
Battle At The Ends Of Galaxy

Varian scrutinized the unicorn statues with a deep frown. They reacted fiercely to all his powers, including space and time.

Every time Varian tried to break in, the unicorn's eyes would move slightly and the red orbs would fly out, intending to finish him off.

They were blackholes of vitality. Even with all his power, he had no way of neutralizing them.

"Wait a minute…" Varian's eyes shone with a glint and he waved his palm.

A small sphere of ethereal white color flew to the red orb.

"The order is reversed. Instead of absorbing vitality, you'll give it out." Varian willed and the sphere enveloped the orb.

The orb shook violently and leaked a bit of vitality before the white sphere collapsed and things returned to normal.

"Damn." Varian hissed and wondered if he was trying something impossible.

But nope. Order and Chaos were fundamental powers holding up the cosmos.