
Divine Rivalry: Sons Of Ascendance

Title: "Divine Rivalry: Sons of Ascendance" Outline: I. Introduction A. Setting the stage: A surreal, luminescent forest bathed in the soft glow of an otherworldly moon. B. Introducing the two main characters: Kuramoto, a determined young man in his early 20s with snow-white hair, and Higashi, a mischievous man in his mid-30s with chestnut brown hair. II. Character Introductions A. Kuramoto: 1. Description: Snow-white hair flowing to his waist, dressed in traditional samurai attire with a pristine white robe. 2. Personality: Determined and focused, with an unwavering sense of purpose. 3. Motivation: Seeking to fulfill his destiny as a warrior and protector of the forest. B. Higashi: 1. Description: Medium-length chestnut brown hair, wearing a dark hooded robe adorned with mysterious symbols. 2. Personality: Mischievous and playful, with a penchant for trickery and cunning. 3. Motivation: Drawn to the forest's secrets and mysteries, seeking to unravel its hidden truths. III. The Encounter A. Kuramoto's Determination: 1. Kuramoto stands tall amidst the ancient trees, his Katana sheathed by his side, ready for action. 2. He senses an intruder in the forest and prepares to confront them with unwavering resolve. B. Higashi's Mischief: 1. Higashi lounges on an ancient tree stump, a sly grin playing on his lips as he observes Kuramoto's approach. 2. He delights in the opportunity to play a trick on the unsuspecting warrior, eager to test his wit against Kuramoto's strength. IV. The Confrontation A. Clash of Personalities: 1. Kuramoto confronts Higashi, his determination unwavering in the face of Higashi's mischief. 2. Higashi taunts Kuramoto with cryptic riddles and illusions, testing the warrior's resolve. B. Unexpected Alliance: 1. Despite their differences, Kuramoto and Higashi find common ground amidst the chaos of the forest. 2. They join forces to unravel the mysteries of the forest, each bringing their unique strengths to the table. V. Unraveling the Mysteries A. Journey into the Unknown: 1. Kuramoto and Higashi embark on a journey deep into the heart of the forest, braving its hidden dangers and challenges. 2. Along the way, they uncover ancient secrets and long-forgotten legends, piecing together the truth of their intertwined destinies. B. Bonds of Friendship: 1. Through their shared adventures and trials, Kuramoto and Higashi forge a deep bond of friendship and mutual respect. 2. They come to realize that their differences are what make them strong, and that together, they can overcome any obstacle. VI. Resolution A. A New Dawn: 1. As the sun rises over the horizon, casting its golden light upon the forest, Kuramoto and Higashi emerge victorious. 2. They stand together, united in purpose and friendship, ready to face whatever challenges the future may hold. B. The Journey Continues: 1. With their newfound bond as allies and companions, Kuramoto and Higashi set off on new adventures, eager to explore the wonders of the world beyond the forest. 2. Theirs is a journey filled with mystery, magic, and the enduring power of friendship. "Divine Rivalry: Sons of Ascendance" is an epic tale of two unlikely allies brought together by fate and bound by destiny. In a world where light and darkness coexist in perfect harmony, Kuramoto and Higashi's journey is a testament to the strength of friendship and the power of unity in the face of adversity.

Hyumino_ig · 奇幻
59 Chs

He, The one who ascends.

Recap: Kuramoto meets the sword saint Jin who then challenges Kuramoto to a duel of life and death.

"Well well, arent you afraid of what will happen if you and your team lose?" Asked Jin.

"You should be scared instead." He answered.

"I love your confidence, You bluff a lot, but youre just bark but no bite." Replied Jin.

"We will see soon that who will run with his tail between his legs." He added.

"Probably you though, Couldnt be me." Giggled Kuramoto with his hand on his abdominal muscles.

"You annoy me." Said Jin, He takes out a scroll with green outlines and brown sticks sticking out of it as he places it and holds it with his teeth.

"Connect To Archive! Winds of the swallow!" He said holding two of his fingers infront of the scroll like a ninja.

"What are you? A ninja? You are supposed to be a swordsman though." Said Kuramoto.

"Does it matter who I am? As long as I beat you, that is enough." Replied Jin as he launched 4 tornados as tall as a tall pine tree revolving around him.

"You plan to attack me stealthily, dont you? I expected better from a sword saint on the verge of breaking through, guess Im disappointed huh?" Said Kuramoto as he looked around himself with Jin nowhere to be seen.

"Oh well, If only you were strong enough to make me use Kuroka."

The wind stopped and on his left side, appeared Jin with his straight bladed sword like a ninja.

"Caught you!" He said as he tried to behead Kuramoto with his sword.

"No you did not." Replied Kuramoto as he looked at him, his eyes turned black with a menacing aura around him.

"Wh-!?" Jin moved back away from Kuramoto.

"It wasnt Kuramoto who would have attacked me, but... It would be something else..."

"Oh sorry, I have to kill a sword god too, so dont mind my intrusion!" Came a voice from within the dense forest.

As soon as everyone's attention went to it, A sharp piece of iron like a needle shape was shot at Jin.

Just in case, he saw it beforehand and grabbed the needle with two of his fingers.

"Huh? Another intruder? Master! Come down! Quick! There is too many of them!" He yelled, but no voice could be heard since the needle throwing man had already inserted needles coated with poison in his neck, hence assassinating him.

"Master! Master? Master!?" Jin disappeared as he quickly ran up the mountain to check up on his old master.

"Master!? Wake up!?" He slapped him to see if he would react, but like he expected, there was absolutely no reaction.

"Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Who did this to him!?"

A strong burst of energy levels occured inside him, this was the turning point of his life.

The stepping stone for his inability to break through was his emotions.

"Enemy upgraded, level 1000, Sword God, Ranked 1 in sword god history." Popped up on Kuramoto's system notification.

"What..?" He said.

Jin, now capable of summoning a fire pheonix from the 'Ring of Fire from hell.'

"Oi, Jin? Mate you okay?" Asked Kuramoto as he teleported beside him.

Jin looked at him as tears rolled down his eyes, the pain and guilt of leaving a person that was as close as family had hurt him in his deepest parts of his heart.

With deep hate and anguish for this unknown killer, He started floating up in the air.

"Woah, I need wings to do that in this game, its possible to fly without wings? Damn."

Jin ascended to the sword god as his appearance changed, pure white clothes with red flowery patterns on the pants, the pants and the upper portion clothes were a bif oversized so that Jin could fight easier without limiting himself.

"So this is the sword god level...? His level changed even more, it is changing by every second passing." He said, after a while, the leveling stopped, now, he was at level 2000.

"Still not close to me, thought you will be stronger..." He added.

Jin, looked at the exact direction of the killer as he used his hands to imitate an act of him using his sword to cut through an object in half.

Just through an imitation, a large slash through air launching Kuramoto's teammates far away with just its devastating force.

The unknown man with his outfit's hood on was revealed.

It was Jin's brother, His twin brother who left him to train with his master.

"But.. Brother? Why would you do that..?" He asked.

"Brother, I had no choice, I had been always watching you, the reason I killed him and tried to kill you is... I had no choice, I was framed, My body is being controlled by a Iriad Centipede." His brother answered.

"Iriad Centipede!? "Exclaimed Yuna as she looked at him with a shocked expression.

"Those exist just in my clan! They can never be revealed to outsiders! I have to talk this through with my father as soon as possible!" She said

"Your clan...? So, That is why my brother tried to kill me and assassinated my master..? So that was your fault!?" He replied to her.

She covers her mouth, "No, it isnt her fault, that is not her doings, She is a kind and sweet girl! Someone else from the clan must have did it!" Said Usagi as she defended her while she started covering herself behind her back.

"Trying to defend your friend? I see.. Then! YOU BOTH SHALL DIE TODAY!" Said Jin as he rushed towards them mid air with a high speed.

"Here we go again..." Said Kuramoto as he teleported infront of them with his hands crossed as a sign of domination.

Jin stopped, as he could now sense the power levels of his enemy.

"Hah! I was just kidding! I hate you! I will kill you now!!" His brother rushed as soon as he saw the opportunity to do so.

well, I tried.... bad chapter XD

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