
Divinity (A Marvel Reality Warping SI)

You can never gain too much power in this place, but what happens if you gain more than enough.

vtorx_0867 · 漫画同人
5 Chs


I want you to listen to a rather peculiar scenario. Deliberate on it and tell yourself what you think would be the right course of action to take or should be done.

Now I know all your answers may not be the same, just as not all humans are the same—we (you) are all creatures of logic and reasoning, after all.

So imagine—imagine that you're a simple person. A simple person from a poor—no, let's make it a middle class family for the fairness of everybody.

You eat three meals a day. You take a bath and waste electricity using your computers. You do not lack what is truly needed…

… But you lack what you want.

The latest videogames in town…? Well, pray that your parents' bonus pay is coming up soon. That fabulous shoes/sneakers your clique seems to be wearing…? Then you better go start looking for a part-time job and start saving up…

Your baby-boo is asking for something more tangible…? Lord have mercy, take some time, and go see a therapist because he/she's NOT the one for you.

Then again, you are a human, and being a human being means having WANTS—for that's the core of the species who coin themselves as the Lords of Earth.

So, here's the main part;

You—the human from a middle-class family—will be given 1000000000000 dollars (1 trillion $s) to spend as you like as well as the authority on the level of a first-world country's Head of State;

What will you do about it?

Obviously, at that very moment, your needs and wants entwine—and vanish in thin air.

Cars? Get.

Houses? Get.

Chicks/Dudes? Get in line.

There's absolutely no materialistic desire in this world that you cannot acquire.

No strive for improvement or success because your life IS a success story from that moment.

You have it all… You have everything… You lack nothing…

What is your thought to that?

From an apparent point of view it paints a rather colorful picture, right? Like who the hell wouldn't want to be born with a diamond spoon from the get-go?

Many would have their thoughts on this. Some would accept—most would accept—and to those that do, I honestly salute them, but as a certain wise Nazarene once said; they do not know what they do.

In the Marvel Universe, particularly in its prime iteration, all self-inserts (SIs) want to go there with cool and OP powers of their own.

They all dream of having powers that will allow them to fight bad guys alongside people like Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Sentry, Fantastic Four… X-Men.

But anytime they are given a wish list of powers to choose from they strangely don't go for powers that will grant them Omnipotence—merely, ones that have the potential of allowing them to BECOME omnipotent.

Why is that?

Now before I give you my answer, I hope you've already had your thoughts sorted out concerning the first scenario—because my thought is gonna be based on something similar to that.




Humans are beings of wants and needs. Yes... But they are also lovers of challenges and struggles no matter how they try to deny it.

There is nothing more pleasant than achieving something that is gained by your grit and dedication—or at least, that is how I see it…




In my past life—and this one where deities exist—sometimes, I couldn't help but wonder;

Why do the gods allow suffering?

Now while I do think that it's a shame that most of the Gods in this Universe are nothing more than heaps of disappointment—particularly the Abrahamic God, who turned out to be an insecure drunk (I'm never gonna let anyone find out about that), I also feel that there is a reason for all that.

We, no matter the race or species, are beings that strive for growth and challenges, and having everything catered to us would mean we never get to experience any form of growth or joy in achievement—and that leads to apathy.

Why care about anything when the solution to anything is right at your fingertips?




It is easy for me to go down the apathetic route—hell, I've seen realities and possibilities of me doing so, only for it to not matter in the grand stage… This Universe is not so weak for my decision to truly matter in the end.




Honestly, I don't even know what I should be doing—or rather, I do know what I should be doing, but as I already know what will happen in the end, I just can't bring out the enthusiasm in myself enough to do it, because if I want to do it, it wouldn't be from my heart—but merely an act of dedication.

Hahaha… So confusing, right?




There's no denying the regret I feel for choosing to become what I have become.

Going back in time to stop Adam Abrams never works—at least, not for someone unbound by the rules of causality and above the laws of cause and effect.

… Hah…

There is no medicine for this kind of regret, and there is nothing I can do about it—for as long I know what I AM—then I cannot/will not be LIMITED.

Nevertheless, I won't allow myself to wallow in despair. I cannot allow myself to despair…

…Not in a place like this.

The World of Marvel-616 is ever-beautiful, ever-expansive, ever-changing, and ever-unpredictable. Even with my nigh-omniscience, I can't truly tell what's in store for me.

But it's an aspect of this Reality that I love so much.

I'll accept what I've become…

There's no other option for me.

I will NOT become like the others.


The Life of an Omega Mutant and Beyond isn't one of celebration—it begins, continues, and ends with pain, fear, and revulsion.

That these Mutants should be seen as the hope for Mutantkind doesn't mean zilch when they are all regarded as living breathing disasters by the World and by their very own people.

They are looked upon with fear, greed, and hatred.

I am Adam Abrams—a reincarnate from a World far beyond this Iteration.

I know things that have happened, have happened, and will happen—

—and I don't intend to let fate and the stories of others dictate my own.




Not when I have the power to change it.


(Jessica Abrams P.O.V)

For a woman like her, simply sitting down to enjoy a meal with her family was one of the numerous reasons she wouldn't stop thanking the Lord Almighty.

In a planet that's all but gone mad—where going out means a not so 0% chance of entering ground-zero in fights between superpowered folks—simply sitting with her family gives Jessica the strength to go about her day with a smile on her face.

"So how's our new sophomore doing in college?" Jeffery said with a grin.

The addressed one huffed and tried to turn his face into a scowl—the main word being TRIED—not like it had any effect seeing as it looked more like a cute pout.

But Jessica wasn't about to tell him that.

"Dad…" Nathaniel said in exasperation. "It's questions like this that make me think you're still treating me like a kid… You never talk to Adam like that."

Adam paused, dropping his teacup, and turned to stare at his brother with an uncomfortable face.

"Nat… He sure did."

"No, he didn't."

"Yes, he did."

"No, you're just pulling my leg."

"You… You know what? Yes, you're right, Dad didn't talk to me like that—during breakfast, I mean." Adam said with a haunted smile. "Hah~ I can still remember that day when Dad started fussing at me at the Parents and Teachers Meet… In front of everybody."

"Hah… You must be jo—"

Nathaniel froze upon the haunted look on his brother's face.

"—king… Come on, that's not funny. Like really? I-I mean, Dad, life as a sophomore is great. I mean I'm doing great, so you don't need to come ask me that in front of the school—I'll die if you do that."

"Now that's where you're simply exaggerating, son," Dad said with a laugh. "Which child doesn't want their parents fussing over them?"

"Well, this child for one." Nathaniel groaned in self-gesture.

"No, Dad's right, Nat," Adam added. "The most you'll have is the intense feeling of not wanting to go to school for an entire month for it to blow… Not like it ever will."

Nathaniel gulped. "Ok, now why does that strangely sound like a worse alternative to me?"

Jessica laughed as she remembered the face Adam made that day. Luckily, she had snapped it and planned on framing it to show her grandchildren—anytime soon.

They're all so grown up.

Cassie upon seeing the elfin smile on Adam's face decided to come to Nat's rescue and even the embarrassment.

"So what's the deal between you and Sophia?"

"Pfftttt… Bwuuhuuhachahac…!"

Sputtered hacks escaped Adam's throat as he hit his chest, expelling out the hot tea that went through the wrong canal—but that still did not stop the pale look from surfacing on his face.

"Wha-What are you talking about, Cassie?"

Adam's voice carried a warning tone to it, but Cassie merely smirked at that—with Nat following soon after.

Seems like the duo are at it again.

"No, nothing…"

Cassie brushed her hair back and idly checked her fingers.

"St. George isn't the kind of place you can do anything without anyone knowing. Someone already saw you two—"

"Alright, Cassie… I get your point." Adam loudly interrupted in mortification.

But Adam wasn't in the clear yet.

"Oh come on, shouldn't it be better that we clear it up here rather than outside?" Nathaniel asked rhetorically. "It'll be much safer and less embarrassing."

"Alright-alright, I get both your points, Cassie. Nat." Adam said with a huff. "So please… Please, drop it."

"Only because you asked nicely," Cassie said with a bogus cute smile.

The two younger siblings smirked and fist-bumped each other.

'Haha… These kids.'

It was scenes like this that warmed Jessica's heart.

Due to her line of work, Jessica has heard stories of where eccentricities or even unnatural talent had brought about rifts between family members, but she seemed to have hit that jackpot with her own family.

There is no denying that Adam is not a normal child.

Looking at him, one wouldn't believe that this was the same child who has his rooms filled with all sorts of literacy and sports trophies—and it was Adam's NATURAL talent and hard work that gave him all that.

While Nathaniel and Cassie weren't excelling like their brother, Jessica could still see their dedication showing in their daily activities—hell, she couldn't remember the last time she had ever seriously scolded them on… Well, anything.

And it was all because of a certain someone's influence.

Nevertheless, all this talk about Adam's potential girlfriend sure colored her interest.

Smiling, Jessica looked at Adam with a grin of her own.

"So who's Sophia?"

"Ugh, Mom~" Adam groaned. "She's… Well, someone I just know."

"Hmm~ someone my son knows well enough to incite this kind of reaction… You can't hide anything from your mother, Adam. So when will you be introducing her to the family?"


Jessica laughed in good cheer.

This was it; the life of Jessica Abrams; the ideal life.

No superpower craziness, just a plain black family living a happy and normal life.

Apart from the bizarre happening from 3 months ago as well as the explosion from Adam's school that fortunately didn't have any causalities apart from the computer lab—everything is perfectly normal.

This is the life Jessica Abrams desires in a world where Gods and Monsters walk amongst ordinary Men—and Jessica wouldn't change it for anything in the World.


Adam Abrams's story should have been one of pain. Where a child dies and leaves an unfillable void in his family—of newly activated Mutant entering a World filled with people who envy and fear him for his powers…


Well, I kindly and fucking reject that!

Who decided that all Omega Mutants must have some tragic story as their origin?

Who decided that all Omega Mutants mustn't enter the world of supers without a smile?

Who decided that all Omega Mutants must be emo and loco and not normal in a normal way?

I'm not gonna let fate and reality play me like a fiddle—not when I have all its laws and secrets lain bare before my eyes.




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Who says I need Adam Abrams to be the only character in my Story? I am a Self-Insert, after all—and I've got tons of roles lining up for me to play.


(Universe 456GHi66—BBND)

Opening his eyes, Manny knew at that moment that he wasn't on his bed anymore—well, besides the obvious of him being up on his feet rather than lying down flat…




(Universe 21598BCD—WGPcGC)

For the first time in a long while, Nolan woke up feeling like a billion bucks. It wasn't an idiom. He felt refreshed, better, stronger in ways he couldn't explain.




(Universe 345AKA89—TStA)

"Huh?" I blinked as the scenery abruptly changed from my comfy room to a dark-looking alley.




(Universe 0000023AA4—DD)

"Alright… What's this?"

Opening my eyes, I took a look around and nodded to myself.

"Ah, it's that kind of troupe, isn't it?"




As soon as I leave this place—this Heaven—I'll be stepping into a World that will be calling me by all sorts of names.






"So it may be cliché of me to say this, but I see those Mutants the same way I see every other mutant… The same way I see myself. A being capable of choice…"



But you—

—yes, YOU.



(Scott Summers P.O.V)

The Blackbird descending to the Institute cockpit impelled a sigh of relief from Scott as ambivalent emotions turbulently rocked his chassis.

It had been over 5 minutes since Emma's body vanished from where she sat in the Cerebro chambers, and the level of anxiety that had struck Scott was enough to almost make him start popping blood pressure pills.

What or who had taken Emma away?

Why can't he contact Kitty and Logan?

Does this have anything to do with the signal the Cerebro had picked up from before?

Are they safe?

Was this HIS fault…?

So one couldn't imagine the extent of Scott's relief upon hearing Emma's telepathic assurance that she and the others were alright.

According to his wife, it seems the Mutant they were looking for had nabbed her for a few inquiries—Scott had questions about that, but the most important issue for now is that they are all safe.

All that remains is the Mutant and what his deal is…

Thankfully, they don't have to put this one down.

The sound of car honks drew Scott out of his musing as he blinked in confusion at the white luxurious car driving out of the Blackbird.


From the car seat was Emma waving at Scott, but he still couldn't understand what he was seeing.

'Why does she have that?'

Due to unforeseen circumstances, most of the available coinage scrunched up from Emma's as well as Xavier's companies had to go into the Institute maintenance; building constructions, adequate student facilities, extracurricular, and X-Men activities.

Considering the kind of children being taught and the nature of the Institute, it goes without saying that money had to be spent wisely and not on personal pleasure—this was what Emma and Scott had both agreed on.

So why is Emma driving a vehicle that is probably worth millions on the market?

Did Emma lie to him for something like this—

—is what Scott would have been thinking if it weren't for the fact that Logan had driven out on a nice ride of his own.

Now it wasn't much of an open secret that Emma and Logan had their few differences… Well, more like him and Logan with Emma being dragged into the middle of it.

So it was saying that Emma had given Logan that vehicle and the latter accepting it would be like saying that the sun is pink.

Meanwhile, Emma had packed the car and strutted toward Scott with a small smile.

Scott smiled lightly as the Telepath happily greeted him with a kiss.

"It seems someone had a fruitful outing."

"Fruitful?" Emma laughed. "Fruitful would be putting it lightly. Scott, we are dealing with a Mutant that can change everything for the better."

'Ugh, from where have I heard this again?' Scott scoffed in abject doubt.

But before a Telepath his thoughts were as clear as day.

Emma chidingly bopped Scott on the nose.

"Now-now, darling. You know I'm not someone who says things like this lightly. One of my numerous mottos is—"

"—seeing is believing." Scott interrupted, eliciting a playful eye roll from Emma. "So tell me, what did you see that made you say something like this?"

"Wonderful things, Scott." Emma sighed. "Things you can't even begin to comprehend…"

Scott tried to ignore how creepy that sounded and pushed on.

"Well, I suppose I've gotten the culprit for the new car, then."

The current leader of the X-Men heard sounds of discussion coming from the Blackbird as Kitty and an unassuming teenager strutted out from the jet.

Scott… Wasn't impressed.

"Is he the… One."

Words trailed to stop as Scott gaped at the sight of the lady who followed behind the unassuming boy.

With a shapely body crowned by the golden yellow hair that cascaded down like a lion's mane, the lady with brilliant fiery eyes turned to Scott and nodded once…

… Once was enough to emulate the feeling he had the day Jean had kissed him for the first time.

She was beautiful—a truth merely needed to be said once.

Nevertheless, that didn't stop Scott's mortification upon hearing Logan's laughter from the bunker.

'Jesus Christ! What the hell is wrong with me?!' Scott thought to himself in alarm—as he struggled not to even think about what his wife would think of him at the moment.

Emma sighed and bluntly said.

"That's technically a man, Scott."

"You're joking…"

An instant reply.

Kitty and the strange unassuming boy were sporting impish smiles, as the latter turned to lady who—now that Scott thought about it—followed him deferentially.

'There goes an hour of mind cleansing for the day.' Scott sighed.

"You should have seen your face." Kitty teased. "It's like you were an 18-year-old, hormonal teen."

Scott pinched the bridge of his nose as he foresaw this incident haunting him in the future.

"Kitty please, mercy."

Sighing, Scott turned to the two strangers, confused by who he should be greeting.

Thankfully, time and his hesitation had saved him from embarrassing himself.

"Adam Abrams."

The unassuming boy raised a hand.

"Nice to meet you, Scott."

Scott huffed at the familiarity, but a gesture from Kitty told him to go with it.

'I have SO MANY questions to ask.'

Taking the hand, Scott managed a smile and said.

"Scott Summers, nice to meet you, Adam."

Nevertheless, his first impressions were remarkable.