeating the basilisk. Dumbledore's ego rose to the front again when they told of Fawkes' arrival.

"You must have shown me great loyalty for Fawkes to have come to your aid." He declared sagely.

The group shared another look this time before Fawkes leaped off Xander's shoulder and began beating Dumbledore around the head with his wings.

Dumbledore was unable to fend him off and fell to the floor on his butt.

"Fawkes! What are you doing! Have you gone mad you dozy old bird!"

This seemed to enrage the avian even more as it began pecking at his head.

"Fawkes, I think you got your point across." Xander said calmly. "You don't really want to give Poppy more work, do you?"

Fawkes huffed and cawed angrily at Albus before returning to Xander's shoulder.

"Continuing on with our story…"

Xander then told of how Fawkes took out the basilisk eyes. He reluctantly told them of how he got thrown into Sal's apartment before he managed to land a hit. He glared at Sal as he told of the glass coffin and message for him.

Xander handed the telling over to Harry so he could explain what he and Slinky did whilst Xander was… otherwise occupied. Harry also explained how Fawkes healed him. By this point, Joyce and Minerva were squeezing him tightly.

"So you two decided to stick around because Whistler said Harry and I could use your help?" Xander asked the two men.

"Of course! A young boy was in need and we couldn't pass up the chance to meet our big brother!" Rick declared happily.

"Hey! How am I the big brother? You two are definitely older than me."

"Yes, but we grew up on tales of your adventures… hence… big brother." Rick explained.

"You were our hero. After today… still are!" Sal added. "Rick here will be helping improve your physical combat. He is quite the swordsman. I will be helping Harry with his dragon fighting."

"You're a dragon too?" Harry asked.

"I am. You require three things to be a Dragon Shifter. A Parselmouth, extremely powerful and accepted by dragons. If you lack any of those things, you can't shift."

"Will Slinky be ok? He's blind now." Harry asked worriedly. He didn't want to cause his saviour more upset.

"He'll recover. Basilisk eyes can heal. Slinky will be as good as new within a month. Hopefully this will knock some sense into him. That tooth won't regrow, but it serves him right."

"I am afraid the creature must be destroyed. It is far too dangerous to keep around children." Albus said gravely.

"Slinky spent several hundred years in this school and the magical forest. It was a bad wizard that made him kill." Sal said defensively.

"Will he be able to get around ok with his eyes always closed?" Harry asked.

Sal just laughed with Rick. "No lad, Slinky can control his gaze like we control our magic. He won't use it unless in self-defence or under our orders. One day I might help you hatch your own."

"Ok, I think we are done here." Xander declared. "Ginny, if you want to spend some time at home, that's fine with me. I'll be arranging for counselling and stuff as well. Hopefully Amelia can help with that?"

Amelia was still a little star struck and bewildered. She met Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor and seen Dumbledore's phoenix attack him.

"Amelia?" Xander prompted.

"What? Oh! Yes, of course! Leave it with me and I'll contact you with the details. I may need to see some memories for a report but we can handle that later this week."

Xander and his group turned to head back to the apartment.

"Could I perhaps have my phoenix back?" Dumbledore asked slightly peeved.

It was clear to everyone that Fawkes' annoyed squawk was an incontestable 'NO'.

As soon as they arrived back at the apartment, they were accosted by Luna and Neville demanding to know if they were ok and what happened… not to mention who the two new guys were.

It was clear Harry was very tired. Xander suggested Harry give Luna and Neville the memory so he could go sleep. Half an hour later Harry was sleeping fitfully on a couch in Hermione's room and Neville and Luna had joined the adults. It was only late afternoon.

"So… you two are Joyce's sons?" Neville asked.

The two men nodded.

"And that makes you Xander's brothers?"

"Little brothers… we consider him the eldest." Sal grinned cheekily.

"Hey!" Xander objected.

"Hermione's dad always said you and Harry had the weirdest family tree." Neville giggled.

"Why's that, lad?" Godric asked.

"Xander is the 'son' of Joyce." He said with air-quotes. "But he is the 'father' of Harry. That makes him both brother and father. Which makes you two Harry's brother's and uncles."

"Right. I think I'll just call him 'Harry' then." Sal said in mock thought.