

Ubiq, one of the trade hubs of Centaurus Duchy, a bustling city that screamed riches, prosperity, and a heaven on earth.

The bright half of Ubiq was glowing like a diamond under sunlight.

Varian was blown away by the dazzling beauty of this half. The floating oblique buildings, the glowing roads, the ever-busy streets, gorgeous flying vehicles, teleportation stops from one district to another and the insane variety of greenery growing everywhere.

But what struck him more was the other side. The side that didn't glow and was filled with congested housing, narrow streets, terrible atmosphere, a nasty crowd, a nastier crime scape, and horrible living standards.

As he walked through the dark side of Ubiq, he saw hordes of people on either side of the streets, standing, squatting, leaning, lying, all frozen in their position.

They were almost like zombies, except that they could breathe.