
Divorced my Ex, Captured by his rival

The last thing Katie Reign expected after catching the miserable son of a beeswax she married in bed with her sister was to be thrown out like some used furniture. And then he had the gut to send people to tell her. "Our Alpha is generous, he asked me to give you ten million dollars to start a new life. Here, take it" one of her draggers said. "Our Alpha is merciful. He bought this new Mahindra Thar Roxx car to make your journey easier" the second one said. "Our Alpha is good. Here is a key to an apartment in Cate city to start over your life, Mrs Reign" Katie couldn't believe her eyes. "Huh" Katie scoffed. "That's all I get after three years of loving him unconditionally? A dead child, ten million dollars, a car and an apartment?" So, Katie did the only thing someone in her situation could do, she got entangled with her ex's Rival. Sure, she has to marry someone she's has never met before - so what! It happens! Except now, Mr. Rival is giving her ultimatum. "If you think or dream about your ex-husband again, I will kiss you until you soaking wet!" Ultimatum aren't all that bad, except when your ex husband comes back with puppy dog eyes and a daughter who rose from the dead. *** The cover is not mine. credit goes to the owner, reach out if you want me to take it down

King_Starr · 现代言情
13 Chs


Lucious's POV

I dropped the jacket on the brown sofa in the corner of the living room and rolled up my sleeves.

Half way through that particular chore, I caught my reflection on the little mirror by the mini bar in front of me.

And for a while, I stared at my own reflection.

How the hell did I get here?!

How the hell did I go from the boy who loved long walks and opera to who I am right now?

How on earth did I become Jaxon Reign's son, spawn of the demon!

How did I become my father's son! Thirty years of age with a runaway bride and a whole lot of demons and skeletons in my fucking cupboard!

I went to the mini bar and I poured myself a glass of brandy, took a sip and like usual, it gave me a moment relief but just for a moment.

I exhaled shakily and poured the rest of the bottle into the glass cup but I didn't take a sip.

Without meaning to, I thought about the first time I met Kaitlyn.

I thought about the first time I witnessed a goddamn miracle!

I was maybe six years old or a little over six years old when I first saw her…she was a chubby little five year old with less teeth than I can count in one hand.

There was something peaceful and miracleous about her, like a little flame that calmly keeps warm.

I would have noticed her...i should have noticed her but Caley was the sun and in her presence everything else seemed so dim... everyone else seemed so inadequate.

A sound drove me out of my head and I refocused my gaze.

I entered my bedroom, took off my clothes and hopped into the shower for a cold one, halfway through that shower, it became apparent I wasn't alone.

I took the towel wrapped it around my waist and broke off a piece of the hanger in the ridiculously huge bathroom and went in search of the intruder who picked just the right psycho to fuck with!

When I entered my bedroom, she was standing there, in a little black dress and heels with a little red handbag. She was exactly as I remembered - breathtaking.

"Caley" I whispered, nothing prepared me for this moment.


Her voice was low, laced with a little bit of honey and a little bit of viper.

She was contradicting that way!

Her face looked almost the same except for the little anger I see clearly all over it.

"I came to…"

She hardly finished talking when one second I was here and the next second, I was over there with her…she was pinned in-between my arms, my chest rising and falling softly.

I could feel every part of her. If I wanted to, I could lean in and do things...things that would make the both of us blush.

Things I have done before to her.

My eyes caressed her face and my hand tightened on the piece of metal pressed against her throat.


"You must have a death wish, Snow girl" I whispered right in her ear as the piece of metal pressed even more tightly into her neck.

"Luce, wait!" She said in a low voice like she was trying not to spook me, which was good judgement on her side.

"You must have a fucking death wish to come into my home without invitation…alone. Which is incredibly brave or stupid depending on who you ask. I vote stupid" I yelled at her.

"Oh please!" She said in a louder voice "let's drop the villain's voice tone, we both know you could never kill me. We've done this dance before, haven't we?"

"Well, darling, that was then…this is now. Let's test that theory of yours, shall we?"

I raised the piece of metal to slam it into her bitchy devilish black heart but I was suddenly threw across the room by yet another intruder.

I guess my first love wasn't stupid after all. She did come with a friend, a friend that looked awfully lot like a hybrid.

I stood up from the floor and I stared at the man in front of me.

I have never met him before.

"Let's not threaten the lady. In fact, I vote for a conversation, a bloodless conversation, okay?"

I stared at the man, with his man bun and his almost feminine like appearance.

I frowned.

They got to be a rule against a man looking that pretty yet possessing such masculine energy…it was so contradicting.

I mean should I pet his ridiculously long hair or should I slap the fuck out of him for invading my home?

With him, one wants to do both.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked him clearly visible in my irritability.

"I'm Waylen" he murmured.

"Ever heard of a clipper?" I asked in reference to his ridiculously long hair.

"Yeah but I kinda like my hair, my wife seem to think it makes me special…that and my dick! So, if we are done measuring ours, we could get down to the business of having a conversation like civilized folks, Mr. Reign"

I took a step closer to him.

"Hybrid or not, I don't fucking care. Get out or you are calling for war between your pack and mine"

"I don't have a pack" He said.

"He doesn't have a pack" Caley said too.

"See, dude. I came to make sure Caley returns to her pack unharmed as a personal favor to Owen..."

I interrupted Waylen and spoke to Caley.

"Isn't Owen your step son? How does it feel being married to a man twice your age and becoming a stepmom to three of his grown ass children, one of whom is your elder?"

It was a cheap shot but I took it anyway.

"I don't want to talk about that, Lucious. I came because rumor has it that you found my sister. You found Katy"

I went to the mini bar and grabbed the glass of brandy I poured earlier and took a gulp out of it.

I deserved it.

I am completely naked underneath the towel that was wrapped around my waist standing here with the girl who taught me the meaning of the phrase 'love hurts' with her personal hybrid bodyguard.

And we are talking about the wife/sister I found that goes by the name Olivia fucking Strong.

If anyone deserves a drink, it would be me!

"What if I found Katy?" I asked her.

"Where is she? You know what?! Don't answer that!" She pressed her hand to her mouth briefly before looking at me "I am here to force you to hold up your own end of the bargain we made five years ago, Lucious. You have to let her go"

"I tried. Can't do it anymore" I answered honestly.


"Because she's mine! She's fucking mine, that's why? So, fuck off! Or so help me God, I will reactivate my favorite pastime activity of hunting you down!"

I could feel every fibre of my being shake with pure anger.

She came closer to me…really close. And her eyes mellowed and her lips pressed together and then she did that thing she always did with her lips that always made me glue my eyes to her and want to do every of her bidding.

"There was a time that you would have done anything for me, Luce…a time that there was no mountain you couldn't climb and no valley you couldn't scale to make me happy" She came even closer to me, too damn close.

"If you ever loved me, Lucious, you would stay away from my sister. Let Katy go, please"

I took a step back.

"I can't"

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I fucking love her" I answered.

"Since when?" She asked.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

"You are being selfish, Luces. I will do everything in my power to stop you from reconnecting with my sister…even if it is the last thing I do"

Caley turned to leave but halfway to the door, I stopped her.


She stopped and looked at me.

"Don't come back here again, Caley... don't"

"You got to move on from Katy. Keep the end of your fucking bargain or I will break mine"

With that, she slipped away.

I dropped the glass of brandy on the mini bar, went to the hidden compartment near the bedroom door and entered a set of codes.

The wall lifted and I opened the little pink door and entered inside the room.

I stared at the little girl on the little pink bed with tubes everywhere, hooked up to the beeping machine.

I smiled when she opened her eyes. She was still very much weak.

"Hey, Daddy"

"Hi, baby" I smiled and moved closer to her to kiss her forehead.

"Did you bring mommy back?" She asked me.

"I am working on it, sweetie. I working on bringing mommy back home"

I knew it before and I know it now, I am gonna bring Katy home even if it was the last thing I did.