
Sucks to be you!





Dozens and dozens of lightning bolts exploded in the air. It was as if the heavens were punishing the mortals. 

'This much danger is expected.' In midair, amidst the life-threatening attacks, Varian was unexpectedly calm. 

He had his reasons.

He was in danger since he held the ambrosia. Once he let go of it, he'd be out of danger. 

Varian knew it but didn't want to do it.

If he gave it up, wouldn't his purpose for the trip be wasted?

'Injure as many boss monsters as possible, get as strong as possible. All before the Abyssals enter.' He took a deep breath and prepared to land.


As he was about to land on the ground, the bundles of lightning bolts shot at him at a great speed. 

The good news was that all the magic beasts were injured. Even the least injured had a significant drop in their combat power.