
Do not provoke the Taoist

Mount Zhongnan, known to the world for the Quanzhen Taoist sect, harbors a dilapidated Daoist temple at its foothills. One day, the people of the Ancient Well Temple emerged unexpectedly, and from that moment onward, their fame echoed throughout the world!

Deers · 奇幻
25 Chs

Cause and effect

Chen Dong was dumbfounded. He knew very well that his father's words were always straightforward. When his father said something like that, his legs were as good as broken. He couldn't figure out how his father ended up implicating himself in this.

Panicking, Chen Dong turned to Wang Linzhu and Chen Xia, saying, "Chen Sanjin is forcing me to rebel and leave the Chen family. None of you should stop me."

Chen Xia chuckled and said, "Do you have the courage for that? You've rebelled how many times already? Every time you talk about leaving, I feel like my ears are growing calloused."

Chen Xia then turned to Chen Sanjin and asked, "Dad, Chen Dong has always been straightforward. Do you really want to confront him?"

"We must confront this," Chen Sanjin said earnestly.

Wang Linzhu glanced at Xiang Que. Even though she wanted to say something, she felt that this stranger seemed to hold an unparalleled importance in Chen Sanjin's heart. Even if the three of them – mother and children – spoke together, it seemed they wouldn't surpass a single word from Xiang Que.

Married to Chen Sanjin for thirty years, Wang Linzhu was the person who understood him the most. Xiang Que's status in Chen Sanjin's heart appeared to be extraordinary. Having witnessed this, she chose not to intervene.

Xiang Que put down his bowl, wiped his mouth casually, and said, "If you don't break one of his legs today, he might end up suffering the same fate in a few days. It might be worse than breaking a leg. As for left or right, you can choose whichever you prefer."

Chen Sanjin suddenly understood what Xiang Que had seen in his son.

After saying this, Xiang Que got up and walked towards the stairs. Chen Sanjin followed him, and Xiang Que spoke in a low voice, "Don't reveal too much about my matters. Tomorrow morning, I'll be heading back to the northeast. Handle the aftermath on your side. If similar situations arise again, I'll definitely help you resolve it thoroughly. But I doubt the other party will have the same intentions after facing my challenge. They won't have the heart for it in the short term."

"Mr. Xiang, you're leaving so soon?" Chen Sanjin asked in surprise.

Xiang Que replied with frustration, "I've been abducted from my home for over a decade. Don't you think I want to go back?"

After finishing his words, Xiang Que turned and headed upstairs. Chen Sanjin immediately instructed his secretary, "Jinzhong, tomorrow morning, have the driver wait downstairs. I'll personally see Mr. Xiang off. Inform the airport to be on standby."

"Chen Sanjin, are you trying to force me to leave the Chen family?" Chen Dong, staring, said, "None of you should stop me."

"Do you have the guts for that? How many times have you rebelled? Every time you talk about leaving, my ears almost develop calluses," Chen Xia replied.

"Okay, everyone calm down," Wang Linzhu said with a frown. "Three Jin, I won't ask why you want to break Chen Dong's leg. Just tell me if that person you referred to as 'Mr.' has something to do with our recent troubles."

Wang Linzhu, as the Chen family's mother, was not just a decorative figure. She had been with Tangshan's wealthy man for thirty years, and she hadn't hung up celebratory flags outside. She was a woman with a keen sense, and she sensed a strong connection between Xiang Que and the recent troubles in the family.

"Don't break my son's leg," Wang Linzhu said, trying to mediate.

Xiang Que, done eating, wiped his mouth, and got up. He addressed Wang Linzhu's concern, "If you don't break his leg today, in a few days, he'll face the same consequences. It might even be worse. As for the left or right leg, you can choose."

Chen Sanjin understood the implication in Xiang Que's words and approached him, whispering, "Don't mention too much about my matters. Tomorrow morning, I'll leave for the northeast. Handle the aftermath here. If a similar situation arises, I'll help you resolve it thoroughly. But the other party won't likely have the same intentions after facing my challenge. They won't have the heart for it in the short term."

"Mr. Xiang, you're leaving so soon?" Chen Sanjin asked.

"I've been kidnapped from my home for over a decade. Don't you think I want to go back?" Xiang Que replied with frustration.

Chen Sanjin instructed his secretary, "Jinzhong, tomorrow morning, have the driver wait downstairs. I'll personally see Mr. Xiang off. Inform the airport to be on standby."

Chen Dong, feeling cornered, exclaimed, "Chen Sanjin, are you trying to force me to leave the Chen family? Do you think I don't have the courage? Even if I leave the Chen family, I can still stir up a storm in Tangshan. There will be a legend in the martial world. That idiot who had diarrhea after eating seafood, I'll tidy him up tomorrow. When he comes to Tangshan to use the restroom, his ass will cramp."

"Enough! Quiet down," Wang Linzhu said, raising her eyebrows. "Sanjin, I won't ask why you want to break Chen Dong's leg. Just tell me if that person you called 'Mr.' is related to our recent troubles."

"From now on, if you see that person, you don't need to kowtow three times and bow nine times, but you must treat him with respect," Chen Sanjin said, emphasizing, "If you offend him, without waiting for you to react, I'll erase you from the Chen family's genealogy."

Wang Linzhu was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chen Dong and said, "You won't have the chance to tidy him up tomorrow. I'll help you choose which leg to target tonight."

Wang Linzhu and Chen Xia instantly understood the situation. They realized how their seemingly miraculous recovery had occurred. One was eccentric, the other in a persistent coma, and doctors couldn't find a logical explanation. But after Xiang Que arrived, both of them improved. This clearly indicated a connection.

Xiang Que, with his hands behind his back, calmly returned to his room. As he opened the door, he sensed an eerie atmosphere, with flickering lights and a swinging lamp. He tilted his head and said, "Come in if you dare. You really believed I would give you a rebirth talisman? Aren't you afraid I might suddenly decide to extinguish you?"

A dark shadow slowly drifted in through the window, taking form in the room. It gradually condensed into a tangible figure.

It was the little ghost that had possessed Chen Xia earlier, a ghost with limited abilities, likely a lonely spirit or wild ghost.

The ghost floated in front of Xiang Que, eyes vacant, hair disheveled, and feet not touching the ground. A face filled with resentment and pale features revealed an undeniable hatred – a spirit wronged in life.

Xiang Que, after scrutinizing her for a moment, furrowed his brow and asked, "Were you wronged in life?"

Xiang Que clearly felt intermittent bursts of resentment emanating from the female ghost. It wasn't too intense, indicating it hadn't been long since her death. Otherwise, she would have transformed into a malevolent ghost.

A spirit wronged in life typically experienced an unexpected calamity, either through murder or a natural disaster. Unable to find a path to reincarnation, these spirits roamed the world. If they encountered someone who could control ghosts, they might be enlisted for various purposes. If not, they continued wandering, potentially causing harm or attaching themselves to individuals with heavy Yin energy, eventually evolving into malevolent spirits.

This female ghost had recently met such a fate, likely only a year or two ago. She had been encountered by some Feng Shui master, brought to the Chen family, and attached herself to Chen Xia.

"You have grievances?" Xiang Que asked.

The female ghost displayed flashes of resentment. She hadn't accumulated much spirit energy, indicating a relatively short time since her wrongful death. Xiang Que promised her help by taking her out of Chen Xia's body, which established a karmic connection. However, this engagement needed to be handled carefully. Failure to address it properly would impact Xiang Que's cultivation.

Xiang Que sighed, realizing the trouble he had invited. He told the female ghost, "Tell me about your grievances. I'll see if I can help you resolve them."

The inexperienced ghost couldn't communicate directly with Xiang Que, so it transmitted information to his mind. Feeling the information, Xiang Que couldn't help but say, "What did I get myself into? This is just inviting trouble."

Whether it was a Feng Shui master or a Yin Yang practitioner, once they made a promise to entities like ghosts, breaking that promise carried severe consequences. It was akin to vowing to burn paper money for ancestors but not following through – sooner or later, the ancestors would seek retribution through dreams or other means.

So, one should be cautious not to make promises they couldn't fulfill.

Xiang Que reluctantly agreed to write a rebirth talisman for the female ghost, feeling somewhat trapped by the situation. He took out a ghost-nurturing talisman from his backpack and said, "Come in. Tomorrow, I'll help you seek justice."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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