
Slowly Pulled Into The Trap

When Oleg reached the location sent by his spies, the rest of them also gathered there. Through some basic probing, they felt a space membrane in the nearby space.

"Go in!"  Oleg ordered.

A rank 4 prisoner activated his gravity power and the space around him began to twist.

A second later, the entrance to what most humans would recognize as a secret realm appeared. Without hesitation, the rank 4 prisoner stepped inside. Nine more rank 4s rushed after him.

The first thing they noticed was the anceint buildings of this place.

Secret realms were left overs from the devas. Of course, they were ancient. While most humans weren't able to tell how special they were, Zions were different.

"Boss, this is a place where powerful celestial rankers once lived!" A prisoner exclaimed.

The rank 6 scout following the ten prisoners nodded slightly and said. "Continue."