

Consciously or subconsciously, life is a force that drags us in, deep into dimensions. We are married from birth to our purpose in life in one way or the other even without knowing, but faith in God will bring us face to face with this reality. Even if we do whatever to run away from this reality, it will somehow find us and drag us into aligning to who we truly are beyond the knowledge impressed us by the mind rebranding system in the form of secular and religious education, and we now think, we are what they told us we are. This is the reason for misplacement of our true identity in God and that is why we often struggle for recognition instead of staying to whom God has created us to be. You are uniquely unique, independent, but dependent on your programmer, who is a higher force beyond the confines of your thought grasp. Journey into the deep! I grew up to know myself as an alien in this world of some certain happenings around my life, which gave me a course of concern. It seems as if I think differently and see things from a different dimension and I could not just understand why then, while I was growing as a child, but now I know and understand better. This book is spirit breathed revealing a journey into great awareness, pointing to the realization of self beyond self-designed ideologies. A lot of things that was happening in my life while I was advancing from the cradle that I could not just explain, because it was my days of ignorance, evolving into the more complex world that threw me into chaotic state of thoughts, not knowing exactly what to hinge on as reality. There were things that kept recurring and calling my attention deeper and these things were never letting me be. One of the notable experiences I had, that I will never forget, was the experience of recurring convulsion that almost ruined my life. God can never let you be when you have His Divine seal, you are not your own, you are His very own, the earlier you know this, the sweeter will life become for you, and the swifter things will answer to you and work in your favor even when it seems working against others. This is why He cannot leave, nor forsake you, because you are His project program #Reality reached from my personal experience#. discord link:https://discord.gg/JQCAZ3

Patty_Egah_Ikwue · 现实
85 Chs


It was on 9 June 2016, between 3.30 a.m. or there about, after I had woken up from a dream, which was always recurring. I was a little bit worried because this has been happening and I have not been able to make any sense of it, but while I was trying to figure out why this particular dream kept recurring repeatedly with the feeling of missing an exam in my Secondary School. I could not just control the surging catharsis, as my thoughts were overcrowded and the emotions kept surging hysterically. It was as I took a stimulant that is now stimulating my thoughts, because of the thought of the dream. The thought of the dream was stickered in my heart like thick- stick – tick pulsating my heartbeats, with a moment of thrust that wows me yonder. It was from yonder, I started catching impulses of waves that slaps my face without a sign of wave and the sound were very clear in the heart of my heart. The sounds in the heart of my heart came in the form of inspiration and drip through my pen and instantly started occupying the ground on my writing pad. What I felt deep down, could not at all find expressions in words. I will not bug you with the detail of the dream, but will open up the portal to connect the bearing to where I am going with the point I am trying to communicate to you. The inspiration of this book is to those whom God has ordained that this revelation will make sense to them, even as they receives it in faith. In this, book; I will also connect you to the revelation I saw.

In my dream, I have often seen myself in St Francis College Otukpo, Benue State, which was the Secondary School I graduated, 2003. It will not be right to say, "My secondary school, because I did not own the school, but went through the school". With a clear sense, even in the dream state of mind, I knew that I have already rounded up my University program, but missed to write an exam in my Secondary School that I must have to return back to write. Particularly the subject as in the dream was mathematics and to my greatest amazed, that was what I read as a course in my undergraduate program in the Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi.

In this particular dream, in this particular recurrence, I saw so many notable things that stuck to my memory, but the previous I have always had, I don't often recall each time I wakes up to the light of the physical world where I am bodily present, but the my thought seems to be formless. In the dream, I saw myself walked through SSS 3b, recognized some faces, and found myself in my classroom, which was SSS 3c. By SSS, I mean, Senior Secondary School. I knew I had been away from school for a very long time and my desk was missing from its position. My desk is usually behind one of my classmate's desk, whose name is Henry Ojobo, but I noticed, it was no longer in that position. Therefore, I got greeting my classmates. The notable faces I was able recognize while I was greeting, was Ojobo, Samuel Ugwu, Samuel Musa, Itodo ogwuche, Jeremiah Otokpa, and some other faces I recognized while in the dream, but cannot right now as I had this written. I also noticed something strange when I was greeting my classmates and what I noticed, was an anomaly of female students in our class. Deep down inside of me I still have fresh in my memory that my school was not a mixed school, so this made me felt more catharsis when I woke up, but in the dream, I was not really amazed about this, I just felt maybe there must have been changes while I was away for my University education. However, come to think of it, why should still return to write an exam in secondary school when I am already done with my University? The answer to this question was what spurred up this inspiration. I also saw in front of the classroom some women sitting down on benches, about three rows, and they were breast-feeding their babies. Hmmm! This really amazed me, because I could not figure out why nursing mothers would be in the same class with us in all male school, but my mind was still focused on writing the exam that I missed, because, that was my major concern, not all of the strange things I was seeing in the classroom in that dream. I noticed my desk was no longer in position, and I knew in the dream that it was supposed to be right behind Ojobo's, mediating between Ojobo's and Samuel Ugwu's desk. I decided to walk straight to Ojobo to enquire of him, if he by any means saw my desk, but his response was not pleasant and welcoming at all, so, I left him and got searching. It was as if Samuel Ugwu told me that, my desk was with Itodo Ogwuche, who had his desk at the last row in the classroom. Itodo's desk was not aligning with the pattern in which other desks in the classroom was. Actually, the entire classroom was totally disorganized, but my concern was to get my seat, sit down and wait for my exam, since I have only come with the intention of taking the exam I missed, as in my dream.

Therefore, I caught up with Itodo Ogwuche, and enquire of him, asking if he knows the where about of my desk and he pointed me to what was supposed to my desk, but the seat was no longer on it. I opened the locker to check what was inside and found out that it was my desk, because I had a sign inscribed on it. I had to take out some old worn out bags from it, there were about three in the locker and I decided to position it close to the door. By my side, was a window with no one closer me, but still my desk was without a seater.

Immediately I woke up from the dream, I became very worried because I was astonished, as I kept wondering why this dream kept recurring repeatedly with same feelings of missing an exam that I must have to rewrite.

While I was still pondering, I wrote this!

"Marriage is a school, until you prepare your desk, you can never settle down to make progress. In addition, there can never be progress without passing the exams of every stage that has phases that you must face not in the strength of your wisdom, but in the sufficiency of God's grace

And no matter your progress, you will definitely come back to write the exams you have missed, because that is where alignment takes place for understanding to thrive, even in relationship."

Could this be what God was trying to point to me? It may and may not! That was my conclusion, but that inspiration just came while I was pondering.

After some minutes of pondering, I left my room to ease myself in the toilet, after which I had to wash my hands and face thoroughly as in my usual hygienic culture. Immediately, I left the toilet and stepped into my parlor, I saw my wall clock that has a nightglow and it was glowing because there was no form of light in the parlor, so it became. A very strong impression was made in my heart, while I walked passed my parlor, but I could not place or explain what that could be. I was all alone, no one to talk to as a bachelor, so I got into my room, sat down on my bed to ponder over this, me and my mind alone, because I could feel my mind separate from my thoughts that is never stable, always wondering. So while I was meditating in my usual way, sitting down on my bed without a frame, on tiled ground on the corner of my room in Gwarandok, my mind was framing something out of the dream and I saw pictures aligning. The moment I sat down on my bed, I drank little of the anointing oil that my then fiancée, but now my wife Mariah gave me. I met her in Shepherd House Assembly, when my then boss Mr. Brian Etuk of Nigerian Film Corporation, Jos, invited me to minister in song in his church. I drank the anointing oil, because I felt led to, and I applied portion of it on my face. Something happened immediately I closed my eyes to meditate, and what happened was that, up in gross darkness, I saw myself. This was not the darkness as in my room because of the absence of light, something strange was happening. In gross darkness, I saw myself and could not understand why, though there was no light, but this one is not the usual darkness, I reiterate. I now had the thought of my shiny glowing wall clock, which I saw brief minute before I got into my room. Immediately, right in that gross darkness, I saw a tiny shiny glowing object that looked like cross from a distance beyond my thoughts, I knew it was…. The moment I discovered, it was not my glowing wall clock, I was caught up into a stream of revelation, it was very brief and swift, but deep. In less than two minutes what happened was mind blowing, I do not know the right word to use, but I think the word that may probably explain the experience is harpoza in Hebrew translated as rapture. When I came back to consciousness, I wrote these words down in my usual culture of writing when things like this happens, since I keep having experiences that will always spur inspiration in me.

"You need to travel with the speed of light in the light to go through gross darkness in this dark world in order to access the Cross that will cross you over to His glory"

We are in the era of the dimension of God's power and glory, so by inspiration, even as I was being led, I started writing my revelation and when I was writing, my eyes was opened to seeing things mouth could not utter, even while writing. The things I saw will make up the succeeding chapters of this book. It took me, just a day to write all the contents of this book and in reality, normally if I were to assume the period, it would have taken me to complete this book, I would suggest, three to four years, that is after doing a vivid research and reading books pertaining the subject matter. However, in my usual way, I depended on the breath of God in the heart of my heart and it was swift, brief but unimaginably much if we are to consider the period of writing the reality that has become what you are reading in words.

My right thumb that I used in holding the pen became completely numb and I did not even know the pen I was using to write was already completely used up. I had to decide to start using a red pen to continue…

You may not want to believe that there is a force controlling every of your affair, but there are somethings that you wish it did not happened and it did happened, because you have no control over them, do you mean things just happen by chances?

God is really, and indeed great and I celebrate His greatness by resting my heart in the assurance of His Word.

Let us begin another journey!

In my revelation, I saw!

I saw something strange, even when I could not see anything in the dark of the room, this was because the darkness was so gross, I mean, grossly dark and that there was no sense of light at all in my room, the only light was the direction in my mind. I thought in my heart aloud as questions kept creeping in as, beginning with, if, the earth was void and formless, could this be the kind of darkness stated in Genesis chapter one verse two? Still in my thought I asked, the earth was void and formless, then, why was the heavens not said to be in same state that the earth was stated to be? Therefore, I concluded that the cause for the void and formlessness might be the darkness what darkness as an evident, which is originally the absence of light, meaning light was withdrawn from something that bores the light.

Are you thinking what I am thinking?

Immediately this knowledge was born in my heart, the gross darkness started advancing toward me like a monster covering every ground, leaving no ground to define a figure, with the intention to disfigure my thought and I realized how, thoughts are being configured from dimensions beyond human knowledge. As if hell was let loose to chase after me and I was running, not with my legs, I only knew that I was flying and the flight was in the speed of light, and this was when I became conscious of the tiny shiny glowing cross I saw from a distance beyond my imagination.

The tiny shiny glowing cross became my only point of knowledge and the focus light in my eyes that my mind was following as direction to understand that I was actually advancing forward in the spirit of light, therefore, my eyes could not lose focus on it at all. My eyes fixed on the tiny shiny glowing cross and my eyes seemed trapped in this gross darkness, travelling, but with the speed of light, in the light of the cross, hmmm!

What an experience!

In my mind, I was thinking loud, where would this lead?

The little appearance of this tiny shiny glowing cross did something to my psyche that words cannot explain. I realized that my thoughts became actively active even as my understanding became completely illuminated, as I exodus with light.

I realize the problem of our world today may seem very big a gigantic unsurmountable monster, but not as it is presented big, it is only but a tiny bug, a current thought in the heart called self, driven as the manifestation of flesh. Can you find self in flesh?

The cross is the only way

Light is the only language that cannot be distorted as ordained

Love is the only message that cannot be adulterated, as we cannot love except out of the abundance of the understanding that God first love us (1 John 4: 19).

Peace is the only gospel, you can preach it all, the words from Genesis to Revelation, from Garden of Eden, out and back, if it does not end in peace, it is not the gospel, but you must understand what this peace means.

This means, every other light ends as darkness and so with every other message, will certainly end as anti-the truth of God, no matter how truthful it may sound and this is what most Christians do not want to hear when it comes to the philosophies of their god-father.

Every other gospel is sure a strange gospel if what it leaves in the heart is not peace, even when you are oppressed and persecuted for preaching the truth. You need to know that in the time that we are in, truth may be the strangest gospel.

I was travelling and at the same time thinking, as a Christian and that limits my journey, until I started thinking beyond. We do not have to remain what we think we are, but must press forward even as we travel with the light to be able to reach the cross, which is the way that crosses us over into the glory of the Father's love, wherein there is no darkness at all. In this dimension, when you look back all you will see is only but the glory of the magnified cross and the radiance emanating from the way which ushers the faithful in, and prevents darkness access so that the glory of the Father's love will not be thwarted. It sounds like the glory of the Father's love is His thought! I mean the thought of God, hmmm! While I was still travelling in the speed of light, these were my thought and I had to write it down, as in the above.

A lot of us do not even know where we are going and that is why, if being asked a general question, it will amaze you what you will get as answers, even from the so-called ministers of the gospel. Just take your time and ask some people this question, especially those who claim to be Christians, "where are you going from here when you leave this world?" They will tell you, it is heaven. Therefore, most Christians are going to heaven, just like that, sounds interestingly cool. Is heaven a clamor of a fun fare reality? Well, may be to you, that is indeed a very good answer, but do you really know the heaven you are talking of? Most of us do not have an idea what heaven is.

The revelation of my encounter gave me a minutely minute fragment of the atomized atomic reality of the glimpse of heaven, but did not take me in, because it is in me as a present. Therefore, I do not need to enter in, but to remain in what is already in me as He is in, I must also stay and not stray out. The reality I caught feel enough for me, because the capacity of my grasp is limitedly limited. What I saw, if I can only drag you in for a second, you will desire never to want to leave that atmosphere, as you start a fresh journey like the one I started from the point of gross darkness into the WAY,. The WAY is the cross that crosses me into the dimension of the glory of the Father's love, you have traveled far in Him to have a glimpse of heaven, because heaven is in Him, so do not look back. I said a glimpse of heaven.

Heaven is for the pure in heart, it cannot admit you in when your thought is still likely to think in low state of narrow mindedness. You cannot enter heaven when you are still thinking, because thoughts are our greatest limitation and our thoughts can never ever be good for heaven. You must purge your thought and possess God's thought, by absolutely trusting Him.

Therefore, the reality of heaven is your trust in God becoming your thought, Hmmm!

We are getting there…!

Let us get a little bit deeper!

There is a thin between our true nature in God and distorted and the line is the separation of light from darkness.

Patty_Egah_Ikwuecreators' thoughts