
Song of Calamity

Dum! Dum! Dum!

The Jai Empire rumbled. 

"Are rank 2s fighting?" Eshala muttered with a confused expression.

"There are no traces of aura explosions." Varian said and expanded his perception with a solemn expression. 

It'd have been fine if he didn't do it. But when he sensed what's actually happening, his heart sank and he nearly yelled in shock.

The curvature of space-time in Jai Empire began to shake, as if it was beaten by a drum stick. 

Dum! Dum! Dum!

The space-time curvature which held an entire galaxy began to sway to the whims of something. 

Something didn't even appear.


From outer space to inner space, from inner space to core space, everything began to shake. 

Independent spaces turned unstable. 

Alternate time fields went shaky. 

Blackholes' gravity faltered.


The whole of space-time was thrown into a turmoil.